Quest Biographies Bundle — Books 11–15. Gary Evans
William Lyon Mackenzie
birth, 3-6, 147
and Canadian autonomy, 70. 71, 75,80, 131, 158,160
and Canadian unity, 104, 115,126, 131, 163
childhood, 4,7-9, 11-14
Companion of the Order of St.
Michael and St. George, 45
death, 139, 166
deputy minister of labour, 39 ,41-43,44,134
diary, 24, 2.5, 28, 29, 97 , 112,131, 141, 149, 1.51
early interest in politics, 11, 14,24,33,148
Berlin High School, 13, 14
studies Gennan, 13
BA in political science at
University of Toronto (1894),20, 21-24, 28, 149
wins Blake scholarship, 24,
refused MA scholarship at U
ofT, 28
studies law, 28, 29; Bachelor
of Laws, U ofT (1896),29, 150
studies political economics,
U of Chicago, 31, 32, 34, 150
MA from U of T (1897), 20,
3.5, 1.50
MA from Harvard (1898) 20,
3.5, 150
PhD at Harvard (1909), 35,
151, 153
elected leader of Liberal Party
(Ottawa, 1919),6.5,67,68, 156
fascination with maternal grandfather,
19,21-23,26,34,39,48,62, 71
federal election campaigns
wins seat for North Waterloo
(1908),45, 46, 153
loses seat (1911), .51, 154
loses election (1917), 63, 156
wins seat in Prince, P.E.I.(1919), 1.57
elected prime minister (riding
of North York, 1921),68,69,157
loses seat (192.5), 76, 158
wins in by-election, Prince
Albert, Sask. (1926),76, 158
re-elected prime minister (1926), 79, 1.58
loses election (1930), 85-89,159, 160
re-elected as prime minister(1935),96, 161
re-elected as prime minister(1940), 108, 162
re-elected as prime minister
in Glengarry, Onto (194.5),126, 131, 164
frustrated love, 34, 35, 150
grief upon death of Belt Harper,
42, 43 , 151, 152
and immigration issues, 35, 44 ,153
Industry and Hurnanity (1918) ,
journalist and editor, 29, 30 , 33,
labour negotiator and investigator,
41-44, 54, 56, 57, 131, 149,
1.51. See also Rockefeller, John
D., Jr.
letters to parents, 15·J7, 23
longevity as Liberal leader, and
in ofBee, 82, 103, 104, 138, 165
memoirs, project to write, 132,133
(The) Message ofthe Carillon
and Other Addresses(1927)
minister of labour under
Laurier, 38, 46, 48, 131, 1.53
nicknames, "Billy," 14,47,62,
125; "Old Grandpa," 14; "Rex,"
23,28,39,56,68,69,90,94, 134-136
opinion of Hitler, 97-99, 161
physical appearance, 7.5, 133
radio broadcasts by, 81, 86, 116
retires as Liberal leader (1948), 165
righteousness and Christian religiosity
(see also sense of mission), 14,24,32,34, 58, 60,74, 78
Scottish ancestry, 7, 8, .54, 143, 144
(The) Secret of Heroism, 43, 152 sense of mission, 14, 18, 19,2226,43,48,68,74,78,79,99serves on royal commissions on industrial disputes, 41, 44, 151 social conscience, 22, 23, 25, 26, 134
works at Hull-House, 31, 32,150
visits children's hospital , 24, 26,27,131,149
tries to rehabilitate fallen woman, 27,28
and spiritualism
perceived messages and advice from beyond the grave, 85,86,94,95,10.5, 113, 115,124-126, 130-133, 135, 136, 138, 139 personal belief in, 74, 80, 89, 92,95,99, 11(~ 114, 124, 130, 134-137,160,163 seances, 90-92, 93-95, 113 115, 125, 126, 131, 132, 137 139, 160, 163, 165 sense of occult guidance, 2, 31,48,68,74,79,88,94,95, 125
sports training, 24
student politics, 28, 33, 149
trips to England, 44,133,137,
153, 158, 163, 165 See also
Imperial Conferences
20th anniversary as Liberal
leader, 84, 103, 104, 162
typhoid fever, 34, 150
works in father's ofHce, 15-17, 148
King Lake, 37
King Mountain, 37
Kingsmere, Quebec, 46, 47, 59-61,69,84,88,96,109,113,132,133, 139, 154, 155, 161, 166
Kingston, Ontario, 86
Kingstone, Henry, 30
Kitchener, Lord, 102
Kitchener, Ontario, ii, 88, 129,
130, 155. See also Berlin, Ontario
Labor Gazette, 36, 39, 41,43,151
Lapointe, Ernest, 71,84,88,109,
157-159; death, 114, 163; afterdeath
messages, 115, 119, 126
Larkin, Peter, 72, 86, 110
Laurier, Sir Wilfrid, 34, 43-46, 48,49,63,104,147,1.50,153,156
death, 1.56; WLMK's tributes to,memories of, 65, 68, 73, 86;
after-death messages to WLMK,90,94,9.5, 110, 113, 114, 124,125, 132, 138
Laurier, Lady Zoe, 49, 72,73, 110
Laurier House, Ottawa, ii, 1,38,68,71-74,80,83,85,86,88,95,104,123,127,132,138
League of Nations, 97, 157, 161
Liberal Party of Canada, .5, 34, 45,56,62,63,65,67,72,73,76,79,88,92,93,96,103,104,107-109,120, 129, 132, 138, 154,156, 157, 160, 161, 162, 164
Liberal Party of Ontario, 107-109
Liberal Party of Quebec, 120
Lindbergh, Charles, 80-82, 1.59