Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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      chöõ n. [SV töï, töø] letter [of the alphabet]; [written] character, word, type, script, written language, handwriting: chöõ caùi letter of the alphabet; chöõ hoa capital letter; chöõ Haùn/chöõ Nho Chinese characters; chöõ nghóa literary knowledge; chöõ thaûo, chöõ thaáu grass style [calligraphy]; chöõ xaáu poor handwriting or calligraphy, to have poor handwriting; khoâng bieát chöõ to be illiterate; bieát chöõ to be literate; chöõ Anh English [written]; chöõ kyù signature; chöõ trinh virginity, faithfulness, loyalty [in woman]

      chöa adv. not yet [precedes main verb in statements]; Yet? [final particle in questions]

      chöùa v. to contain, to hold; to take in, to put up [boarders, visitors]; to store [goods]; to harbor, to keep [stolen goods, dishonest people]: kho chöùa haøng warehouse; nhaø chöùa brothel

      chöùa chan adj. overflowing [with]

      chöùa chaáp v. to conceal, to hide

      chöùa chaát v. to pile up, to accumulate

      chöùa ñöïng v. to fill with, to contain

      chöøa v. to give up, to abstain from, to quit [habit, vice]; to set aside; to avoid, to leave: chöøa thuoác laù to quit smoking [cigarettes]; chöøa ra hai phaân leave a margin of two centimeters

      chöûa v. to be pregnant: chöûa con so to be pregnant for the first time; chöûa hoang to be pregnant without being married

      chöõa v. to repair, to alter; to mend, to fix; to correct: chöõa beänh to cure diseases; chöõa chaùy/chöõa löûa to put out a fire

      chöõa theïn v. to save one’s face by saying something

      chöùc n. office, position, title, function [chemistry]: caùch chöùc to dismiss; coâng chöùc government employee; giaùng chöùc to demote; thaêng chöùc to promote; vieân chöùc employee, staff

      chöùc chöôûng n. function, title

      chöùc haøm n. honorary title

      chöùc nghieäp n. occupation, career

      chöùc phaåm n. office, grade, rank

      chöùc phaän n. duty, office, position

      chöùc quyeàn n. authority, function, position

      chöùc saéc n. dignitaries, authorities

      chöùc traùch n. responsible authorities

      chöùc töôùc n. function and title

      chöùc vò n. position, office, rank and function

      chöùc vuï n. position, function, duty

      chöïc 1 v. to wait; to watch for 2 adv. to be on the point of, be about to [precedes main verb]

      chöûi v. to insult, to abuse, to scold

      chöûi bôùi v. to insult, to scold

      chöûi maéng v. to insult, to offend, to scold

      chöûi ruûa v. to abuse and curse

      chöûi theà v. to use abusive language, to swear all the time

      chöng 1 v. to show off, to display: chöng baèng caáp to display all certificates 2 v. to boil down, to dry up

      chöng baøy v. to display, to exhibit

      chöng dieän v. to dress up, to show off; to decorate

      chöng doïn v. to display, to arrange

      chöùng 1 n. R proof, evidence: baèng chöùng/chöùng côù evidence, proof; chöùng nhaân/nhaân chöùng witness 2 n. illness, defect, vice, ailment, tic: trieäu chöùng symptom; giôû chöùng, sinh chöùng to become vicious, wicked

      chöùng beänh n. symptom

      chöùng chæ n. certificate

      chöùng côù n. (= chöùng cöù) evidence, proof

      chöùng giaùm v. to witness, to be a witness, to certify

      chöùng khoaùn n. security certificate, bonds, shares

      chöùng kieán v. to witness, to see

      chöùng minh v. to prove, to demonstrate

      chöùng minh thö n. identification certificate, laissez passer

      chöùng nghieäm v. to verify

      chöùng nhaân n. witness

      chöùng nhaän v. to certify

      chöùng phieáu n. certificate

      chöùng thöïc v. to certify, to prove

      chöùng toû v. to prove

      chöùng töø n. receipt, document, proof

      chöøng n., adv. foreseeable degree, measure, extent; about: chöøng ñoä approximately; chöøng aáy/ chöøng naáy then, that amount; coi chöøng to watch out, to be cautious; ñoä chöøng/phoûng chöøng/ chöøng ñoä about, approximately; quaù chöøng excessively, to the extreme; vöøa chöøng moderately; yù chöøng it seems that

      chöøng ñoä n., adv. moderation; about

      chöøng möïc n., adj. average, moderation; reasonable

      chöûng n. at one stretch, in one gulp: ngaõ boå chöûng to fall back

      chöõng v. [of child] to totter

      chöõng chaïc adj. (= chöõng chaøng) stately, dignified

      chöôùc 1 n. dodge, trick, ruse, expedient: möu chöôùc trick 2 v. to excuse, to exempt

      chöôûi See chöûi

      chöôøm v. to apply a compress to

      chöông n. chapter [of a book]

      chöông trình n. program, project, plan; program of studies, curriculum: chöông trình Anh vaên the English program

      chöôùng adj. unpleasant; indecent; senseless

      chöôùng khí n. unhealthy air

      chöôùng maét adj. unpleasant, unacceptable

      chöôùng ngaïi: n. hindrance, obstruction: vaät chöôùng ngaïi obstacle

      chöôùng ngaïi vaät n. obstacle, barricade, roadblock, hurdle

      chöôùng tai adj. unpleasant to the ears

      chöôûng n. martial art trick

      chöôûng kheá n. notary

      co 1 v. to shrink, to contract 2 v. to bend, to curl up

      co boùp v. to pulsate

      co giaõn adj. elastic, flexible

      co quaép adj. curled up

      coù 1 v. to be; to exist; to have, to possess, to own; there is/are 2 adv. affirmative article: giaàu coù to be wealthy; ít coù to be rare

      coù chöûa adj. pregnant

      coù haäu v. to have a happy ending

      coù hieáu v. to have filial piety

      coù hoïc adj. educated

      coù ích adj. useful: baïn haõy laøm vieäc gì coù ích cho xaõ hoäi to do something useful for society

      coù khi adv. sometimes

      coù leõ adv. perhaps, probably

      coù (leã) pheùp adj. polite

      coù lyù adj. reasonable, logical

      coù mang adj. (= coù chöûa) pregnant


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