Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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trình n. circular [which is sent around], cycle

      chu vi n. circumference

      chuù 1 n. uncle [father’s younger brother]: chuù ruoät uncle [addressed by nephew or niece]; chuù hoï father’s male cousin; chuù thím toâi my uncle and his wife; coâ chuù toâi my aunt and her husband 2 n., v. note; to annotate, to explain, to mark: ghi chuù/ cöôùc chuù footnote 3 n. incantation, conjuration: ñoïc thaàn chuù to read incantation

      chuù aâm v. to phoneticize

      chuù cöôùc n. explanatory notes, marginal notes

      chuù daãn v. to note, to annotate

      chuù giaûi v. to explain, to quote, to annotate

      chuù löïc v. to concentrate or to apply one’s strength on

      chuù muïc v. to pay attention to

      chuù reå n. bridegroom

      chuù taâm v. to concentrate on

      chuù tieåu n. novice [in a Buddhist temple]

      chuù troïng v. to pay attention to, to attach importance to [ñeán, tôùi precedes object]

      chuù yù v. to pay attention [ñeán, tôùi precedes object]; Attention!

      chuû n. owner, master, boss, lord (= chuùa); landlord: oâng chuû nhaø landlord; chuû nhaø host, hostess [opp. khaùch]; chuû haõng employer [opp. thôï]; ñòa chuû landowner; gia chuû head of family; nghieäp chuû manager of industry

      chuû buùt n. editor-in-chief, editor

      chuû chieán v. to advocate war

      chuû ñaïo adj. decisive

      chuû ñeà n. main subject, main topic

      chuû ñích n. main objective, main aim, chief goal

      chuû ñoäng v., adj. to be active, to take the initiative; principal

      chuû giaùo n. bishop

      chuû hoaø v. to advocate peace

      chuû hoä n. head of a family

      chuû hoân n., v. celebrant; to conduct a wedding ceremony [preceded by ñöùng]

      chuû khaûo n. head of examiners

      chuû löïc n. main force, driving force

      chuû möu v., n. to instigate; to be the mastermind, to contrive; instigator

      chuû nghóa n. doctrine, ideology

      chuû ngöõ n. subject [of a sentence]

      chuû nhaân n. boss, master

      Chuû nhaät n. Sunday (= chuùa nhaät)

      chuû nhieäm n. director; editor

      chuû quan n., adj. subjective thinking [opp. khaùch quan]; subjective

      chuû quyeàn n., adj. sovereignty; sovereign

      chuû söï n. chief of a bureau

      chuû taâm v., n. to intend, to aim; intention

      chuû teå n. chief, master, lord

      chuû thaàu n. contractor

      chuû theå n. subject, main organ

      chuû tòch n. chairman

      chuû toaï v., n. to preside over [a meeting]; chairperson: chuû toaï buoåi hoïp to chair a meeting

      chuû töø n. subject

      chuû tröông v., n. to advocate, to assert, to maintain; policy

      chuû yù v., n. to intend, to aim; main idea, primary intention

      chuû yeáu adj. essential, important

      chua 1 v. to note, to annotate 2 adj. sour, acid

      chua chaùt adj. bitter, ironical

      chua ngoa adj. talkative; lying; sharp-tongued

      chua xoùt adj. painful

      chuùa n. lord, prince, God: vua chuùa kings and princes; chuùa Trôøi God

      chuùa nhaät n. Sunday

      chuùa sôn laâm n. tiger

      chuùa teå n. chief, master, leader

      chuøa n. [SV töï] Buddhist temple, pagoda: thaày chuøa monk

      chuøa chieàn n. Buddhist temples

      chuaån n., adj. standard: tieâu chuaån criterion

      chuaån bò v. to prepare, to get ready

      chuaån chi v. to order, to authorize a payment

      chuaån ñích n. definite aim, goal, norm

      chuaån ñònh v. to fix, to decide

      chuaån nhaän v. to accept, to approve

      chuaån pheâ v. to approve

      chuaån töôùng n. brigadier-general

      chuaån uùy n. warrant officer

      chuaån xaùc adj. accurate

      chuaåny v. to approve

      chuùc 1 v. to tilt 2 v. to wish; to congratulate, to celebrate

      chuùc thö n. will and testament

      chuùc tuïng v. to wish; to praise

      chuïc num. ten: hai chuïc twenty

      chui v. to glide headlong, to creep, to steal, to slip in through a narrow opening; to cede [a card]

      chuùi v. to bend one’s head forward; to be engaged totally in

      chuøi v. to wipe, to clean, to polish

      chum n. water jar

      chuùm v. to purse, to round [lips]

      chuøm n. cluster, bunch [of grapes, keys, flowers]: chuøm chìa khoaù a set of keys

      chuïm v. to assemble, to join

      chuïm löûa v. to light a fire

      chun v. to shrink, to be elastic

      chun chuûn adj. short, tiny

      chuøn v. to slow down, to stop

      chuøn chuït adv. [to kiss or suck] noisily

      chung 1 adj., v. common, mutual; to have or do in common: ôû chung to live together; chung tieàn to pool money 2 v. R to finish (= heát): thuyû chung to the end; from beginning to end; to be loyal, faithful 3 n. the end [used at the end of books or articles]

      chung chaï v. to share [with other people]

      chung ñuùc v. to amalgamate, to create

      chung ñuïng v. to clash; to share with other people

      chung keát n. final

      chung quanh n. surrounding area (= xung quanh)

      chung qui adv. in the final analysis, in conclusion

      chung thaân adv. all one’s life: tuø chung thaân life imprisonment

      chuùng pron. [pluralizer for certain personal pronouns]; R group, people: coâng chuùng the public; ñaïi chuùng the masses; quaàn chuùng the masses

      chuùng baïn n. friends

      chuùng bay pron. you [plural]; [also


      chuùng chaùu pron. we [your grandchildren, your nephews, your nieces]

      chuùng con pron. we [your children]

      chuùng em pron. we [your younger siblings]


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