Tuttle Compact Japanese Dictionary, 2nd Edition. Samuel E. Martin
-jishin n 自身 oneself; myself (= jibun-jishin 自分 自身): kare-jishin 彼自身 himself
jísho n 辞書 dictionary
jishoku n 辞職 resignation (from a position): ~ shimásu 辞職します resigns
jisoku n 時速 (per hour) speed
jissai n, adv 実際 actual conditions, reality; in practice; in fact, really
ji-súberi n 地滑り landslide
jítai n 事態 situation, state of affairs
jítai n, adv 自体 1. the thing itself 2. originally
jítai n 辞退: ~ shimásu 辞退します declines, refuses
jitchi n 実地 actuality, (putting to) practice: jitchi (no) 実地(の) practical, actual: jitchi (no) keiken o tsumimásu 実地(の)経験を積みます gets on-the-job experience(s)
jiten n 辞典 dictionary (= jísho 辞書): kokugojiten 国語辞典 Japanese dictionary: eiwa-jiten 英和辞典, einichi-jiten 英日辞典 English-Japanese dictionary
jiten n 事典 dictionary, subject book: hyakka-jíten 百科事典 encyclopedia: jinmei-jiten 人名事典 personal names dictionary
jitén-sha, jidén-sha n 自転車 bicycle: jitenshaya 自転車屋 bicycle shop/dealer
jitsú n 実 truth: jitsú ni 実に truly, really, indeed; jitsú no 実の true, real; jitsú wa 実は to tell the truth, actually, in fact
jitsu-butsu n 実物 the real thing; the actual person: jitsubutsu-saizu 実物サイズ actual size, original size
jitsu-ryoku n 実力 (real) strength, ability, proficiency; force, power
jitsu-yō n 実用 practical use/application, utility: jitsuyō-teki na 実用的な practical
jitsugyō n 実業 business, enterprise: jitsugyō-ka 実業家 businessperson, businessman
jitto adv じっと intently, steadily, fixedly (staring); quietly, patiently: ~ shiteimásu じっと しています holds still
jiyū´ n 自由 freedom, liberty: jiyū´ (na) 自由(な) free; fluent, at ease; jiyū´ ni 自由に freely; fluently; jiyū´-gyō 自由業 freelancing, freelance work; jiyū´-seki 自由席 unreserved seat
jizen n 慈善 charity
jō´ n 錠 1. (= jō-mae 錠前) lock: … no jō´ o oroshimásu … の錠を下ろします locks up 2. (= jōzai 錠剤) pill
jō adj, n 上 1. (= jōtō (na) 上等(な)) deluxe 2. (= jō-kan 上巻) first volume (of a set of 2 or 3)
…´-jō suffix … 畳 (counts room sizes by tatami mat): hachí-jō (ma) 八畳(間) eight tatami mats (room)
…´-jō suffix … 城 castle (name): 大阪城 the Osaka-jō castle
jōbu (na) adj 丈夫(な) sturdy, firm, healthy; safe (= daijōbu 大丈夫)
jochō n 助長 promotion, furtherance: ~ shimásu 助長します promotes, encourages, fosters, foments
jochū n 女中 maid-servant
jōdán n 冗談 joke: jōdán hanbun (ni) 冗談半分 (に) half in jest
jōei n 上映 showing (movie)
jōen n 上演 performance: ~ shimásu 上演します performs
jo-gákusei, joshi gákusei n 女学生, 女子学生 female student
jōge n 上下 top and bottom, high and row, up and down
jōgi n 定規 ruler (to measure with)
jogingu n ジョギング jog(ging): jogingu (o) shimásu ジョギング(を)します jogs
jō´go n 漏斗 funnel
jōhín (na) adj 上品(な) elegant, refined
jōhō n 情報 information
jō-kan n 上巻 first volume (of a set of 2 or 3)
jōkén n 条件 condition, term, stipulation, provision
jō´ki n 蒸気 steam, vapor
jokki n ジョッキ jug, (beer) mug: jokki ip-pai no biiru ジョッキ一杯のビール a jug/mug of beer
jōkyaku n 乗客 passenger
jōkyō n 状況・情況 situation, circumstances, state of affairs
jo-kyō´ju n 助教授 assistant professor
jōkyū n 上級 high class, upper class: jōkyū kōsu 上級コース advanced course
jō-mae n 錠前 lock (= kagi 鍵)
jomei n [BOOKISH] 除名 excision, excommunication: ~ shimásu 除名します expels, excommunicates
jomei n 助命 sparing the life/lives (= kyūmei 救命): jomei-katsudō 助命活動 rescue work: ~ shimásu 助命します spares
jōmén n 上面 top (top side)
jōmuin n 乗務員 crew: kyakushitsu jōmuin 客室 乗務員 (airplane) flight attendant
jōnetsu-teki (na) adj 情熱的(な) passionate
joō´ n 女王 queen
jōriku n 上陸 disembarking, landing: ~ shimásu 上陸します lands, disembarks, comes ashore
jōro n じょうろ・ジョウロ watering can
jorō´ n 女郎 whore, prostitute
jōryū (no) adj 上流(の) classy, upper; upstream
jōryū´-sui n 蒸留水 distilled water
josei n 女性 woman, female: josei-go 女性語 women’s language (terms) (= onna kotoba 女言葉)
joseikin n 助成金 grant
joseki n 除籍 removal from register, expulsion (from a school/university): ~ shimásu 除籍します removes someone from register:; joseki saremásu 除籍されます gets expelled from
josetsu n 除雪 removing the snow: ~ shimásu 除雪します removes the snow
jōsha n 乗車 getting into a car, getting on a train/ bus, boarding: ~ shimásu 乗車します boards
jōshá-ken n 乗車券 passenger ticket
joshi n 助詞 particle (auxiliary word)
jóshi n 女子 girl, woman: joshi-dáisei 女子大生 woman college student; joshi-kō´sei 女子高生 female (senior) high school student
jōshiki n 常識 common sense
joshō n 序章 introduction section (book)
joshu n 助手 helper, assistant
josō n 助走 running up: ~ shimásu 助走します runs up
josō n 除草 weeding: ~ shimásu 除草します eradicates weeds
josō n 女装 drag: ~ shimásu 女装します is in drag
josō n 序奏 (music) introduction