Our Puppet Government. John R. Krismer
in the wings to take over their property when they failed to make a mortgage payment. He also created the badly needed Tennessee Valley Authority where the people were hurting the most, and then responded with the Social Security program, heavier taxes on the wealthy, new standards and controls over banks and public utilities, as well as a major relief program for the unemployed. Conversely, this wealthy oligarchy tried to influence the public by saying FDR was creating nothing more than a socialistic state, and that the Federal Reserve owners could better control our destiny - however, during those hard times, the people were much less cynical about the societal risk of nonprofit community and government programs that were under a democracy of the people. And because of the numerous crises that existed, similar to today, the people inadvertently chose to stop the bankster profiteering and take back their “Government of the People.” In a letter FDR wrote to an associate dated November 21st 1933 he said:
“The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson. (12)”
Then later in a speech in Philadelphia on June 27, 1936, he said:
“Out of this modern civilization, economic royalists carved new dynasties. New kingdoms were built upon concentration of control over material things. Through new uses of corporations, banks and securities, new machinery of industry and agriculture, of labor and capital - all undreamed of by the Fathers - the whole structure of modern life was impressed into this royal service... . These economic royalists complain that we seek to overthrow the institutions of America. What they really complain of is that we seek to take away their power. Our allegiance to American institutions requires the overthrow of this kind of power. In vain they seek to hide behind the flag and the Constitution. In their blindness they forget what the flag and the Constitution stand for.”(13)
But by 1935, most of the bankers and large corporations were openly opposing FDR’s New Deal, and because FDR was forced to abandon the gold standard it was relatively easy for these privately owned banking systems to extend unlimited credit for a second time. In fact, without the gold standard, there was no way to protect one’s savings should any type of inflation occur. Other countries were also forced to float their unregulated currencies, since our global currency was no longer backed by a gold standard. [Fiat money] This meant the dollar would now be regulated by the unstable market forces, which were still totally owned and manipulated by this wealthy Oligarchy. Gold had previously served as one’s protector of property rights, but now this uncontrolled deficit spending had inadvertently opened the door to this new scheme of both creating fiat money while confiscating wealth.
In the late thirties, FDR was also seeking neutrality legislation that would keep the United States out of war during this nation’s recovery from this Great Depression. To accomplish this he pledged the United States to a “good neighbor” policy by modifying the Munroe Doctrine into a plan that promised mutual cooperation against any foreign aggression. Then when France fell to Hitler, and England was under siege in 1940, FDR fulfilled his pledge by first sending England all possible aid, without any military involvement - but after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, FDR was forced to enter the global war. During World War II, sixteen million men and women served in this nation’s armed forces, with more than four hundred and fifty thousand American soldiers giving up their lives to protect our freedom. Victory over Europe Day (VE-Day) occurred May 8, 1945, and three months later, on August 6, 1945, a nuclear bomb called “Little Boy” was dropped on Hiroshima. On August 9, 1945 a second nuclear bomb called “Fat Man” was dropped on Nagasaki, both at the direction of then President Harry S. Truman. As a result of these nuclear bombs, the surrender of Japan actually occurred on August 15, 1945, ending World War II - however, the formal Japanese signing of the surrender terms took place on board the battleship USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay on September 2, 1945, with President Truman declaring September 2 to be VJ-Day. By November 20, 1945, the remaining leaders of Hitler’s Third Reich were placed on trial in Nuremberg, Germany. The Nuremberg Trial was conducted by a joint United States-British-French-Soviet military tribunal, with each nation supplying two judges. The four counts in the indictment were:
Count 1 Conspiracy to commit crimes.
Count 2 Crimes against peace, including planning, preparing, starting, or waging aggressive war.
Count 3 War crimes, including violations of laws or customs of war.
Count 4 Crimes against Humanity, including murder, extermination, enslavement, persecution on political or racial grounds, involuntary deportment, and inhumane acts against the civilian population.
These policies still exist under the Geneva Convention, which this nation signed some six times. Yet through our lies about Iraq, we later conspired to take a small nation of only twenty-four million people that were at peace, to war with a super power. Yes, we actually bombed defenseless men, women and children with radioactive material, tortured prisoners, and may well have violated all four of these same counts of indictment. So is there any wonder why Americans have reached this stage of apathy in today’s monopolistic society?
By placing international corporate goals of oil and military bases above consumer interests we’ve inadvertently pitted corporate welfare against social justice to our middle class. The working class clearly understands that an open and competitive market contributes to a healthy global economy, but when powerful international monopolies control both the government and the noncompetitive products and services that were initially established to benefit the work force they inevitably find themselves in direct conflict with these monopolists. This Money Baron buy-off of our politicians and their effort to monopolize the entire world economy has already resulted in an enormous amount of fear and hatred as these ruthless power brokers now skillfully buy off other countries outside our porous borders, just as they have the United States, placing each country’s duly appointed leaders in direct conflict with the people they’re supposed to represent. Perhaps it’s now time to ask ourselves if this is why our dysfunctional leaders inadvertently deceive us when they promise to place our Social Security in a lock box, exclusive of race, disability or creed; when they promise that our tax dollars will protect the borders and improve our education system, which is now under funded in this country by almost $30 billion. Perhaps this is why they inadvertently deceive us when they promise to provide alternative energy, improve the environment, stop global warming, protect our forests and water, and stop air pollution and the threat of poison, germ and nuclear wastes. Yes, they inadvertently, or perhaps sometime knowingly and intentionally deceive us because they’ve become a puppet government of the Money Barons, and therefore have little to do with the management of our once sovereign nation. And on top of all this, we’ve now openly and intentionally deregulated and decentralized our healthcare system, while under funding so many other human services such as our environment, the airline industry, our energy and utility services, our highways, bridges and dams, and our police and fire services. Is there any wonder why Americans are currently stuck between this strange state of Complacency and Apathy? And isn’t it ironic how all our human services are following this same destructive path, with healthcare and our natural oil, gas and gasoline resource leading the way? Isn’t it time for us to understand that a profit oriented monopoly over the entire world market can never be successful in distributing social justice? Yet, these same powerful international czars continue to selfishly and intentionally flatten the United States by outsourcing this nation’s technology and jobs for a profit, which can only have an alarming impact on this country’s economy and its work force. Yes, the United States is clearly confusing its role in protecting human service freedoms and jobs from profit incentive freedoms - and if one would only look over their shoulder, they would soon find that this nation is the only nation, let alone democracy, commercializing all of its vitally important human services solely