Tuttle Pocket Chinese Dictionary. Li Dong

Tuttle Pocket Chinese Dictionary - Li Dong

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      chóu 愁 V worry

      chóu 酬 V reward

      chóu 稠 ADJ thick, dense

      chóumì 稠密 ADJ dense

      chóu 筹 TRAD 籌 V prepare

      chóubèi 筹备 V prepare (a conference, an event, etc.)

      chóujiàn 筹建 V prepare to construct (a factory, a school, etc.)

      chóu 仇 N deep hatred

      chǒu 丑 TRAD 醜 ADJ ugly

      chǒu’è 丑恶 ADJ ugly, hideous

      chǒuwén 丑闻 N scandal

      chòu 臭 ADJ smelly, stinking

      chū 出 V emerge from, go out, exit

      chūbǎn 出版 V publish

      chūchāi 出差 V be on a business trip, leave town on business

      chūchǎn 出产 V produce, manufacture

      chūdòng 出动 V set out, go into action

      chūfā 出发 V set off (on a journey), start (a journey)

      chūguó 出国 V go abroad, go overseas

      chūjìng 出境 V leave the country, exit

      chūkǒu 出口 I V 1 export 2 speak, utter II N exit

      chūlai 出来 V come out

      chūlù 出路 N outlet, way out

      chūmài 出卖 V 1 sell, be for sale 2 betray, sell out

      chūmén 出门 V leave home, go out

      chūmiàn 出面 V act in the name of

      chūmíng 出名 ADJ famous, well-known

      chūnà 出纳 N Same as 出纳员 chūnà yuán

      chūnàyuán 出纳员 N cashier

      chūpǐn 出品 N product

      chūqu 出去 V go out

      chūrù 出入 I V go in and come out II N inconsistency, discrepancy

      chūsè 出色 ADJ outstanding, remarkable

      chūshēn 出身 N family background, (a person’s) social origin

      chūshén 出神 V be lost in thought, be spellbound

      chūshēng 出生 V be born

      chūshì 出事 V (an accident) take place

      chūxí 出席 V attend (a meeting, a court trial, etc.)

      chūxi 出息 N (a person’s) future

      chūxiàn 出现 V come into view, appear, emerge

      chūyángxiàng 出洋相 V make a fool of oneself, cut a ridiculous figure

      chūyuàn 出院 V be discharged from hospital

      chūzū 出租 V have ... for hire, rent

      chūzū qìchē 出租汽车 N taxi

      chū 初 I N beginning II ADJ at the beginning, for the first time III PREFIX (used for the first ten days of a lunar month), the first

      chūbù 初步 ADJ initial, tentative

      chūjí 初级 ADJ elementary, initial

      chūqī 初期 N initial stage

      chú 除 I V get rid of II PREP except, apart from

      chú cǎo 除草 V to weed

      chú chóng 除虫 I V to kill insects II N insecticide

      chúcǐ yǐwài 除此以外 PREP apart from this, besides

      chúfēi 除非 CONJ unless, only if

      chúle ... (yǐwài) 除了…(以外) PREP except, besides

      chúxī 除夕 N New Year’s eve

      chú 厨 TRAD 廚 N kitchen

      chúfáng 厨房 N kitchen

      chúshī 厨师 N chef

      chú 锄 TRAD 鋤 I N hoe II V do hoeing

      chǔ 处 TRAD 處 V handle, deal with

      chǔfá 处罚 V penalize, discipline

      chǔfāng 处方 N (doctor’s) prescription

      chǔfèn 处分 I N disciplinary action II V take disciplinary action

      chǔjìng 处境 N (usually) bad situation, plight

      chǔjué 处决 V put to death, execute

      chǔlǐ 处理 V 1 handle, deal with 2 sell at reduced prices 3 take disciplinary action

      chǔyú 处于 V be in state of, be situated at

      chǔzhì 处置 V dispose of, handle, deal with

      chǔ 础 TRAD 礎 N plinth (See 基 础 jīchǔ)

      chǔ 楚 ADJ clear, neat (See 清楚 qīngchu)

      chǔ 储 TRAD 儲 V store

      chǔbèi 储备 V store away

      chǔcáng 储藏 I N deposits, reserve II V store, keep, preserve

      chǔcún 储存 V 1 store away, keep in reserve 2 (in computing) save a file

      chǔcún zhuāngzhì 储存装置 N (computer) thumbdrive

      chǔxù 储蓄 V save (money), deposit (money)

      chù 处 TRAD 處 N place, location

      chùchù 处处 ADV everywhere

      chù 触 TRAD 觸 V touch, contact

      chùdiàn 触电 V get an electric shock

      chùfàn 触犯 V violate (law), offend (a person)

      chuān 穿 V 1 wear (clothes, shoes), be dressed in 2 put on (clothes, shoes)

      chuān 川 N river

      chuán 船 N boat, ship

      chuánbó 船舶 N boats and ships

      chuán 传 TRAD 傳 V 1 pass (something) on, transmit 2 spread (news, rumor)

      chuánbō 传播 V propagate, disseminate

      chuándá 传达 V pass on, relay, transmit

      chuándì 传递 V transmit, deliver

      chuángǎnqì 传感器 N sensor

      chuánméi 传媒 N media, mass media

      chuánrǎn 传染 V infect

      chuánshòu 传授 V teach, pass on (knowledge, skill, etc.)

      chuánshuō 传说 I N legend, folklore II V it is said, they say

      chuánsòng 传送 V convey, deliver

      chuántǒng 传统 N tradition, heritage

      chuánxiāo 传销 N pyramid selling

      chuánzhēn 传真 N fax

      chuǎn 喘 V breathe with difficulty, pant

      chuàn 串 V string together

      chuāng 疮 N sore, open sore

      chuāngbā 疮疤 N scar

      chuāng 窗 N window

      chuānghu 窗户

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