Tuttle Pocket Chinese Dictionary. Li Dong

Tuttle Pocket Chinese Dictionary - Li Dong

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you, etc)

      bújiàn 不见 V disappear, be lost

      bú jiàndé 不见得 ADV not necessarily, unlikely

      bùjǐn 不禁 ADV cannot help oneself from, cannot refrain from

      bùjǐn 不仅 CONJ Same as 不但 búdàn. Tends to be used in writing.

      bùjiǔ 不久 ADV not long afterwards, in the near future, soon

      bùkān 不堪 I v cannot bear, cannot stand II ADV (used after an adjective) utterly

      búkuì 不愧 V be worthy of, deserve to be called

      búlì 不利 ADJ unfavorable, disadvantageous

      búliào 不料 ADV unexpectedly

      búlùn 不论 CONJ Same as 不管 bùguǎn. Used more in writing.

      bùmǎn 不满 ADJ Same as 不满意 bùmǎnyì dissatisfied

      bùmiǎn 不免 ADV unavoidable, inevitable, would only be natural

      bùpíng 不平 N injustice, resentment

      bùrán 不然 CONJ otherwise, or

      bùróng 不容 V not tolerate, not allow

      bùrú 不如 V be not as good as, not as ... as

      bùshǎo 不少 ADJ quite a few

      búshi 不是 N fault, blame

      bú shì...ér shì... 不是…而是… CONJ not ... but ...

      bú shì...jiùshì... 不是…就是… CONJ either ... or ...

      bùshí 不时 ADV now and then, from time to time

      bùtíng 不停 ADV without letup, incessantly

      bùtóng 不同 ADJ not the same, different

      bù xī 不惜 V not hesitate, not spare

      búxiànghuà 不像话 ADJ totally unreasonable, outrageous

      búxìng 不幸 ADJ unfortunate

      bùxíng 不行 ADJ 1 will not do, not allowed 2 not (be) good (at ...)

      bùxiǔ 不朽 ADJ immortal

      bùxǔ 不许 V not permitted, not allowed

      búyào 不要 ADV (used in an imperative sentence or as advice) do not

      bùyīdìng 不一定 ADV maybe, not necessarily so

      bùyí 不宜 ADV unsuitable

      búyòng 不用 ADV no need, there’s no need, don’t have to

      bù yóude 不由得 ADV cannot but, cannot help

      búzàihu 不在乎 V not mind, not care

      bù zěnmeyàng 不怎么样 ADV not up to too much, not very

      bùzhǐ 不止 ADV more than, not limited to

      bùzhǐ 不只 ADV not only

      búzhìyú 不至于 ADV not as far as, not so bad as

      bùzú 不足 ADJ inadequate, insufficient

      bù 布1 N cotton or linen cloth

      bù 布2 TRAD 佈 V arrange, deploy

      bùgào 布告 I V announce publicly II N public announcement, bulletin

      bùzhì 布置 V decorate, furnish

      bù 埠 N dock, port

      bù 步 N step, pace

      bùbīng 步兵 N infantry, infantryman

      bùfá 步伐 N step, pace

      bùzhòu 步骤 N procedure, steps

      bù 怖 V fear (See 恐怖 kǒngbù)

      bù 部 N part, unit

      bùduì 部队 N troops, the army

      bùfen 部分 N portion, part

      bùjiàn 部件 N component, part

      bùmén 部门 N department

      bùshǔ 部署 I V map out, deploy II N plan

      bùwèi 部位 N in position, location

      bùzhǎng 部长 N (government) minister


      cā 擦 V clean or erase by wiping or rubbing

      cāi 猜 V guess

      cāicè 猜测 V guess, conjecture

      cāixiǎng 猜想 V suppose, conjecture

      cái 才1 TRAD 纔 ADV 1 (before a verb) a short time ago, just 2 (used before a word of time or quantity to indicate that the speaker feels the time is too early, too short or the quantity is too little), only, as early as, as few/little as 3 (used after a word of time to indicate that the speaker feels the time is too late or there is too much delay) as late as

      cái 才2 N talent, remarkable ability

      cáigàn 才干 N talent, competence

      cáinéng 才能 N talent, ability

      cáizhì 才智 N talent and high intelligence, ability and wisdom

      cái 财 TRAD 財 N wealth, property

      cáichǎn 财产 N property, belongings

      cáifù 财富 N wealth, fortune

      cáijīng 财经 N finance and economy

      cáikuài 财会 N finance and accounting

      ciálì 财力 N financial capacity

      cáiwù 财务 N financial affairs, finance

      cáizhèng 财政 N public finance

      cái 材 N material

      cáiliào 材料 N 1 materials, e.g. steel, timber, plastic 2 data (for a thesis, a report, etc.)

      cái 裁 V 1 cut into parts, cut down 2 judge, decide

      cáifeng 裁缝 N tailor, dressmaker

      cáijiǎn 裁减 V cut down, reduce

      cáijué 裁决 V judge, rule

      cáipàn 裁判 I V 1 (in law) judge 2 (in sports) act as referee or umpire II N referee, umpire

      cáipànyuán 裁判员 N Same as 裁 判 cáipàn II

      cáiyuán 裁员 V reduce staff

      cǎi 采 TRAD 採 V pick, gather

      cǎifǎng 采访 V (of mass media) interview

      cǎigòu 采购 V (corporate) purchase

      cǎijí 采集 V gather, collect

      cǎinà 采纳 V accept, adopt

      cǎiqǔ 采取 V adopt (a policy, a measure, an attitude, etc.)

      cǎiyòng 采用 V use, employ

      cǎi 彩 ADJ colorful, multi-colored

      cǎihóng 彩虹 N rainbow

      cǎipiào 彩票 N lottery, lottery ticket

      cǎisè 彩色 ADJ multi-colored

      cǎi 踩 V step on, tread on

      cǎi 睬 V pay attention to

      cài 菜 N 1 vegetables 2 any non-staple food

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