Quest Biographies Bundle — Books 11–15. Gary Evans
have promised to oppose conscription; King adopts the motto “Conscription if necessary, but not necessarily conscription.”
Selected Sources
Primary Sources
BYNG, Viscountess Evelyn. Up the Stream of Time. Toronto: Macmillan, 1945.
BYNG, Baron. Correspondence with William Lyon Mackenzie King, June, 1926.
CANTACUZÉNE, Princess Countess Spéransky née Grant. My Life Here and There. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1921.
CUMMINS, Geraldine. Mind in Life and Death. London: Aquarian Press, 1956.
House of Commons Debates. Vol. 1, 1923. Vol. IV - V, 1926. Vol. 2, 1930. Ottawa: F. Acland. Vol. VI, 1944. Ottawa: Edmond Clouthier.
KING, William Lyon Mackenzie. Diaries. National Archives.
KING, William Lyon Mackenzie. Industry and Humanity: A Study in the Principles Underlying Industrial Reconstruction. Toronto: Macmillan, 1935 edition.
KING, William Lyon Mackenzie. “Biographical Sketch and Letter to E.H. Wells, Editor of The Bulletin, Harvard University,” Ottawa, January 3, 1908.
KING, William Lyon Mackenzie. The Message of the Carillon and Other Addresses. Toronto: Macmillan, 1927.
MARKHAM, Violet. Friendship’s Harvest. London: Max Reinhardt, 1956.
POWER, Charles G. A Party Politician: The Memoirs of Chubby Power. Ed. Norman Ward. Toronto: Macmillan, 1966.
Newspapers and Magazines The Hamilton Spectator The Kitchener Daily Record Maclean’s The Ottawa Journal The Toronto Star The Vancouver Daily Province
Secondary Sources
Articles and Unpublished Sources
Clipping Files, William Lyon Mackenzie King, Woodside National Historic Site. Grace Schmidt Room, Kitchener Public Library.
MANCHEE, Ellen et al. Interview with Dr. James Gibson, Laurier National Historic Site of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, March 16, 2,000, transcripts and videotapes. Parks Canada, Ontario Service Centre.
MARTIN, Ged. “Mackenzie King, the Medium and the Messages,” British Journal of Canadian Studies, Vol. 4, 1, 1989, p. 109-135.
PENNEFATHER, R.S. “New Light on John King – a note.” Kitchener Public Library.
VYE, Kathy. “King at Laurier House: 1923-1950.” Unpublished Study: Canadian Parks Service, Ontario Region Office, 1992.
BERTRAND, Luc. L’énigmatique Mackenzie King. Montreal: Les Éditions L’Interligne, 2000.
BOWERING, George. Egotists and Autocrats: the Prime Ministers of Canada. Toronto: Penguin, 1999.
COOK, Ramsay. The Regenerators: Social Criticism in Late Victorian English Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1987 edition.
DAWSON, R. MacGregor. William Lyon Mackenzie King: A Political Biography. Vol. 1: 1874-1923. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1958.
ESBEREY, Joy. Knight of the Holy Spirit: A study of William Lyon Mackenzie King. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1980.
FERNS, Henry and Bernard Ostry. The Age of Mackenzie King. Toronto: James Lorimer, 1976.
FRENCH, Doris. Ishbel and the Empire: A Biography of Lady Aberdeen. Toronto: Dundurn Press, 1988.
GRANATSTEIN, J.L. W.L. Mackenzie King. Don Mills: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1976.
GRAY, Charlotte. Mrs King: The Life and Times of Isabel Mackenzie King. Toronto: Penguin Books, 1997.
HENDERSON, George. W.L. Mackenzie King: A Bibliography and Research Guide. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998.
HUTCHINSON, Bruce. The Incredible Canadian: A candid portrait of Mackenzie King: his works, his times and his nation. Toronto: Longmans, Green and Company, 1953.
McKENTY, Neil. Mitch Hepburn. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1967.
MOORE, Laurence. In Search of White Crows: Spiritualism, Parapsychology, and American Culture. New York: Oxford Press, 1977.
NEATBY, Blair H. Mackenzie King: The Prism of Unity, 1932-29. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1976.
NEATBY, Blair H. William Lyon Mackenzie King: The Lonely Heights. Vol. II, 1924-32. Toronto: University