Montana Madness: A Novel. Sioux Dallas

Montana Madness: A Novel - Sioux Dallas

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of the tent with her hair spiraling in all directions and her eyes heavy with sleep. Ginger yawned a big, jaw-snapping yawn and nodded to the men. She was accustomed to rising early but not out in the open like this.

      The men got their horses from the temporary corral they’d built, and saddled them ready to go to work. They left and in about fifteen minutes the men who had been on night duty came riding in. They first rubbed their tired horses’ backs and stood the saddles on the end to air out. The saddle pads were thrown over a tree branch to air out. Horses were fed and given water. Then the men came into the cabin to eat and prepare to get their rest.

      Ginger had left the food which all four of them were grateful to get. She reminded them that she would be sending someone up to drive a small herd down to the ranch to be sold.

      The mules were easier to handle with smaller loads for them to carry. Juan started off first still leading the cantankerous one which was now calmer. Ginger rode in the middle and Slim brought up the rear. They stopped twice to allow the animals to rest and to pick berries to eat. They were back at the ranch by four and very tired. Men ran out to help them groom the horses and mules, give the animals water and feed and turned them into the pasture with the exception of War Shield. He nickered with joy when he was placed in his own stall.

      Juanita was overjoyed and relieved to have Ginger home and safe. “I prayed to the Holy Father the whole time for you to come home safely.”

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