Your Personal Horoscope 2014: Month-by-month forecasts for every sign. Joseph Polansky
one lover, and they expect that lover to reciprocate this fidelity. When this doesn’t happen, their whole world comes crashing down. When they are in love Taurus people are loyal, but they are also very possessive. They are capable of great fits of jealousy if they are hurt in love.
Taurus is satisfied with the simple things in a relationship. If you are involved romantically with a Taurus there is no need for lavish entertainments and constant courtship. Give them enough love, food and comfortable shelter and they will be quite content to stay home and enjoy your company. They will be loyal to you for life. Make a Taurus feel comfortable and – above all – secure in the relationship, and you will rarely have a problem.
In love, Taurus can sometimes make the mistake of trying to control their partners, which can cause great pain on both sides. The reasoning behind their actions is basically simple: Taurus people feel a sense of ownership over their partners and will want to make changes that will increase their own general comfort and security. This attitude is OK when it comes to inanimate, material things – but is dangerous when applied to people. Taurus needs to be careful and attentive to this possible trait within themselves.
Home and Domestic Life
Home and family are vitally important to Taurus. They like children. They also like a comfortable and perhaps glamorous home – something they can show off. They tend to buy heavy, ponderous furniture – usually of the best quality. This is because Taurus likes a feeling of substance in their environment. Their house is not only their home but their place of creativity and entertainment. The Taurus’ home tends to be truly their castle. If they could choose, Taurus people would prefer living in the countryside to being city-dwellers. If they cannot do so during their working lives, many Taurus individuals like to holiday in or even retire to the country, away from the city and closer to the land.
At home a Taurus is like a country squire – lord (or lady) of the manor. They love to entertain lavishly, to make others feel secure in their home and to encourage others to derive the same sense of satisfaction as they do from it. If you are invited for dinner at the home of a Taurus you can expect the best food and best entertainment. Be prepared for a tour of the house and expect to see your Taurus friend exhibit a lot of pride and satisfaction in his or her possessions.
Taurus people like children but they are usually strict with them. The reason for this is they tend to treat their children – as they do most things in life – as their possessions. The positive side to this is that their children will be well cared for and well supervised. They will get every material thing they need to grow up properly. On the down side, Taurus can get too repressive with their children. If a child dares to upset the daily routine – which Taurus loves to follow – he or she will have a problem with a Taurus parent.
Horoscope for 2014
Major Trends
The past few years have been prosperous ones, and now you seem at a place of satiation. The fruits of wealth and prosperity are free time – time for mental and intellectual development and for spiritual growth. This is happening in the year ahead. The opportunities are there but it is up to you to take them.
The love and social life have been marred by instability and stress. Love relationships – and even business partnerships – have been severely tested. This trend continues in the year ahead, but by now, though, you are probably handling it better. More on this later.
Taurus is a down-to-earth, practical sign. Their spirituality tends to be of the ‘earth’ – practical. Spirituality means being a good provider to your family, being a good husband or wife, a good parent, etc. But now that Uranus is in your 12th house for many years to come we see an expansion of the spiritual life. Spirituality is good for its own sake, regardless of its practical consequences. Spiritual attitudes and practices are undergoing major and dramatic change. And with Neptune now in your 11th house of friends you are attracting more spiritual-type friends, and this is a factor here too.
Pluto, the planet of transformation and renewal, has been in your 9th house of religion, philosophy and higher education for some years now and will be there for many more years. Thus your religious and philosophical beliefs – your world view – is getting detoxed and purified. This is part and parcel of the spiritual growth that we are seeing. Letting go – or even modifying – deeply held beliefs is not easy. Sometimes dramatic methods must be used and the Cosmos is supplying whatever it takes.
Your most important interests in the year ahead – and you have many – are communication and intellectual interests (until July 16); home and family (from July 16 onwards); health (until July 26); love, romance and social activities; religion, philosophy, higher education and foreign travel; friends, groups and group activities; and spirituality.
Your paths of greatest fulfilment in the year ahead are communication and intellectual interests (until July 16); home and family (from July 16 onwards); and health and work (until July 26).
(Please note that this is an astrological perspective on health and not a medical one. In days of yore there was no difference, both of these perspectives were identical. But in these times there could be quite a difference. For a medical perspective, please consult your doctor or health practitioner.)
Your 6th house of health is strong this year until July 26, so health is an important focus. This I consider a positive for your health. You are not likely to allow little things to develop into big things. You are willing to put in the time and effort needed to maintain good health.
Your health is basically good, but it does need watching. The main problem (and you had this last year too) is Saturn’s stressful alignment with your Sun. This year, Jupiter also comes into stressful alignment with you after July 16. These things of themselves are not enough to cause disease, but they do affect your overall energy. If you allow yourself to get overtired the spiritual immune system – the auric field – weakens and you become vulnerable to all sorts of ‘invasions’. Also, spiritually speaking, we see the body as ‘a dynamic energy system’ and not just a ‘thing’ or ‘chemical factory’. It obeys the laws of energy. When the energy field changes – for good or ill – there are corresponding changes in the body.
Jupiter and Saturn by themselves are not enough to cause disease. But there will be periods in the year when the short-term planets ‘gang up’ with them and these are the times to be especially careful – make sure you get a lot of rest. This year these periods will be from January 20 to February 18; July 23 to August 23; and October 23 to November 21.
Health can be enhanced by giving more attention to the following areas: the heart (avoid worry and anxiety, the spiritual root causes of heart problems); the kidneys and hips (the hips should be regularly massaged); the head, face and scalp (this is important until July 26 and regular scalp and face massage will be very powerful during this period); the neck and throat (always a vulnerable area for Taurus, regular neck massage is always beneficial and should be a part of your health regime as tension tends to collect in the neck and needs to be released); and the adrenals (avoid fear and anger, the emotions that are the root causes of adrenal problems). The reflexes to these areas are shown in the chart.
Mars spends an unusual amount of time in your 6th house – almost seven months. (His usual transit is a month and a half to two months.) Thus the muscles need to be ‘toned’ and in shape. If a muscle weakens, the spine and skeletal alignment goes out of whack and other problems develop from that. Regular physical exercise seems important until July 26.
With Venus as your health planet love issues play a role in health. If there are problems or discord in the marriage or the current relationship, or with friends, physical health can be affected. This area has been stressed for the past few years and is no doubt a factor in any physical problems. The solution: restore harmony as quickly as possible.
Venus is a fast-moving planet.