Montana Madness: A Novel. Sioux Dallas

Montana Madness: A Novel - Sioux Dallas

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how they would use mules and thought it was throwing money away. Now that she planned on checking on the summer camp, she knew how she could use the mules. She had two of the hands to ride out into the pasture with the horses and bring the mules to the barn.

      Two of the mules were gentle and willing to work, but one was discordant and fought everything they tried to do. Moose walked over, took one ear and twisted it. That mule stood still while they placed packs on the back.

      Usually, on long trips, a wooden U shaped rack was placed on heavy leather and cloth pads so that the animal’s back would not be hurt. Ginger ordered the men to place two big leather bags, joined by a leather pad, across the animals back so that a bag hung down on either side. A thick pad was placed on the back first to prevent rubbing and any soreness. Supplies would be placed in the bags so that the weight was equal on both sides.

      Juanita and the girls had made meat pies, apple pies and home-made yeast bread to be taken to the men. Ginger had reading material and a battery-powered radio put in for them. Grain for the horses and mules was carried by one mule and there would be good grazing where they were going.

      She put in a change of clothing for herself and urged the men going with her to do the same. They would bathe in the river. Rifles and ammunition were added to the packs and pistols were carried on the waist. Ginger had a pistol on her side and a rifle on her saddle. The men going with her did the same. Snakes, coyote and feral dogs could be a problem.

      Ginger smiled when Irene placed scented soap, shaving material and deodorant in the supplies. Ginger didn’t tell her the men let their beard grow while they were gone and she seriously doubted they worried about deodorant. After all it was just the men, animals and forest. Who would care how they smelled? She didn’t want to hurt Irene’s feelings and thanked her for being so thoughtful.

      By eight o’clock they were packed and ready to leave. Frank was uneasy about Ginger going but he had sent responsible men with her. He would have loved to go but was needed on the ranch.

      Juan Chaves and Herbert (Slim) Krantz mounted and made sure Ginger was ready on War Shield before they went through the gate from the ranch to the pasture where the horses were. Each one led a pack mule; Juan took charge of the cantankerous one. They rode through the horse pasture and through a gate on the opposite side to go up into the mountains.

      It had been a long time since Ginger had ridden through this part of the property. She took a deep breath of the clear June air and prepared to enjoy the trip. They rode near a place where someone had built a log cabin many years ago. Nothing was left but part of a chimney. Apparently primroses and other flowers had been planted and were now flourishing in weeds.

      “Be on the alert, fellows. There may have been a well, or other holes, dug here. We don’t want an animal to break a leg in a hole.” Ginger felt there probably wasn’t a well because the river was too close. Water was more than likely brought to the cabin in wooden buckets. It never hurt to be careful.

      Ginger was surprised to see a small herd of about ten mustangs. There were two foals and a stallion that trumpeted a warning for them to leave his family alone. She made a mental note to have them rounded up and brought to the protection of her property. She smiled to see white-tail deer and two spotted fawns bounding away from them.

      The sage was beginning to smell so good. There was Scorpionweed, Jack in the Pulpit, Goldenrod, berry bushes and several flowers she could not identify.

      By noon they were ready to stop and let the animals rest while they ate the lunches Juanita had packed for them. It would have been too much trouble to take the packs off the mules, but they did take the saddles off the horses they were riding. The river was close enough for them to allow the animals to drink and to get drinks for themselves. The men scooped the water up in their hands but Ginger used a tin cup.

      Juanita had taken big pockets of home-made bread and placed slices of beef in them. She had included apples and cookies. There were enough of these sandwiches for them and the men on the mountain for supper.

      After half an hour they rubbed their horses’ backs and put saddles back on them. In about two hours they would be at the mountain camp. After a little more than an hour, they began to ride through grazing cattle. The two men on guard duty came riding to see who they were and what they were doing. Robert (Rocky) Rutherford and Gerald (Fish) O’Brien were alert and on duty. Ginger hated that the nickname of Fish had been given to Gerald. He could not help the fact that his eyes were slightly protruding. He was an excellent worker and reliable. She knew her Grandfather had trusted him.

      After talking to the men for a few minutes, Ginger and her men rode on to the line camp. She smiled to see beautiful Goldfinch flitting around. There were bluebirds with bright blue backs and dark tan chests. Woodpeckers could be heard in the forest nearby. Towhee flew over the heads of the cattle and brilliant red birds flew undisturbed around them.

      Juan yelled a few curse words when wild turkeys flew up and caused his horse to shy. This gave the cantankerous mule a chance to try to buck and be a nuisance. When the animals had calmed down, Juan apologized to Ginger for swearing. She nodded and turned her head so that he could not see her amusement.

      The two men at the camp came to the door of the log cabin looking sleepy and rumpled. Harry (Booger) York and James Baird were glad to see the visitors. They hurried out to help unpack the supplies. Booger laughed when he saw the mule Juan was leading. “How did you get ole Retard to cooperate? He’s always been a mean one.”

      When he heard that Moose twisted one ear and held the animal, he laughed again. “Leave it to Moose to control even this ornery mule.”

      Ginger went inside with Harry while the others set up her tent. The men would all stay in the cabin. The horses and the mule were turned loose in a small corral with a water tub. They would all be fed later in the day when they had rested and were not tired or sweaty.

      The men all came in the cabin to eat and visit. Harry answered Ginger’s questions and exclaimed at the news of the thieves. “Miss Ginger, how much longer will we have to stay up here? I know Hank needs us down at the ranch,”

      “I’m going to ask you to come down earlier than usual this year mostly because of the rustlers, but I need to get a count of the cattle. I’m going to be forced to sell about one hundred head out of season. That will mean that I’ll probably not get top price, but I need ready cash now.”

      “When will you want the ones you’re selling?”

      “In a few days. I’ll send some men up to help with the drive. I’ll have the fences checked in the pasture that has the river running through it and we can also feed a little to make sure they have the weight. After those are sold, we’ll bring the herd down. That will more than likely take the month of July.”

      “What ever you say. You’re the boss. How is old Hank doing? I bet he’s fit to be tied because he can’t be out working.”

      “You are correct. He isn’t going to be happy when he’s discharged to come home in a wheelchair. I’m going to keep him at the house with me for as long as I can contain him. He doesn’t know it yet, but I’ve made arrangements to give him ten acres near the road at the front of my property. I’m going to have a house built for him and keep him busy advising us and keeping all of us in line.”

      James and Harry left to relieve the two men with the cattle. They had a signal which they agreed upon in the event of trouble. A pistol would be fired three shots, wait three seconds and fire three more shots. This would mean – ‘we need help’.

      Rocky and Fish came in on tired horses. They rubbed the horses down and turned them into the corral. In the cabin they ate and prepared for bed. Ginger asked them how many head of cattle she had up here on summer pasture.

      Rocky yawned and said, “The last count I had was one thousand four hundred twenty-six. Good night everyone.” He was asleep in a few minutes. Juan and Slim got settled after they had taken Ginger out to the tent and left two rifles with her. The tent had a floor and was fully enclosed.

      Ginger rested better than she had in ages. She was awakened

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