Quest Biographies Bundle — Books 11–15. Gary Evans

Quest Biographies Bundle — Books 11–15 - Gary Evans

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of War (by Canada, 1939), 10.5, 162

      Detroit, Michigan, 90

      Diamond Jubilee (of Canadian Confederation), 66, 80, 1.59, 16.5

      Diefenbaker, John G., 162, 163

      Duplessis, Maurice, 108, 119. 120, 161

      Edward VIII (King of England),102 , 161

      Elizabeth, Queen (King George's wife), 104 , 162

      Elizabeth, Princess (wedding of),137 ,165

      England. See Britain Ethiopia, 97

      Fair Wages Resolution Act, 39

      Family Compact (Upper Canada),5,143,144

      Fanny (King family dog) , 4, 16-18

      First World War, .55, 104, 119, 136 , 155 , 1.56

      Flora (great-aunt), 6

      France, 36, 118 , 120 , 130 , 151, 1.5.5

      Fulford, Senator and Mrs. , 90

      Gatineau Hills, Quebec, 37

      Geneva, Switzerland, 97, 161

      George VI (King of England), 98 ,

      105, 136, 161, 16.5;visits

      Canada, 162

      Germany, 97, 98,101,113,1.51 ,

      162, 164

      Gerry family, 3.5, 1.50

      Gibbes, Miss. E.B. (assistant to

      Geraldine Cummins), 136 , 137

      Gibson, James (secretary), 2

      Gladstone, "'.E. (British prime

      minister), 26, 28, 47, 73, 9.5, 102,

      112, 113, 12.5, 148 149; death,


      Goodling, Mal)' Ellen (spiritualist

      pastor, Baltimore), 102, 103

      Gouzenko affair, 132, 164

      Governor General

      Aberdeen, Earl of (from 1893 to 1898), 137, 149, 150, 160

      Athlone, Earl of (from 1940 to 1946), 124, 162

      Byng, Lord (from 1921 to 1926)

      and Lady Byng, 71-78, 157-159,164

      Grey, Earl (from 1904 to 1911),45, 112, 133, 152

      Tweedsmuir, Lord (from 193-5 to 1940),106,161

      Willingdon, Viscount (from 1926 to 1931), 81, 1.58

      Grange Road (King horne in Toronto), 25

      Grant, Julia (Ulysses Grant's grand-daughter), 35, 134, 150

      Grant, Ulysses S., 35, 134, 137, 148, 150

      Grey, Earl. See Governor General

      Grosset, Mathilde, 34, .5, 150 17,5

      Halibut Fisheries Treaty (with U.S.), 71,157,158

      Handy (secretary), 127

      Harper, Henry Albert (Bert), 21,

      35, 37, 39, 40; drowns (1901),


      Harvard University, 20, 35, 36, 39,40

      Head, Sir Francis Bond

      (Lieutenant Governor, Upper

      Canada), 71, 145

      Heeney, Arnold (secretary, War

      Committee), 106

      Hepburn, Mitchell (premier of

      Ontario), 107, 108, 160, 162

      Herridge, Rev., and Mrs. (family

      friends), 40, 42

      Hitler, Adolf, 97-9, 102, 105, 132,

      161, 162

      Holland, 130; liberation of, 164

      Hull, Cordell (secretary of state,


      Hull-House, Chicago, 31, 32, 148,


      Imperial Conferences, (1923), 75,104, 158; (1926), 79, 104, 158,159; (1937), 98,104. 161; (1948),133,135

      Independents (Independent Labour Party), 79,157

      India, 135, 136, 165

      Indian immigration to Canada, 44,45, 153, 155

      Industrial Disputes Investigation

      Act (1907), 44, 153

      Italy,36, 113, 118, 151, 162,163

      Japanese immigration to Canada,

      labour disputes, 44; riot in

      Vancouver (1907), 44; internment

      in 1941, 163

      Kilhasco, Marilyn, 127, 128, 129.

      See also Woodside

      King, Bombardier John (paternal

      grandfather), 8, 144, 14.5

      King, Christina (paternal grandmother),6

      King, Dougall Macdougall (Max,

      brother), 4; hirth, 147; 10, 16,

      17, 28, 41; tuberculosis, 53, .54,

      .56, 15.5; muscular dystrophy, 70,

      72, 157; death, 73, 74, 1.57;

      after-death communication with

      WLMK, 94, 95,110,131,139

      King, Isabel, nee Mackenzie

      (mother), x; birth, 146; marriage,

      147; 3, 4, .5, 6; plays piano, 7; 811;

      paints, 12; 16, 28, 31, 34; disapproves

      of Mathilde Grosset,

      3.5, 150; 47-49, .55, .59; suffers

      stroke, 60, 61, 155; 62; death,

      63, 1.56; after-death messages to

      WLMK, 68,73,74,85,86,9094,

      110, 113, 125, 131, 138, 139;

      WLMK's memories of, 64, 69,70,72,142

      King, Isabel (Bella, sister), 4; birth,

      147; 6,10, 14, 16-18,24,28,46,

      47,49: death, .54, 1.55; WLMK's

      memories of, and spiritual C0111munication

      with, 55, 64, 68, 69,

      73, 74, 110, 131, 138

      King, Janet Lindsey (sister), 4;

      hirth, 147; 7, 10, 17, 18, 28, 34;

      disapproval of Mathilde Grosset

      3.5, 150; 40, 47, .59, 63, 70; Mrs.Lay,88

      King, John (father), x; birth, 146;

      marriage, 147; 3, 5-7, 9-13, 15,

      16; Queen's Counsel, 18; 23,2.5,

      28, 29, 31, 33, 34; disapproval of

      Mathilde Grosset, 35, 150; 46,

      47, .5.5; .59; senator, 60; death,.59, 60, 159;

      after-death presenceand messages for WLMK, 68 ,74,90,92,94,110,113,125,

      131 , 138; WLMK's memories of,


      King, Lyon (nephew), 1, 53, 54

      King, May (sister-in-law), 53, 54


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