Tuttle Pocket Chinese Dictionary. Li Dong

Tuttle Pocket Chinese Dictionary - Li Dong

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逼近 V close in on, gain on

      bīpò 逼迫 V force, coerce

      bí 鼻 N nose

      bítì 鼻涕 N nasal mucus

      bǐ 比 I PREP (introducing the object that is compared with the subject of a sentence), than II V compete, compare, contrast

      bǐfang 比方 N example, analogy

      bǐfēn 比分 N score (of a game or sporting competition)

      bǐjià 比价 N 1 price ratio 2 exchange rate

      bǐjiào 比较 I V compare II ADV relatively, quite, to some degree

      bǐlì 比例 N percentage

      bǐrú 比如 CONJ for example

      bǐsà bǐng 比萨饼 N pizza

      bǐsài 比赛 I V compete, have a match II N competition, match, game

      bǐyù 比喻 N metaphor

      bǐzhòng 比重 N 1 specific gravity 2 proportion

      bǐ 鄙 ADJ low, base (See 卑鄙 bēibǐ)

      bǐ 笔 TRAD 筆 N writing instrument, pen, pencil

      bǐjì 笔记 N notes (taken in class or while reading)

      bǐjìběn 笔记本 N notebook

      bǐjì 笔迹 N handwriting

      bǐshì 笔试 N written test, written examination

      bǐzhí 笔直 ADJ perfectly straight

      bǐ 彼 PRON that, the other

      bǐcǐ 彼此 PRON each other

      bì 碧 ADJ green

      bìlǜ 碧绿 ADJ green, dark green

      bì 蔽 V cover, conceal (See 隐蔽 yǐnbì)

      bì 毙 TRAD 斃 V die (See 枪毙 qiāngbì)

      bì 币 TRAD 幣 N currency (See 人民 币 Rénmínbì)

      bì 痹 N paralysis (See 麻痹 mábì)

      bì 必 I ADV certainly, inevitably II MODAL V must

      bìding 必定 ADV certainly, definitely

      bìjiāng 必将 ADV will surely

      bìrán 必然 ADJ inevitable, be bound to

      Bìshèngkè 必胜客 N Pizza Hut (Restaurant)

      bìxiū 必修 ADJ compulsory (courses, subjects of study)

      bìxū 必须 MODAL V must

      bìxū 必需 V must have

      bìxū pǐn 必需品 N necessities

      bìyào 必要 ADJ necessary

      bì 毕 TRAD 畢 V finish

      bìjìng 毕竟 ADV after all, any way

      bìyè 毕业 V graduate from school

      bì 闭 TRAD 閉 V close, shut up

      bìmù 闭幕 V the curtain falls (of a theatrical performance, an event, etc.), close

      bìmùshì 闭幕式 N closing ceremony

      bìsè 闭塞 ADJ cut off from the outside world, secluded

      bì 弊 N fraud, corrupt practice

      bìbìng 弊病 N malpractice, disadvantage

      bì 避 V evade, avoid

      bìmiǎn 避免 V avoid, avert

      bìyùn 避孕 N contraception, birth control

      bì 壁 N wall (See 隔壁 gébì)

      bì 臂 N arm

      biān 鞭 N whip

      biāncè 鞭策 V spur on, urge on

      biānpào 鞭炮 N firecracker

      biān 边 TRAD 邊 N side, border

      biān...biān 边…边 CONJ (used with verbs to in dicate simultaneous actions)

      biānfáng 边防 N frontier defense

      biānjiāng 边疆 N border area

      biānjiè 边界 N border (between two countries)

      biānjìng 边境 N frontier, border

      biānyuán 边缘 N edge, periphery

      biān 编 TRAD 編 V compile, compose

      biānhào 编号 N serial number

      biānjí 编辑 I V edit, compile II N editor

      biānzhì 编制 V 1 weave, braid 2 draw up (a plan, a computer programme, etc.)

      biǎn 贬 V reduce, derogate

      biǎndī 贬低 V belittle, play down

      biǎnzhí 贬值 V devalue, depreciate

      biǎn 扁 ADJ flat

      biàn 变 TRAD 變 V transform, change

      biànchéng 变成 V change into

      biàndòng 变动 V 1 alter, change 2 (of organizations) reshuffle, reorganize

      biàngé 变革 V transform, change

      biàngēng 变更 V alter, modify

      biànhuà 变化 I V transform, change II N trans fomation, change

      biànhuàn 变换 V vary, alternate

      biànqiān 变迁 V change, evolve

      biànxíng 变形 V deform, transfigure

      biànyì 变异 N (of organisms) mutation

      biànzhì 变质 V change the nature of, deteriorate

      biàn 便 ADV Same as 就 jiù 2 ADV. Used only in written Chinese.

      biàndào 便道 N shortcut

      biànlì 便利 ADJ convenient, easy

      biàntiáo 便条 N informal written message

      biànyú 便于 V be easy to, be convenient for

      biàn 辩 TRAD 辯 V argue, debate

      biànhù 辩护 V speak in defense of

      biànjiě 辩解 V try to defend oneself

      biànlùn 辩论 I V debate II N debate

      biàn 辨 V distinguish, discriminate

      biànbié 辨别 V distinguish, tell ... from ...

      biànrèn 辨认 V identify, recognize

      biàn 辫 TRAD 辮 N pigtail, braid

      biàn 遍 M. WD (for frequency of an action done in its complete duration from start to end)

      biàndi 遍地 N everywhere

      biāo 标 TRAD 標 V mark

      biāoběn 标本 N sample, specimen

      biāodiǎn 标点 N punctuation mark

      biāotí 标题 N title, heading

      biāoyǔ 标语 N slogan

      biāozhì 标志 N sign, mark

      biāozhǔn 标准 I N standard, criterion II ADJ standard, perfect

      biǎo 表1

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