Your Personal Horoscope 2014: Month-by-month forecasts for every sign. Joseph Polansky
are many short-term trends in health that are best dealt with in the monthly reports.
Home and Family
Your 4th house of home and family will become powerful from July 16 onwards, as Jupiter moves into it and stays there for the rest of the year. This is a wonderful transit and bodes well for happiness in this area of life this year.
Often this transit indicates a move – a happy move – to larger and more expansive quarters. But as our regular readers know by now, it is not always a literal move that happens. Often people buy additional homes or expand and enlarge the present one. Or they buy expensive items for the home, which makes things more comfortable and satisfying. The effect is ‘as if’ they have moved.
Jupiter in the 4th house is a great career aspect for your spouse, partner or current love. There is success for them this year, and happy career opportunities.
Jupiter in this aspect also indicates good family support, financially and in other ways. It shows that the family circle will expand in the coming year. Generally this happens through birth or marriage, but not always. Often one meets people who are ‘like’ family – who play that kind of a role in your life. Often these people are more supportive than even your biological family.
Psychological growth in the year ahead is also indicated by Jupiter’s transit through the 4th house. Your understanding of your personal moods and the moods of others is enlarged. Those of you involved in therapy, either as patient or practitioner, should have good experiences here.
Taurus people of childbearing age start to become more fertile than usual under this transit. And this transit indicates the prosperity of the family as a whole – and especially of one of the parent figures in your life. If you are a woman it shows the prosperity and generosity of the father figure. If you are a man it shows the same thing for the mother figure.
Moods will tend to be optimistic from July 16 onwards. And when one understands how the spiritual law works, the mood, the feeling of optimism always precedes the tangible event. Thus happy financial and other events are likely.
If the parents or parent figures are married, their relationship gets even better after July 16. If however they are unattached, there is strong romantic opportunity for them – perhaps even a marriage. Moves are not advisable for them this year, however. Better to wait. The same is true for children or children figures in your life. Siblings or sibling figures are prospering this year, probably travelling, but domestically it is a ‘status quo’ kind of year. They seem basically content with their present home and situation.
Parents or parent figures need to take better care of the heart. Surgery could be recommended to them, but they should get a second opinion. They seem pre-disposed to see surgery as a solution and are perhaps too quick to jump into it.
Finance and Career
As we mentioned earlier, you’re coming out of a period of prosperity. Financial goals are probably fulfilled. With your money house basically empty this year, you have no need to pay special attention here or to make important financial changes. It will be a ‘status quo’ kind of financial year – there will be no disasters, but nothing especially positive either.
Jupiter is moving through your 3rd house of communication until July 16. This indicates a new car and new communication equipment – and of high quality. It also shows the prosperity of siblings and sibling figures. If you have investments (and what Taurus doesn’t?) you are earning more income from them. Perhaps the companies whose stock you own raise their dividends, or the bank raises its interest rate. This transit is especially good for those of you involved in sales, marketing, advertising and promotion. It shows success in these endeavours. It is also wonderful for those of you who teach or write. Ideas are a form of wealth, and this is a year where you understand this more clearly.
The 3rd house rules buying, selling, retailing and trading and these endeavours also seem prosperous.
Real estate is a naturally good field for Taurus: you have a natural instinct for things of the Earth. This year it seems especially favoured – particularly residential real estate. Until July 16 Jupiter will be in the sign of Cancer, which rules residential real estate, and after that date Jupiter moves into your 4th house – the house that rules residential real estate.
Mercury is your financial planet. And as our regular readers know, he is a fast-moving planet. In the course of the year he will move through all the signs and houses of your chart. Thus there will be many short-term trends in finance depending on where Mercury is and the aspects he receives. These are best covered in the monthly reports.
Your spouse, partner or current love seems prosperous, especially during the first half of the year. Later on though – towards the end of the year – he or she will need to consolidate and re-organize.
Your favourable financial numbers this year are 1, 3, 6, 8 and 9.
Though your 10th house of career is basically empty this year – only short-term planets will move through there – career does seem successful and important. Four long-term planets are above the horizon of the Horoscope. This means that there will always be 40 per cent of the planets above the horizon. This denotes ambition and interest. Thus there is great career drive – great desire – and this tends to success. Furthermore, when Jupiter moves into Leo on July 16 he will start making fabulous aspects to your career planet, Uranus. This denotes career elevation. If you work for others it shows pay rises and promotions. If you own your own business, your status in your industry or profession is elevated. Your achievements receive more recognition. September and early October seem especially powerful careerwise. I can see outside investors investing in your career.
High-tech expertise is important careerwise. It is worth spending on the latest and best. It is also important that you be original in your approach and in what you do. Never copy, never imitate. Follow your innate genius and originality.
With your career planet Uranus in the spiritual 12th house since 2012, you are idealistic about your career. It is not enough for you to merely make money or achieve fame. The career has to be truly helpful to people, has to be in line with your own ideals. It is good to be involved in charities and altruistic causes as well. These activities will enhance your outward career.
The dream life, psychics, ministers, gurus and other spiritual channels will all provide important information regarding your career.
Love and Social Life
The 7th house is a house of power this year, just like last year. It is an area of great focus and deservedly so. As we mentioned, this has been a problem area for a few years. The love life is highly unstable. Marriages and relationships have been seriously tested since 2011, and many have not survived this testing.
In many cases these break-ups have been blessings in disguise. Taureans are not known for ‘letting go’. They are havers and holders, conservative and traditional. They like the status quo even if it is not the best that they can have. They have to be ‘hit on the head’ (in the vernacular) in order to let go. And, basically, this is what has happened to you over the past few years. You needed real drama to let go.
The Cosmos wants the best for you. And if the current relationship is not up to standard it will go by the wayside. Friendships and business partnerships have also been tested, and this trend will continue in the year ahead. As we mentioned, relationships that have survived the past few years (and that survive the year ahead) will survive anything. And this too is part of the divine agenda. Only basically sound relationships can survive this kind of testing. In many cases the relationship or friendship was tested because of dramas and life-changing events in the partners’ personal lives. It might not have had anything to do with the actual relationship. Still, this is the Cosmos’s way of saying, ‘Good though this is, I have something better for you.’
For singles (and those working towards their first marriage) it is probably not advisable to marry just yet. If you meet someone eligible allow love to grow and develop as it