Our Puppet Government. John R. Krismer

Our Puppet Government - John R. Krismer

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and Counter Reformation and persecutions, purges, heresy, witch burnings, religious tribunals of penance, self immolation, flagellation, and mass murders of uncounted millions of indigenous people under the guise of some form of religious, political or anti-Semitic conflict have plagued humankind for centuries. And now, we’ve intentionally plunged our politicians, the fundamentalists, and the religious right into an era of universal religious strife between Judaism and Zionism. By force-feeding Israel’s Zionist theocracy into both Iraq and American politics, defies the separation of church and state, which both liberal and conservative politicians have long protected. Yes, we need to expel these theocratic issues from politics, if sanity is to ever return to America.


      The U.S. and the U.K. had been bombing northern and southern Iraq since 1991, and although these Invisible Money Barons knew that our sanctions and containment efforts were working - they were well aware that these sanctions were soon going to be lifted, with Saddam still in charge. In other words, the Money Barons stood to be shut out of getting any financial benefit at all. Also the Food for Oil Program had switched to the Euro in November 2000 — and Saddam would be selling his oil for Euros when these sanctions were lifted. Everyone knew Saddam was sitting on top of the second largest oil reserves in the world - and because the US was a debtor nation, [meaning their currency was no longer backed up by the gold standard] their currency would most likely shift confidence in the dollar if a very solid commodity like oil was traded in Euros. That’s why one of the first executive orders that President Bush signed in May [2003] changed trading of Iraq’s oil back to the dollar, as these Money Barons took over Iraq’s Central Bank and shrewdly bought Iraqi companies at a penny on the dollar.

      On the flip side, the Shrub Dynasty that was now growing in power, and was no longer on good terms with Saudi Arabia, since the questionable death of Salem bin Laden in an unexplained airplane accident outside of San Antonio, Texas on May 29, 1988. [Salem was Osama bin Laden’s oldest brother, who had been an original investor in George W. Bush’s oil company] And on top of all of this, the Invisible Money Barons were also very dissatisfied with the Saudi’s restrictions on US bases in Saudi Arabia, which they desperately needed to secure the energy resources in that region.


      1 Christopher Scheer, AlterNet 6/27/03 Ten Appalling Lies Were Told About Iraq


      2 Alexander James, The Hidden History of Money p. 6


      3 Ibid p. 6

      4 Bill Vann, US pushes Europe to the brink on international court, 4 July 2002


      5 Bill Vann, US preparing full-scale invasion of Iraq, 10 July 2002


      6 Robert Elias, Professor of sociology , University of San Francisco, California- Terrorism and American Foreign Policy, September 25, 2001



      The Bondage

      Of The 30’s

      Globalization prospers when the working class benefits, and when they do not, empires historically and predictably fall like waves upon the shore. Placing the working class’s benefits [human services] on the competitive global market inevitably drives the work force back into bondage. But to better understand how this great nation ever returned to this tragic state, one needs to carefully analyze what took place before, during, and after “The Great Depression” of the 30s. For example: The 1907 Bankers' Panic was a financial crisis in the United States. The stock market fell nearly 50% from its peak in 1906, the economy was in recession, and there were numerous runs on banks and trust companies. Its primary cause was a retraction of loans by some banks that began in New York and soon spread across the nation, leading to the closings of banks and businesses. This 1907 panic forced Congress to appoint a “National Monetary Commission.” This was accomplished under the leadership of Senator Nelson Aldrich, who was the father-in-law of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Although Article I, Section 8, of the U.S. Constitution granted the Congress the power to coin money and regulate its value, this secretive and perhaps illegally created Commission clandestinely recommended the creation of a privately owned “Central Bank,” in 1913.

      Senator Charles Lindbergh, Sr., said:

      “This act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth...the invisible government by the money power, proven to exist by the Money Trust investigation . . . “(1)

      The House Committee on Banking and Currency Chairman, Congressman Louis McFadden, said:

      “When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world banking system was being set up here. A super-state controlled by international bankers and industrialists...acting together to enslave the world...Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers but the truth is--the Fed has usurped the government.” (2)

      Even today, the working class really does not fully understand that the Federal Reserve Bank [System] is privately owned and is not subject to oversight by either the Congress or the President. Lending money is how these powerful privately owned international banks make their huge profits, and since these banks establish their own policies and own the majority stock in the Federal Reserve System, the working class has essentially relinquished their tax dollars and their interest income to these privately held Federal and commercial banks. These wealthy family stock holders included the powerful J.P. Morgan; Carnegie; Rothschild; Lazard; Seiff; Loeb; and Sachs families; as well as the always present and powerful “Overlord,” John D. Rockefeller, Jr. [All listed in greater detail by Peter Kershaw, in “Economic Solutions”]

      According to Devvy Kidd, in “Why A Bankrupt America?”

      “The Federal Reserve pays the Bureau of Engraving and Printing approximately $23 for each 1,000 notes printed. 10,000 $100 notes (one million dollars) would thus cost the Federal Reserve $230. They then secure a pledge of collateral equal to the face value from the U.S. government. The collateral is our land, labor, and assets... collected by their agents, the IRS. By authorizing the Fed to regulate and create money (and thus inflation), Congress gave private banks power to create profits at will.” (3)

      Senator Charles Lindbergh, Sr. said:

      “The new law will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation...they can unload the stocks on the people at high prices during the excitement and then bring on a panic and buy them back at low prices...the day of reckoning is only a few years removed.” (4)

      And that day came in 1929, with the stock market crash and The Great Depression.

      Bernard Baruch, also one of these wealthy bankers, was assigned to indoctrinate Woodrow Wilson at the Democratic Party headquarters in 1912, advising him before he became President on the importance of supporting this proposed Federal Reserve Act and this country’s first income tax, which occurred just after the Supreme Court of the United

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