Красноярский край: вопросы регионального развития. Практикум профессионально ориентированного письменного перевода и перевода с листа.The Krasnoyarsk Krai: the Issues of Regional Development. Вероника Разумовская

Красноярский край: вопросы регионального развития. Практикум профессионально ориентированного письменного перевода и перевода с листа.The Krasnoyarsk Krai: the Issues of Regional Development - Вероника Разумовская

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Fund (IMF). Viewed separate from the specialized bodies it coordinates, ECOSOC’s functions like those of other UN organs include information gathering, advising member nations, and making recommendations. In addition, ECOSOC is wellpositioned to provide policy coherence and coordinate the overlapping functions of the UN’s subsidiary bodies; it is in these roles that it is most active.

      3. A megaproject is an extremely large-scale investment project. Megaprojects are typically defined as costing more than US$1 billion and attracting a lot of public attention because of substantial impacts on communities, environment, and budgets.

      4. Supplemental agreements are legally binding documents that are used to modify contracts that are already in force. This type of document is sometimes used as a means of allowing the existing agreement to remain in place with the same ending date, while adding or removing some provisions or terms to the working relationship. A supplemental agreement is often ideal solutions when there is no desire to renegotiate an entirely new contract to take the place of the current agreement.

      5. The cumulative production is the sum of all oil that has ever been produced until a specific date. Cumulative production can be given for a field, oil basin, country or the world.

      Task 5. Determine the key concepts and write down the corresponding English words and expressions from the text “ТNК-ВР and Krasnoyarsk Krai Government Enter into Supplementary Agreement on Social and Economic Cooperation”.

      Task 6. Make an English annotation of the text, using the key English words and expressions from Task 5.

      Task 7. Translate your English annotation into Russian.

      Task 8. Structure the text according to its key concepts and present a detailed plan of the text in Russian.

      Task 9. Summarize the main ideas of the text using the presented plan: make a 300350 word written account in Russian.

      Task 10. Carry out consecutive interpreting (sentence by sentence) of the text into Russian in pairs.

      Text 7. Resource and Raw Materials Potential

      Task 1. Read and study the following text; refer to the vocabulary list given below.

      Resource and raw materials potential

      Resource potential represents provision with the basic types of natural resources. In these terms the Krasnoyarsk Krai is the largest raw-material base of Russia, first of all it is the mineral base with stocks and resources of the basic types of minerals. The unique resource potential of the Krai is supposed to be a considerable source of income in the regional budget in the foreseeable future. The basic types of natural resources of the Krasnoyarsk Krai are: land, mineral primary resources, forest, water and recreation resources.

      Land resources

      Land resources of the Krasnoyarsk Krai constitute 72 367.1 thousand hectare.

      Mineral and raw material resources

      The Krasnoyarsk Krai is the leader in manufacture and reserves of gold, coal, lead, aluminum, copper, nickel, cobalt, metals of platinum and other minerals, not only in Russia but all over the world. More than 95 % of nickel and metals of platinum group, 71 % of copper, 50 % of cobalt, 28 % of aluminum of the total reserves of Russia is concentrated in the Krasnoyarsk Krai. Reserves of lead constitute 42 % of the total reserves of Russia, gold – 20 %, silver – 6 %, about 70 % of the Russian reserves of coal are concentrated here, which is approximately 20 % of the world reserves.

      The Krasnoyarsk Krai ranks the second in Russia in explored gold reserves. Basic volume of gold-mining in the Krasnoyarsk Krai (87%) is provided by three companies: Gold Mining Company “Polyus” СJSC, “Sovrudnik” LLC, “Vasilievsky rudnik” CJSC. In 2007 the volumes of gold manufacture of Gold Mining Company “Polyus” СJSC was increased 0.7 % in comparison with 2006 and made up 26.8 t. The third line of the gold-mining factory was put in operation in Olimpiadinsky GMC (the second largest gold-field in Russia) in July, 2007. It allows increasing the volume of ore processing.

      “Vasilievsky rudnik” CJSC in 2007 came to a level of extraction of 1.5 tons of gold. Since 2007 “Vasilievsky rudnik” CJSC has been realizing an investment project for gold-mining plant power increasing. A tailing dump and a large shop for coarse breaking are under construction. Gold-mining in a new “Nikolaevskoye” deposit started in 2007. It allowed increasing the volume of ore processing 36.4 % in 2007.

      Minerals of the Krasnoyarsk Krai

      The Gorevsk deposit contains 42.7 % of total stocks of lead and 2.5 % of stocks of zinc in Russia. The Gorevsk Mineral Concentration Plant extracted and processed 708 thousand tons of lead-zinc ore of which 43.2 thousand tons of lead and 11.6 thousand tons of zinc concentrate were processed in 2007. 70 % of the Russian coal reserves are located in the Krasnoyarsk Krai. This is about 20 % of the world’s coal reserves. Two world’s largest coal fields are located in the territory of the region: the Tunguska coal basin and the Kansk-Achinsk brown coal basin. About 13 % of the country’s coal and 10 % of CIS coal is extracted in the territory that makes up more than 35 million tons per year. The largest coal-field is the Kansk-Achinsk brown coal basin, the prospected reserves of which are more than 65 billion tons. Norilsk ore deposit area is unique in terms of cooper extraction, nickel and platinum group metals. On the basis of this deposit Norilsk “Mining and Metallurgical Plant” JSC – the world’s largest producer of nickel and metals of platinum group – was founded.

      This particular enterprise is the largest supplier of non-ferrous and precious metals in the world market and completely meets the demands of Russia in copper, nickel, cobalt and metals of platinum group.

      The Krasnoyarsk Krai ranks the second in Russia (the 1st is Tyumen Oblast) in initial total resources of oil, natural gas and condensate, which makes more than 53 billion tons of conditional hydrocarbons. In the Krasnoyarsk Krai, Taimyr and Evenkiya reserves of oil and gas of industrial categories C1 + C2 are estimated 2.4 billion tons and 1.7 trillion cubic meters correspondingly.

      A number of oil and gas fields in the north of Turukhansk and in Angara Area are already prepared for industrial development. As for investment attractiveness, the basic projects in the oil-and-gas sector are connected with the industrial development of Turukhansko-Vankorskaya group of oil-and-gas deposits, Yurubcheno-Takhomskaya zone and gas deposits of the Lower Angara Area.

      Raw-material base of oil and gas deposits will allow extracting up to 52 million tons of oil and gas in the Uniform gas system up to 25 billion cubic meters by 2017. Porozhinsk deposit, containing manganese oxide and manganese carbonate is one of the largest in Russia. The state balance of mineral stocks constitutes 29.4 million tons of manganese in oxide ores by categories C1+C2. The Krasnoyarsk Krai has a competitive raw-material base of rare metals and niobium pentoxide – Chuktukonskoye and Tatarskoye deposits.

      The Krasnoyarsk Krai is also attractive in terms of extraction of such kinds of minerals as aluminum raw materials (Goryachegorsk deposit of nephelinic syenites stocks of ore is 738 million tons), antimony (Udereisk deposit, stocks of metal – 37.8 thousand tons), nickel and metals of platinum group (Kingashsk deposit, balance stocks of ore – 219.4 million tons, the prospected resources – 219.1 million tons), talc (Kirgiteiskoye deposit, balance stocks is 7.6 million tons), magnesite (Verhoturovskoye deposit, balance stocks is 110.7 million tons), phosphorite (Seibinskoye deposit, stocks of ore is 6.6 million tons), zeolite (Sahaptinskoye deposit, stocks of materials containing zeolite is 33.2 million tons) and others.

      Forest resources

      The area of forest resources of the Krasnoyarsk Krai (including Taimyr and Evenkiya Municipal Regions) is 155 781.2 thousand hectares (45.1 % of gross forest cover of the Siberian Federal District).


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