Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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to follow; with, and: cuøng nhau with one another, together; cuøng moät luùc at the same time, simultaneously; tam cuøng [communist] the three “togethers” (eat together, live together, work together) 2 n. the end, limit, destitute, without resources: cuøng khoå/cuøng khoán very poor; voâ cuøng limitless, extremely [precedes or follows adjective]; kyø cuøng until the end, to the last

      cuøng cöïc adj. utmost

      cuøng ñöôøng adj. deadlock, at the end of a road

      cuøng nhau adv. together

      cuûng coá v. to strengthen, to consolidate

      cuõng adv. also, too [precedes main verb]; all right [optionally follows keå]; [should not be translated in inclusive statements having indefinites ai, gì, naøo, ñaâu, bao giôø]: Toâi cuõng ñi. I’m going, too.; Ai cuõng thích. Everybody likes it.; Caùi naøo cuõng ñöôïc. Any one will do.

      cuoác 1 v. to dig out, to dig up 2 n. ride [in rickshaw, taxi]

      cuoác boä v. to walk, to take a walk

      cuoäc 1 n. for games, parties, meetings, actions, etc. (= cuïc): coâng cuoäc job, work, undertaking 2 v. to bet, to wager (= caù): Toâi cuoäc vôùi anh naøy I bet you

      cuoái n. end; bottom [of list; last]: cuoái cuøng at last, finally; ñoaïn cuoái the end [of story, book, film]; töø ñaàu chí cuoái from beginning to end

      cuoäi adj. nonsensical, lying

      cuoãm v. to steal, to filch, to swipe

      cuoàn cuoän v. [of waters] to whirl

      cuoán 1 v., n. [SV quyeån] to roll, [of wind, water] to carry away; roll, volume 2 v., n. to roll; roll to wrap-up: cuoán chaû gioø spring roll

      cuoán goùi v. to pack off and to clear out

      cuoän v., n. to roll up; roll [of paper giaáy], spool [of thread chæ]

      cuoáng 1 n. stalk, stem; stub 2 adj., v. to be panic-stricken, to be nervous; to lose one’s head; to be at a loss

      cuoáng cuoàng adj. utterly agitated, panicky

      cuoáng hoïng n. throat, esophagus

      cuoáng phoåi n. bronchia

      cuoáng quít v. to lose one’s head

      cuoáng ruoät thöøa n. appendix [anatomy]

      cuoàng adj. mad, crazy, insane

      cuoàng nhieät adj. fanatic(al)

      cuoàng phong n. furious gale, tempest

      cuoàng tín adj. fanatic(al)

      cuoàng voïng n. crazy ambition

      cuùp 1 v. to cut, to reduce: cuùp löông to cut salary 2 n. cup, trophy: cuùp Ña-vít Davis Cup

      cuïp v. to close [umbrella oâ]; [of tail, ears] to droop

      cuùt v. to scram: Cuùt ñi! Scram! Beat it! Get lost!

      cuït adj. short; lame: cuït chaân crippled; caét cuït cut, chopped

      cö v. R to dwell, to reside, to live (= ôû): di cö to migrate, to move, to evacuate; ñònh cö to settle [refugees]; taûn cö to evacuate; daân cö inhabitant, population

      cö daân n. inhabitant, population

      cö nguï v. to dwell, to reside, to live

      cö só n. retired scholar; retired official

      cö truù v. to dwell, to reside, to live

      cö xöû v. to behave

      cöù 1 n. R evidence, proof: baèng cöù/chöùng cöù evidence 2 v., adv. to continue to [precedes main verb], to act despite advice or warning: Cöù noùi ñi! Keep talking!

      cöù ñieåm n. base, main point

      cöù lieäu n. data

      cöø adj. smart, outstanding

      cöû 1 v. to appoint, to send [an official]; ñöôïc cöû giöõ chöùc to be appointed 2 v. R to lift [weight taï]; to begin; to move; to raise [army binh]: cöû taï to lift weight

      cöû chæ n. gesture, attitude

      cöû ñoäng v., n. to move; motion, movement

      cöû haønh v. to be held; to perform, to celebrate

      cöû nhaân n. bachelor [degree]; bachelor’s degree, licentiate

      cöû toaï n. audience

      cöû tri n. voter

      cöõ 1 n. cycle, epoch, period 2 v. to abstain from (= kieâng)

      cöï v. to resist, to scold

      cöï phaùch adj. outstanding, celebrity, prominent

      cöï tuyeät v. to refuse, to reject

      cöa v. to saw, to amputate; [slang] to overcharge: maït cöa sawdust; xöôûng cöa, maùy cöa, cöa maùy power saw; hình raêng cöa ser-rate, serrulate

      cöùa v. to cut, to saw off [with a dull knife]; to charge [high fees]

      cöûa n. [SV moân] door: cöû a lôùn, cöû a ra vaøo main door; cöûa vaøo entrance; cöûa ra exit; baäc cöûa threshold; then cöûa door latch; ngöôõng cöûa threshold

      cöûa beå n. seaport

      cöûa chôùp n. shutters

      cöûa coâng n. government office/ department; court, tribunal

      cöûa haøng n. store, shop

      cöûa nhaø n. house, household; housing

      cöûa oâ n. city gate

      cöûa Phaät n. Buddhist temple

      cöûa soâng n. estuary

      cöûa tieäm n. store, shop, department store

      cöïa 1 n. spur [of rooster] 2 v. to move, to stir: cöïa mình to toss

      cöïc 1 n. R pole [geography and physics], extreme; R extremely: aâm cöïc cathode; döông cöïc anode; ñieän cöïc electric pole 2 adj. to be desperately in need, hard, suffering

      cöïc chaúng ñaõ v. to be against one’s will

      cöïc ñaïi n., adj. maximum

      cöïc ñieåm n. maximum, extreme, climax

      cöïc ñoan adj. extreme, extremist

      cöïc ñoä n. extreme degree, limit

      cöïc höõu adj. extreme right

      cöïc khoå adj. poor; miserable

      cöïc kyø adv. extremely

      cöïc laïc n. extreme happiness; paradise

      cöïc löïc adv. strongly, energetically, categorically

      cöïc taû adj. extreme left

      cöïc thònh adj. prosperous, very rich

      cöïc tieåu n., adj. minimum

      cöûi n. loom: deät cöûi to weave

      cöng v. to cherish, to pamper

      cöng cöùng adj. a bit hard (= cöùng)

      cöùng adj. hard; strong, stiff, tough, rigid [opp. meàm]

      cöùng caùp adj. robust, strong, tough

      cöùng coûi adj. firm

      cöùng coå adj. stubborn, headstrong, pigheaded

      cöùng ñaàu adj. stubborn, head-strong, pigheaded


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