Montana Madness: A Novel. Sioux Dallas
“Juanita, I know you hire help for big cleaning when you need it, but why don’t you hire someone to help you until we can settle this bad business.”
“Can we afford it? I know money is tight.”
“We’ll manage even if I have to sell some cattle. It’s the wrong time of year and I would not get what I would later, but I don’t want you to be burdened with this traffic.”
“I could sure use the help. I have two young girls in mind that need the work. They are seventeen and nineteen year old sisters in a house of fourteen children. They are barely squeaking by for food and everyday necessities.”
“Really! Who in the world?”
“Roger and Alice Ming live on property owned by the Youngers. Roger is lazy, but he does work some times when Mr. Younger can chase him down. I don’t know why Alice stayed with him and had all those children. There are two sets of twins. They’re all polite children and well behaved, thanks to Alice. The older ones did finish high school and the younger ones go to school even in rags, barefooted and little to eat.”
“I never dreamed any one was in that shape in this area. That’s hardly heard of in this day and time. Shew. I’m so happy I’m not in that situation even though I’ve been moaning and groaning that I have to handle this alone. That’s why we need to count our blessings and not agonize over the rest that we can do nothing about.”
The men had been fed and the cleaning up almost finished when the phone rang. Ginger was glad to answer and hear James. She quickly told him about the men and the suspicious behavior of her hand.
“Am I being paranoid?”
“No, you aren’t. They didn’t come by here. If they are sincere about buying horses, one would think they would ask several of us. How long has this Andy been working for you?”
“I’m not sure. I’ll look at his papers and see when he signed on. Apparently Hank hired him and I trust Hank. That doesn’t mean a man couldn’t hit hard times and be tempted later to break the law. He may be perfectly innocent, but the stealing and shooting has me on pins and needles. I suspect everyone I see.”
“Rightly you should. Don’t say anything to Andy. I’ll come over and talk to Frank and we’ll decide how to handle it. As you say, it could be in all innocence, however, it would be foolish to ignore it. I’ll see you later when I can get away.”
“Thank you so much, James. I could have talked to Frank, but I hesitated because he has a lot on his shoulders now.”
“He’s been there a long time and has been working with Hank. I’m sure Frank can handle the job. Trust me. I’ll do what I can.”
She hung up feeling slightly better knowing that James and Frank would be aware of what was going on. In the meantime she had to continue training the boarders’ horses.
I haven’t thought to ask about the cattle. They’re up on high ground for the summer pastures. There should be at least four men up there in a line shack taking turns with the work. I’ll have to ask Frank about them. I don’t even know how many head I’m supposed to have.
The Ming sisters came the next day and were grateful for the work. They not only needed the income, but here they had food, shelter and clothing. The work was hard, but they were willing to do what was needed.
Ginger came down the next morning and found the girls working diligently to help Juanita prepare a breakfast for them and the hands. They had steak, fried potatoes, beans, gravy and biscuits. Food that would stick to the ribs of working men. Always plenty of coffee.
“Girls, this is your boss. Ginger, this is Helen,” she pointed to the older girl, “and this is Irene.”
“Girls I’m so glad you could help Juanita. This is now your home. I want you to feel happy and comfortable. Juanita will need help with cooking and cleaning, but you’ll have time to rest, too. Don’t overdo it at one time and make yourselves sick.”
“Thank you, ma’am,” Helen said. “We’re grateful for the work. We’ve heard so many good things about your folks and are happy to be here.”
“Good. Juanita will take good care of you and tell you what needs to be done.”
Ginger checked the tables on the porch to be sure everything was convenient that the men would need to have a good breakfast. Before winter hits us, I’m going to have some of the men enclose this and put a heater in here.
She went back into the kitchen. “Girls, I’m sure Juanita has explained. Some of the men eat before they go out to work and some eat as they come in from work. It makes it a nuisance to have so much cooking and cleaning, but the workers need to be taken care of.”
“We’ll be glad to do that.”
“And we get to eat what we fix for them?” Irene asked anxiously.
Ginger bit her lower lip to keep from smiling. “Of course you eat what we do. Everyone is welcome to the same in this house.”
Irene’s mouth was watering thinking of the chicken and dumplings and the lemon meringue pie planned for dinner. The girls had never been privileged to eat so well. Helen was sad thinking her little brothers and sister would love to have some of this. She would see what she could arrange. Her parents had taught her it was a sin to steal, so she was thinking hard how she could work and earn the food to take to her family.
Ginger had a call from Harry and Linda Morton, owners of the Wild River Guest Ranch. Their guests had not only been fired on but some men had been chased away who had tried to set the guest cottages on fire. How could anyone stoop so low?
“Did you report this to the authorities?”
“We sure did and there’s been no response.”
“Give it time. What did you want me to do?”
“I don’t really know. Chaska Magi was always available to listen to anyone’s problems and help, if he could. I guess I just called your number out of habit.”
“I’m pleased. We’ll work together and take care of these hoodlums. I expect you know by now that my foreman was shot and another hand was murdered. They’ve got a rattler and a next of hornets by the tail when they mess with my people.”
“Yes, I heard and I’m so sorry. Please keep in touch and let’s all work together. That’s the only way we’ll clean up our county.”
“You do realize that ours isn’t the only county where the thieves are working. Other places in Montana, in Wyoming and Colorado are being subjected to the same filth.”
“I know, but this is where we live and we’re in trouble here. Forgive me but I’m terrified and I need to settle down and think more clearly. I know that. We’ll keep in touch. Bye.”
Ginger hung up feeling sorry for the Mortons and all of them as well as wanting to giggle at some of his statements. “Shame on me. Well, back to work.”
Chapter Five
Ginger had a letter from the NWHA (National Wild Horse Association) offering their help. She thought everyone contacted her because they were accustomed to conferring with her Grandfather. She made the determination to continue his efforts and do her best to be helpful to all the people around her.
Before the morning was over, Ginger had another surprising call. A Jacob Rittenhouse called to say he was one of the Amish farmers. He didn’t have anything the thieves and rustlers would want, but he wanted to be a good neighbor. He told her that a few years ago her grandfather had offered them much needed friendship and he wanted to return the favor.
Ginger was humbly impressed and understanding more what an impact her grandfather had on the community. He truthfully accepted and loved people because, as he said, “The Great