Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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1 v. to fold, to close [a book]: gấp sách lại to close the book 2 adj. urgent; in a hurry: gởi một lá thư gấp to send an urgent letter

      gấp bội adj. manifold, multiple

      gấp đôi/hai adj. double: sãn phẩm tăng gấp đôi production has doubled

      gấp rút adj. very urgent, pressing

      gập v. See gặp gập

      ghềnh adj. uneven, broken, rough, bumpy: đường gập ghềnh rough road

      gật v. to nod: gật đầu chào to greet someone with a nod; ngủ gật to fall asleep while sitting or standing

      gật gà gật gù v. See gật gù

      gật gù v. to nod repeatedly

      gâu gâu n. the barking of a dog, bow-wow

      gấu 1 n. bear: ăn như gấu to eat gluttonously; hỗn như gấu very impolite 2 n. hem, fringe [of dress]: gấu quần cuffs of trousers

      gầu n. dandruff, scurf

      gẫu adj. idle, aimless: nói chuyện gẫu to chat idly

      gây 1 v. to bring about, to cause, to provoke: gây ra chiến tranh to provoke a war 2 v. to quarrel

      gây chiến v. to provoke a war

      gây chuyện v. to cause a quarrel

      gây dựng v. to create, to constitute, to establish, to set up

      gây gãy v. to feel feverish

      gây giống v. to crossbreed

      gây gỗ v. to pick a quarrel

      gây hấn v. to incite wars, to provoke hostilities

      gây loạn v. to incite a rebellion

      gây mê v. to anesthetize

      gây oán v. to create enemies

      gây sự v. to try to pick a quarrel

      gây thù v. to create enemies

      gầy adj. (= ốm) thin, skinny, emaciated, lean, gaunt [opp. béo, mập]

      gầy còm adj. very thin

      gầy gò adj. thin, skinny

      gầy mòn v., adj. growing thinner, losing flesh, weakened, enfeebled

      gầy nhom adj. skin and bones, gaunt, emaciated

      gẩy v. See gảy

      gẫy v. See gãy

      gậy n. stick, cane: chống gậy to lean on a cane

      gậy gộc n. sticks

      ghe n. (= thuyền) junk, sampan, bark, craft, boat [CL chiếc]

      ghe chài n. junk, fishing junk

      ghé v. to stop at; to come close, to call at, to drop in: ghé thăm bạn to call at a friend’s place; ghé tai ai to lean one’s ear towards

      ghé mắt v. to have a look at, to glue one’s eyes to

      ghé vai v. to share one’s responsibility

      ghè v. to break, to crush, to strike, to hit

      ghẻ 1 n. itch, scabies: cái ghẻ acarid 2 adj. to be cold, indifferent: ghẻ lạnh indifferent; dì ghẻ, mẹ ghẻ step-mother

      ghẻ lạnh adj. indifferent

      ghẻ lở n. itch, scabies

      ghẹ n., v. at the expense of; to sponge something: ăn ghẹ to sponge on; đi ghẹ xe to get a ride with somebody

      ghém n. salad, mixed [raw] vegetables: ăn ghém rau to eat mixed vegetables

      ghen v., adj. jealous; envious: máu ghen jealousy

      ghen ghét v. to be jealous, to covet; to hate

      ghen tuông v. to be jealous in love

      ghẹo v. to tease; to bother: ghẹo gái to flirt with girls

      ghép v. to assemble, to join, to unite; to graft: ghép các chữ cái để thành một từ to join letters to make a word; ghép hai cây hồng to graft two roses

      ghét 1 n. dirt, filth [rubbed off body or skin] 2 v. to detest, to hate: yêu cho vọt, ghét cho chơi to spare the rod and spoil the child

      ghét bỏ v. to abandon because of hate

      ghét cay ghét đắng v. to hate someone’s guts

      ghê v., adv. to be horrified [so as to tremble], to shiver, to shudder, to have one’s teeth on edge, to be horrible, terrible; terribly

      ghê ghớm adj. frightful, awful, formidable

      ghê người adj. frightful, awful

      ghê răng v. to set the teeth on edge

      ghê sợ adj. terrific, awful, terrible, horrible

      ghê tởm adj. sickening, disgusting, nauseous, repulsive

      ghế 1 n. chair, seat, bench: ghế xếp folding chair 2 v. to stir [boiled rice in pot] with chop-sticks before lowering the fire and putting the lid on

      ghế bành n. armchair, easy chair

      ghế dài n. bench, seat

      ghế dựa n. chair with a back

      ghế đẩu n. stool, high chair

      ghế ngựa n. wooden bed [made of two or four boards resting on trestles]

      ghế trường kỷ n. wooden sofa, couch

      ghế xích đu n. rocking chair, swing

      ghếch v. to lean on, to lean against, to rest on

      ghếch chân v. to set, to put one’s feet up on an object

      ghềnh n. fall, waterfall, cataract: lên thác xuống ghềnh up hill and down dale

      ghi 1 v. to record, to note, to write down: ghi tên to register one’s name, to enlist; ghi lòng tạc dạ to remember [favor] for ever; đáng ghi nhớ noteworthy 2 n. [Fr. aiguille] switch on railroad: bẻ ghi to shunt, to switch off [rail]; phu bẻ ghi pointsman

      ghi chép v. to note, to make a note of something; to inscribe, to write down: ghi chép bài học to write down a lesson

      ghi nhận v. to acknowledge [receipt of something]

      ghi nhớ v. to remember: ghi nhớ số điện thoại của ai to remember someone’s telephone number

      ghi tên v. to put one’s name down, to sign up, to register

      ghì v. to hold tight, to tighten: ôm ghì to clasp, to embrace; trói ghì to tie up

      ghim n., v. pin; to pin

      ghim băng n. safety pin

      gì n., pron. (= chi) What?; anything, everything, something: Cái gì?, Những gì? What?; không cần gì? it doesn’t matter; hèn gì no wonder; Gì bằng Wouldn’t it be better to ...?

      gia 1 n. R house, household, home, family (= nhà): quốc gia state, nation; đại gia great family; nhạc gia in-laws 2 n. R -ist, -er, -ian, as a suffix: chính trị gia statesman, politician; khoa học gia scientist; tiểu thuyết gia novelist; nông gia farmer 3 v. R to increase (= thêm): tăng gia to increase

      gia ân v. to grant a favor

      gia bảo n. family treasure

      gia biến n. family disaster

      gia bộc n. servant


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