Our Puppet Government. John R. Krismer
war with Iraq. Pearl and Feith had also presented this document to the former Israeli Prime Minister, Netanyahu for his approval well before the war. Their strategy called for the elimination of Israel’s enemy “Saddam Hussein,” and the September 13, 1993 “Oslo Accord,” which defined the interim self-government arrangements between the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), and Israel. In fact, Pearl proposed to install a Hashemite monarchy in Baghdad to destabilize the governments of Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Iran - recommending a regional dominance by Israel over that entire area, which he referred to as, “The Greater Israel.” Of course Iran would have none of this, and is now prepared to reach heaven by dying in an Apocalyptic War if necessary. So, instead of hunting down terrorists like Osama bin Laden, President Bush, on the advice of Karl Rove, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, Richard Pearl, Douglas Feith, and George Tenet - chose to take steps toward promoting a Zionist state called Greater Israel, which they thought would soon become the sole power in the Middle East. Yes, it was this small group of Neoconservatives that played a major role in this unilaterally criminal act of aggression in Iraq - Israel’s arch enemy. Worse yet, they did this without the support of any of the neighboring countries, or the Muslims, estimated to be between 1.2 to 1.4 billion people throughout the world. Since the start of this war, the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies (IASPS), a Pearl organization, has been trying to explain to the press and the bewildered public why the United States will soon spend more than a trillion dollars instead of the originally projected $50 to $80 billion to fight this war that promotes Greater Israel. And more recently, Israel defiantly and intentionally escalated its perpetual religious conflict with Lebanon and Jerusalem, a conflict this closely knit Zionist inner circle planned well before they took office. In fact, no one even mentioned or discussed this dangerous Zionist Israeli conflict with Judaism that they created throughout the entire Islamic world or the anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism that is now on the rise in the Middle East, Germany, France, as well as the entire world - and now Mr. Pearl is openly trying to distance himself from this administration.
To better understand this important issue, one needs to understand what “Islam” is all about. The word “Islam” means peace and the Islam religion means the submission to one God, as well as to live in harmony with other people and the environment. A Muslim is one whose obedience, allegiance and loyalty are to God, Lord of the Universe, and one who strives to live in accordance with God’s laws. Muslims may be Arabs, Turks, Persians, Indians, Pakistanis, Indonesians, Europeans, Africans, Americans, Chinese or any other nationality not limited to race. Yet, far too many Americans are still under the impression that Judaism and Zionism are synonymous, believing that being a Jew means to be a Zionist, which implies a certain loyalty to the State of Israel. What’s not understood are the terms Judaism and Zionism are completely incompatible. Jews are not a religion, a nation, or a race. According to their own belief they are the “Chosen People,” but they are not chosen for domination; they are not elected to rule over people; they are chosen to serve the Creator of the Universe and the Father, thereby serving all of mankind. According to the Jewish beliefs, there are only seven laws that are binding, and they follow some 613 commandments that were derived from the Five Books of Moses, constituting the Rabbinic and Halachic literature, which is obligatory to everyone born of a Jewish mother or one who has accepted the Jewish beliefs. Political Zionism only started in Europe in the 1930s in response to anti-Semitism, and is a complete departure from Judaism. The aim of the Zionists is to provide a country for the Jewish people, where they can speak Hebrew under a government or nation, which can have an army, navy and air force. Yet, this concept defies the Jewish beliefs. The creation of Greater Israel as a secular Jewish State is treason to the Jewish people that were constituted on Mount Sinai. By supporting Greater Israel in its quest to establish and control Iraq and its neighboring Jewish nations, the United States has blindly waded right into the middle of a “perpetual conflict with Judaism,” and they, as well as Russia and China actually believe we are becoming a “Dictator State,” which they must protect themselves from. In other words, if we had left them with their own dignity and some respect, we may have had no problem. The last country to consider the Jews a race was the Nazis, whose irrational racism and dictatorship attempted to annihilate an indefinable culture of perhaps a billion or more Jews, under a Dictator State that left a scar on all humanity, which will long be remembered. The United States can only hope that George “W” has not created another form of bigotry that we may someday regret, just as Germany now regrets Hitler’s atrocities. By foolishly embracing Israeli Zionism through wars that are intended to create a Greater Israel, the Bush Dynasty and our Puppet Government revealed an abysmal ignorance of Jewish history, which could eventually rekindle anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism to a level never before seen throughout this world.
Many of George W. Bush’s speeches have frequently threatened Iraq, Iran and North Korea with bully like fear phrases such as: “Axis of Evil” - as he constantly reminds us to be fearful of the always present WMD threats - while we ignore the fact that our own “Shock and Awe” has now killed, injured, and disrupted the lives of millions of innocent human beings and their families in both the United States and Iraq. As of this date, two million Iraqi’s have left Iraq, and 1.8 million have relocated, while current estimates of Iraqi’s killed to date exceed 655,000. Here again, we really don’t know, nor do we seem to even care. And as the United States continues to secure the realm for Israel, it can be expected that our military and CIA agents will certainly kill and injure many more as this out of control unilateral act of aggression mushrooms throughout the Middle East. More recently, rather than negotiate with our enemies, we’ve moved three aircraft carriers with warheads into the Caspian Sea, in still another bully like tactic that only further escalates any disagreements that may exist with Iran and Syria.
Yes, it’s time for Americans to demand that our Congress face up to this terrible blunder we’ve made. Hasn’t the entire world been exhausted by our pathetic and dysfunctional political rhetoric that prevents an unbiased investigation of our own potential violation of international law, such as:
- Our unilaterally act of aggression without being attacked.
- Our bombing of the Iraqi people with radioactive material.
- Our prisoner torture tactics.
Hasn’t our bully like “War Crimes” embarrassed the United States throughout the entire world? And more recently, the possible treasonous outing of one of our own CIA agent’s only further questions our ethics. Although our President suggests these decisions are his to make, [even though he works for us] none of these acts fall within sound political judgment. Shouldn’t Saddam’s trial and hanging been authorized by the International World Court in The Hague? - just as this country once demanded in the Nuremberg Trials that were held from 1945 to 1949, involving the Nazi Holocaust and the corrupt German officers of World War II. In retrospect, it’s now obvious that the United States has failed the world, by pushing our close allies to the brink with our ridiculous demands that ignore the Geneva Convention, as well as all six of the previous Geneva related agreements we’ve signed. Just how could we, as a leading nation, openly degrade our once flawless image? And aren’t we even angered by this new definition of torture? Weren’t we embarrassed by this country’s demand for absolute immunity for all U.S. Military personnel and civilian officials prior to the Iraq war - just so we could remain free from prosecution for war crimes by the International Criminal Court? Hasn’t the Patriot Act taken us back to the Alien & Sedition Act of 1796, where the Federalist elite previously attempted to take full control of our government, using the threat of attack by hostile forces as the excuse to enact the Sedition Act, which created the following laws?
- branded their political opponents as traitors
- made it a crime for American citizens to “print, utter, or publish . . .