Tuttle Pocket Chinese Dictionary. Li Dong

Tuttle Pocket Chinese Dictionary - Li Dong

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表示 V express, show

      biǎoxiàn 表现 V 1 display, show 2 perform

      biǎoyǎn 表演 I V put on (a show), perform, demonstrate II N performance, show

      biǎoyáng 表扬 V praise, commend

      biǎozhāng 表彰 V commend, honor

      biē 憋 V suppress resentment with effort, contain oneself

      bié 别1 ADV don’t

      bié 别2 PRON other, the other

      biéchù 别处 N other place(s), elsewhere

      biéde 别的 PRON other

      biérén 别人 PRON other people, others

      biézì 别字 N a character which is not written or pronounced correctly

      bié 别3 N farewell

      biè 别 See 别扭 bièniu

      bièniu 别扭 ADJ awkward, uncomfortable

      bīn 宾 TRAD 賓 N guest

      bīnguǎn 宾馆 N guest house

      bīn 滨 TRAD 濱 N shore, bank

      bīng 冰 N ice

      bīnggùnr 冰棍儿 N flavored popsicle

      bīngqílín 冰淇淋 N ice cream

      bīngxiāng 冰箱 N refrigerator

      bīng 兵 N soldier

      bǐng 饼 TRAD 餅 N cake

      bǐnggān 饼干 N cookie(s), biscuit(s)

      bǐng 丙 N the third of the “Celestial Stems,” the third

      bǐng 柄 N handle, stem

      bǐng 秉 V hold in hand

      bìng 并 TRAD 並 I ADV (used before a negative word for emphasis) II CONJ Same as 并且 bìngqiě. Used only in written Chinese. III V combine, incorporate

      bìngcún 并存 V co-exist

      bìngfēi 并非 ADV not, not at all

      bìngpái 并排 V be side by side, be abreast with

      bìngqiě 并且 CONJ moreover, what’s more, and

      bìng 病 I V fall ill, be ill II N illness, disease

      bìngchónghài 病虫害 N plant diseases and insect pests

      bìngchuáng 病床 N hospital bed

      bìngdù 病毒 N virus

      bìngfáng 病房 N (hospital) ward

      bìng jià 病假 N sick leave

      bìngjūn 病菌 N pathogenic bacteria

      bìngqíng 病情 N patient’s conditions

      bìngrén 病人 N patient

      bìngshǐ 病史 N medical record

      bō 剥 V peel, strip

      bō 波 N ripple, wave

      bōdòng 波动 V fluctuate (like a wave)

      bōlàng 波浪 N wave

      bōtāo 波涛 N high wave

      bō 玻 N glass

      bōli 玻璃 N glass

      bō 菠 N spinach

      bō 播 V 1 sow 2 broadcast

      bōfàng 播放 V broadcast (radio or TV programs)

      bōsòng 播送 V broadcast (radio programs)

      bōyīn 播音 V broadcast (radio programs)

      bōzhòng 播种 V sow seeds

      bō 拨 TRAD 撥 V 1 stir with a finger or stick 2 allocate

      bōkuǎn 拨款 V allocate funds, appropriate (money)

      bó 伯 N Same as 伯父 bófù

      bófù 伯父 N father’s elder brother

      bómǔ 伯母 N father’s elder brother’s wife

      bó 勃 ADJ vigorous

      bó 舶 N ship

      bó 泊 V (of ships) anchor, moor

      bó 驳 TRAD 駁 V refute

      bóchì 驳斥 V refute, rebut

      bó 脖 N neck

      bó 博 ADJ 1 plentiful, abundant 2 wide, extensive

      bókè 博客 N blogger

      bólǎnhuì 博览会 N exposition, exhibition, fair

      bóshì 博士 N doctor, Ph.D.

      bówùguǎn 博物馆 N museum

      bó 膊 N arm (See 胳膊 gēbo)

      bó 搏 V be engaged in a hand-to-hand combat, fight

      bódòu 搏斗 V battle, wrestle

      bó 薄 ADJ meager, small

      bómó 薄膜 N membrane, film

      bóruò 薄弱 ADJ frail, weak

      bǒ 簸 V jerk (See 颠簸 diānbǒ)

      bo 卜 TRAD 蔔 (See 萝卜 luóbo)

      bǔ 捕 V catch, arrest

      bǔlāo 捕捞 V catch (fish)

      bǔ 卜 V divine, predict

      bǔ 补 TRAD 補 V mend, patch

      bǔcháng 补偿 V compensate, make up

      bǔchōng 补充 V make up, supplement

      bǔjiù 补救 V remedy

      bǔkè 补课 V make up for missed lessons

      bǔtiē 补贴 I N subsidy II V subsidize

      bǔxí 补习 V take or give supplementary lessons

      bǔzhù 补助 N subsidy, grant-in-aid

      bù 不 ADV no, not

      búbì 不必 ADV need not, not have to, unnecessarily

      bùbǐ 不比 V unlike

      búcuò 不错 ADJ 1 not wrong 2 quite right, not bad, quite good

      búdà 不大 ADV not very, not much

      búdàn 不但 CONJ not only ... (but also)

      ...búdàn ..., érqiě …不但…, 而且 CONJ not only ..., but also ...

      búdàng 不当 ADJ improper, unsuitable

      bùdébù 不得不 ADV have to, have no choice but

      bùdéliǎo 不得了 I ADJ horrible, extremely serious II ADV extremely (used after an adjective and introduced by 得 de)

      bùdéyǐ 不得已 ADJ having no alternative but to ..., acting against one’s will

      bùděng 不等 V vary, differ

      búdìng 不定 ADJ indefinite, not sure

      búduàn 不断 ADV without interruption, continuously, incessantly

      bùfǎ 不法 ADJ illegal, lawless

      bùfǎng 不妨 ADV might as well

      bùgǎndāng 不敢当 I do not dare (to impose upon you,

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