Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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adj. [of light] dazzling, blind, shrill

      choùi loïi adj. brilliant, radiant, blazing

      choøi n. shed, hut: choøi canh watchtower

      choïi v. to oppose, to be equal; to fight, to compete with: choáng choïi/ñoái choïi vôùi to compete with [to precede object]; choïi gaø cock fight; ñoái choïi [of two lines] well coupled

      choøm n. tuft [of hair], clump [of trees], bunch [of flowers], group [of stars]

      choûm n. peak, summit [of mountain], top [of head, tree]; tuft of hair grown on shaven head of a little child: luùc coøn ñeå choûm, thôøi ñeå choûm childhood

      choïn v. to choose, to select [laøm as]: löïa choïn/keùn choïn to select carefully; to be choosy

      choïn loïc v., adj. to select; to choose; selected, chosen

      choïn löïa v. to select, to choose

      chong v. to keep [ñeøn lamp] lighted: chong ñeøn suoát ñeâm to keep the light lit all night long

      chong choùng n. pinwheel; propeller

      choùng adj., adv. quick, fast, rapid, speedy; rapidly, quickly: choùng leân Quick! Hurry up!

      choùng maët v. to feel dizzy

      choùng vaùnh adj. prompt, speedy

      choøng chaønh v. to sway, to roll, to be unstable

      choøng choïc v. to stare at, to look straight [vaøo at]

      choõng n. bamboo bench, bamboo bed

      choùp n. summit, peak, top

      choùt 1 n., adj. the last in a series (= cuoái); last, lowest ranking (= beùt): ngaøy choùt the last day [before deadline]; haïn choùt deadline; haøng choùt the last row; maøn choùt last scene, end [of play] 2 v. to have done or to act already [followed by main verb and preceded optionally by ñaõ]

      choùt voùt adj. very tall/high, towering: cao choùt voùt very high

      choã n. place, location, site, spot; room, space: choå ôû residence, address; choã buoân baùn place of business

      choác n. (= laùt) moment, instant: choác nöõa in a while; choác choác laïi every now and then

      choác laùt n. short moment: phuùt choác in a jiffy

      choái v. to deny, to refuse

      choái caõi v. to deny, to reject

      choái töø v. to refuse, to decline

      choài n. bud

      choåi n. broom: sao choåi comet

      choàm v. to jump up, to spring up

      choân v. to bury, to inter [dead, money, idea in one’s mind]

      choân caát v. to bury, to inhume

      choân chaân v. to stay at one place, to confine oneself to

      choân rau caét roán n. native place

      choân soáng v. to bury alive

      choân vuøi v. to bury

      choán n. place, spot, destination

      choàn 1 n. fox 2 adj. tired, stiff

      choâng n. caltrops, spikes, stakes

      choâng gai n., adj. spikes and thorns; difficulties, hardship; dangerous

      choáng v. [SV khaùng] to oppose, to resist: choáng laïi to be against

      choáng aùn v. to appeal [a case]

      choáng choïi v. to resist, to confront

      choáng cheá v. to defend oneself

      choáng cöï v. to resist

      choáng giöõ v. to hold out, to defend

      choáng naïnh v. to put arms akimbo

      choáng traû v. to oppose, to resist, to fight back

      choàng 1 n. [SV phu, quaân] husband: laáy choàng to marry; boû choàng to divorce; eá choàng to be unable to find a husband 2 v., n. to pile up; a pile

      choång v., adv. to point upward; upward: naèm choång goïng to lie with one’s legs in the air

      choäp v. to seize, to catch

      choát n., v. axle; to bolt, to pin: choát cöûa laïi to bolt the door

      choät 1 adj. one-eyed 2 adj. stunted, scared, worried: choät buïng/ choät daï startled

      chô vô adj. abandoned, forlorn, without protection

      chôù adv. do not, let us not: chôù heà never

      chôø v. to await, to wait for (= ñôïi)

      chôû v. to take, to transport, to carry: chuyeân chôû to be transported

      chôï n. [SV thò] market, marketplace: hoäi chôï fair, exposition; chôï ñen black market; chôï giôøi open air second-hand market

      Chôï lôùn n. Cho Lon, Saigon’s Chinatown

      chôi v. [SV du] to play, to amuse oneself; to play [game, musical instrument, cards, sport]; to be a fan of, to collect, to keep [as a hobby]; to indulge in; to take part in—not seriously—for fun [follows main verb] [opp. thaät]: saân chôi playground; ñoà chôi plaything, toy; ñeán chôi to come for a visit; chôi dao to play hop-scotch; chôi baøi to play cards; chôi côø to play chess; chôi boùng roå to play basketball; chôi lan to collect orchids; chôi ñoà coå to collect antiques; chôi gaùi to frequent prostitutes; aên chôi to eat for fun, as in boán moùn aên chôi hors d’oeuvres, assorted appetizers; chôi chôi not to play for money, to play [card game] for fun; giôø [ra] chôi to have a break; laøng chôi the pleasure world; gaùi laøng chôi prostitute(s)

      chôi aùc v. to play a dirty trick [on somebody]

      chôi bôøi v. to be a playboy, to indulge in playing

      chôi khaâm v. to play a nasty trick [on somebody]

      chôi lu buø v. to have rounds after rounds of fun [literally and pejoratively]

      chôi vôi adj. lonely, to be in a precarious position

      chôm chôûm adj. rugged, craggy, shaggy

      chôùm v. to start to, to begin to, to be about to

      chôùm nôû v. [of feelings] to be budding

      chôùn n. limit: quaù chôùn to go beyond the limit

      chôøn vôøn v. to flutter about

      chôùp v. [of heaven giôøi, trôøi] to lighten; chôùp maét to blink/wink; nhanh nhö chôùp as fast as lightning; cöûa chôùp shutters

      chôùp aûnh v. to project movies

      chôùp boùng v. to show movies

      chôùp nhoaùng adv. at lightning speed; chieán tranh chôùp nhoaùng lightning war

      chôïp v. to doze off

      chôùt nhaû v. to use non-serious language

      chôït adv. suddenly or unexpectedly [precedes main verb]; alternately: chôït noùi chôït cöôøi alternately talking and laughing

      chu caáp v. to support, to assist, to help, to provide

      chu cheùo v. to yell, to holler

      chu du v. to travel [around]

      chu ñaùo adj. perfectly done, perfectly taken care of

      chu kyø n. cycle, period [of recurring phenomena]

      chu nieân

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