Tuttle Compact Japanese Dictionary, 2nd Edition. Samuel E. Martin

Tuttle Compact Japanese Dictionary, 2nd Edition - Samuel E. Martin

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n 直感 intuition

      chokkí n チョッキ vest

      chóko n ちょこ(o-chóko おちょこ) saké cup

      chōkoku n 彫刻 carving, engraving: ~ shimásu 彫刻します engraves

      choko(rē´to) n チョコ(レート) chocolate

      chō´ku n チョーク chalk

      chokuryū´ n 直流 DC, direct current

      chokusén n 直線 straight line

      chokusetsu n, adv 直接 direct(ly)

      chō-kyóri n 長距離 long distance

      chō´mi n 調味 seasoning (food)

      chōmí-ryō n 調味料 spice

      chō´nán n 長男 eldest son

      chónbo n ちょんぼ・チョンボ a booboo, a goof, a blunder

      chōryū n 潮流 current, tide; trend

      chō´sa n 調査 examination, inquiry, investigation, research, survey: ~ shimásu 調査します examines, inquires, investigates, researches, surveys

      chosáku-ken n 著作権 copyright

      chōséi n 調整 adjustment: ~ shimásu 調整します adjusts

      chōsén n 挑戦 challenge: ~ shimásu 挑戦します challenges

      chōsén-sha n 挑戦者 challenger

      Chō´sén n 朝鮮 → Kita Chōsén, Kankoku

      chōsetsú n 調節 → chōséi

      chósha n 著者 writer, author

      chōshí n 調子 tune; condition; trend; chōshí ni norimásu 調子に乗ります, chōshí ga demásu 調子が出ます gets into the swing of things: chōshí ga ii/warui 調子がいい/悪い is in good/bad condition

      chósho n 著書 one’s book

      chōśho n 長所 strong point, advantage, merit

      chōshokú n 朝食 morning meal, breakfast (= asa-gohan 朝ご飯)

      chōshu n 聴取 listening in: ~ shimásu 聴取します listens in

      chōshu-sha n 聴取者 (radio) listener

      chōshū n 聴衆 audience

      chōshū n 徴収 [BOOKISH] collection (of taxes, etc.), levying: ~ shimásu 徴収します collects, levies

      chosúi-chi n 貯水池 reservoir

      chō´ten n 頂点 climax, peak, high-point

      chō-tsúgai n 蝶つがい hinge

      chótto adv ちょっと just a little; just a minute; somewhat

      chottóshitá adj … ちょっとした … 1. slight, trivial 2. quite a …, a decent/respectable …: chottóshitá toraburu ちょっとしたトラブル queer

      chōwá n 調和 harmony, agreement: … to chōwá shimásu … と調和します is in harmony (agrees) with

      chū n 注 annotation, note

      chū adj 中 middle; medium

      chū´-bu n 中部 middle (part)

      chū-gákkō n 中学校 middle school (junior high school)

      chū-gáku-sei n 中学生 junior high school student

      chū-gatá (no) n 中型(の) medium-size (model)

      chū-gén n 中元(o-chūgén お中元) midsummer gift

      chū´-i n 中尉 1st lieutenant; lieutenant junior grade (j.g.)

      chū-jíen n 中耳炎 middle ear infection

      chū´-jō n 中将 (army) lieutenant general; (navy) vice admiral

      chū-jún n 中旬 the middle of (month)

      chū-kán n 中間 middle: … (no) chū-kán … (の)中間 beween…: chūkán-shiken 中間試験 intermediate exam: chūkán-kanrishoku 中間管理 職 mid-level executive, middle management

      chū-kán n 中巻 middle volume (of a set of three)

      chū-nen n 中年 middle age, chū-nen (no) 中年 (の) middle-aged (person)

      chū-níkai n 中二階 mezzanine (floor)

      chū´-sa n 中佐 lieutenant colonel; (navy) commander

      chū´-sei n 中世 medieval times, the Middle Ages

      chū-shōkígyō n 中小企業 medium-sized and small companies

      Chū´-tō n 中東 the Middle East

      chū-toró n 中とろ・中トロ medium-fat (pink) tuna

      chū-za n 中座 excusing oneself, leaving in the middle:~ shimásu 中座します excuses oneself

      …-chū suffix 中 1. … chū (ni) … 中 (に) during, while, within (time) 2. … chū (no) … 中 (の) in course …of, under (doing)

      kōji-chū n 工事中 under construction

      chū´bu n チューブ tube

      chū´cho n ちゅうちょ・躊躇 [BOOKISH] hesitation: ~ shimásu ちゅうちょ[躊躇]します hesitates

      chū´doku n 中毒 addiction, poisoning

      arukōru-chū´doku アルコール中毒 (= aruchū アル中) alcohol addiction

      shoku-chū´doku 食中毒 food poisoning

      Chū´goku n 中国 China

      Chūgokú-jin n 中国人 a Chinese

      Chūgoku-go n 中国語 Chinese (language)

      Chūgoku-chíhō n 中国地方 the Chugoku area of Japan (Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, Shimane, Tottori Prefectures)

      chū-hai n 酎ハイ a shōchū highball

      chū´i n 注意 attention; note, notice, reminder: ~ shimásu 注意します 1. pays attentio n 2. is careful of 3. advises, warns

      chūi-bukái adj 注意深い careful

      chūingámu n チューインガム chewing gum

      chūjitsu (na) adj 忠実(な) faithful

      chū´ka n, adj 中華 Chinese…, Chinese food

      chū´ka-gai n 中華街 Chinatown

      chū´ka-ryō´ri(-ten) n 中華料理(店) Chinese cooking (restaurant)

      chūkái n 仲介 mediation: ~ shimásu 仲介します goes between

      chūkái-gyōsha n 仲介業者 broker, intermediary agent

      chūko (no) adj 中古(の) secondhand

      chūkó-hin n 中古品 secondhand goods

      chūkó-sha n 中古車 used car

      chūkokú n 忠告 advice: ~ shimásu 忠告します advises

      chūmoku n 注目 attention, notice: ~ shimásu 注目します pays

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