Mysticism from A to Z. A clear introduction to the deepest and most complex spiritual issues. NGO-MA
is a rational worldview, of the first level – when we strongly believe in causes and effects and carry out some kind of functioning in the mode of these cause-and-effect relationships. We try to figure out them out in order to avoid mistakes, to calculate what exactly leads or does not lead to this or that consequences, to build some logical chains. And this is how we function this way, but at some point we begin to notice that cause-and-effect relationships fail. Of course, if you throw an object a hundred thousand times and then it falls on the ground a hundred thousand times afterwards then certain regularities could be derived from this simple fact. They are not laws, they are regularities, because they work within a certain “dimension”, within a limited space-time continuum where this particular law functions. This is how the whole science works, all its discoveries, all science laws – are essentially regularities, because there is not any single law that could function in any “dimension” on the same level of objectivity since it is always tied to some certain conditional boundaries. You know what boundaries mean, because only within a certain limited continuum measurements can be taken, neglecting the influence of other forces. This neglect of some factors is always present in any scientific event, which is called an “experiment.” There are always some limiting factors that are taken into consideration, and there are some that are not admitted, and there is always some conditional boundary of the experiment, where the rest of the factors can be neglected. This is how certain regularities are derived that confirm the cause-and-effect relationship. This is a rational level and we become rational people when we rely on it, our thinking develops, we calculate various connections and observe that many of them take place in a certain space-time continuum.
The next type of rational worldview is the awareness that the number of mutual impacts is infinite. In fact, it is a postulate that “everything affects everything”, this also includes “string theory”, and so a person begins to expand his narrow boundaries a little and realize that the world of mutual impacts is infinite. It is impossible to calculate all the factors; we can only talk about the dominant influence of one of them. For example, we do not consider the influence of all planets on the Earth, but we feel the strong influence of the Sun and the Moon, but it is clear that all other planets and stars also affect the Earth, the Earth also affects them, and all this is – one huge cosmic system and there is not a single star that would not be influenced by all the others. Mutual impacts or interferences are innumerable and endless and “everything affects everything”. This scientific understanding has already been an approach to the border of the mystical worldview.
Therefore, we can say that science is closer to mysticism than myths, fairy tales, epics and other stories that we often take as mysticism and spirituality. In fact, this is a childish worldview. As a result, many scientists like Einstein and other scientific luminaries, for example, Niels Bohr, met and conversed with mystics: they wrote about their conversations with Jiddu Krishnamurti. In this way you can understand the desire of psychologist Carl Jung to meet with Ramana Maharshi and so on. All the leading scientific minds sooner or later realize the manifested conditionality of the discipline being studied and they wanted to come in touch with a truly genuine mystical model.
Next, we are going to consider a couple of such models. The first model is the simultaneity of the whole creation. It is a very common non-duality worldview, which says that creation happened simultaneously, at once and only its recognition is a linear process. That which is created at once and simultaneously is only perceived and described by us linearly. It means that there is a gap between the whole creation and its perception. Our perception is discrete, partial, limited, the description is linear, but creation itself is one-time, simultaneous, all-embracing and total. It is a very deep mystical view that means going beyond the linear time. I think I will soon write the chapter “The seven kinds of time”, where we will dwell into the concept of “time” and how we consider it in our Free Away teaching in more detail, but today our topic is the topic of worldviews.
Furthermore, there exists such a world view named – Maya-vada, which is considered to be a deep mystical view. According to it, the world seems to us as a kind of illusion that has arisen against the background of something stable, eternal, real, and hence there has appeared this world view of the illusory nature of the creation. If in the first mystical view, we have a view of a one-time simultaneous creation, and it is not questioned, then in the second mystical view everything, the whole world is just manifested and it is illusory, but this illusory is related to a certain reality.
And the final the most powerful view of mysticism is uncreatedness, which asserts that there was no creation at all. It is impossible to explain this, because this is the top of the views of the mystical school. In India it is called Ajata-vada, where vada means a viewpoint or worldview. Ramana Maharshi singled it out as the highest view of non-creation. In fact, it correlates with the knowledge of the Fruit of mystical teachings, and those who recognized the Fruit, those who are in a natural state, can claim that this worldview is correct, although, of course, it is only descriptions. So, we have gone through all the basic worldviews: supra-rational, rational and pre-rational.
Now I will focus on the problem that is faced by seekers. Do not be offended if it will be a very painful revelation for some of you. It lies in the fact that magical and mythical thinking are very ancient and powerful, the consciousness is very strongly captured by them. These childish worldviews do not let us go that easily, especially if we have not played enough with it in the corresponding period of our growing up. It holds us back and, therefore, the rational thinking imposed on us, seems to us dry, rational and lifeless with its causal relationship, with the study of physics and chemistry, how everything works, how everything really exists, how and what follows each other, what is possible, what is not. Only a few go to rational thinking consciously, so most often we feel trapped in these rational frameworks, in these physical laws, in these causal relationships, and we want something “tasty”, some kind of mystery, something unusual… And many seekers, let go of rational thinking and descend back to the pre-rational level and become esoteric. They imagine something here, some “siddhis”, some miracles, and they just dive into this childish worldview, and this is quite usual. Their consciousness is not ready yet to come to a rational outlook, to a rational picture of the world, and therefore many confuse the pre-rational viewpoint with the supra-rational viewpoint. Many seekers often believe that they have already passed to the supra-rational, but in fact they have sunk deeply into the pre-rational, and begun telling each other fairy tales, start chasing some “siddhis” and miracles, begin telling stories that they have not seen themselves, but they have supposedly been seen by their friends, and all this is very well supported by our “imaginarium.” These stories are precisely its fuel.
Everything that is pre-rational is supported by the mind that is responsible for imagination and fantasies, and since it is a creative mind, it can invent a lot of things that are not supported in our physical reality, in our direct experience. This way now I’m connecting the types of worldviews with the four types of thinking that I have described in the first chapter.
The fact that it happens is not a big problem, because sooner or later you have to realize that you have come back to the pre-rational level and you still need to return to the rational level first, but this time you should return already with opened eyes and not like in childhood, when all your favorite toys have just been taken away. By the way the virtual world is pre-rational in all means, it is a fictional world however even if practically does not rely on any physical reality, so it is also a return to the pre-rational level, to games, to childhood, to aliens and other fantasies. It doesn’t matter if aliens exist or not. I just want you to figure it out: it doesn’t matter at all in this case. It is important that they do not exist in your direct experience, in the Moment of Now. Well, they could exist, but what happens when you imagine? You think that someone comes from Sirius, or someone is from another constellation, from past lives, from other planets – they all could exist… But now you are engaged in the imagination, in the fantasy, you are cut off from the present, from current direct experience. So, when you lose this support, it is very difficult for you to return to sobriety. You