Medical Intuition. C. Norman Shealy Md, PhD

Medical Intuition - C. Norman Shealy Md, PhD

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Rapid healing of hepatitis using daily castor oil packs.

      • Clearing of cataracts using one drop of castor oil in each eye at bedtime (use U.S.P. castor oil).

      • Healing of a pilonidal cyst after use of castor oil packs.

      • Clearing of brown skin aging spots using castor oil plus baking soda.

      • Relief of severe eye allergies by rubbing eyelids with castor oil at bedtime.

      • Relief of low back pain with one week's application of castor oil packs.

      • Relief of chronic diarrhea using abdominal castor oil packs.

      • Clearing of vocal cord nodes in horses, using castor oil packs applied daily on the neck for three months.

      • Complete clearing of tinnitus with six-eight drops of castor oil orally each day for 4 weeks.

      • Clearing of hyperactivity using castor oil packs.

      • Removal of a wart after four weeks of application of castor oil.

      • Resolution of a calcium deposit from the sole of the foot using daily castor oil massage.

      • Clearing of skin cancer using castor oil plus baking soda.

      • Clearing of snoring after two weeks of abdominal castor oil packs.

      • Improvement of a bee sting by application of castor oil.

      • Increased hair growth through daily scalp massage with castor oil 20 minutes before shampooing.

      • Clearing of nail fungus after four months of castor oil packs on the nail. All of these can be found at:

      • tharchive/therapies/castor1/html. These have been my own experiences:

      • Marked reduction of swelling of the knee in a number of patients who wrapped the knee in a castor oil cloth overnight.

      • Excellent and rapid relief of acute abdominal pain with acute intestinal flu.

      • Healing of deep wounds on the pastern of horses.

      • Rapid recovery from viral infections with a 30-minute soak in the bathtub in hot water, using one cup castor oil, or applying castor oil over the entire body after a shower and then putting on an old sweat suit or winter long johns underwear, top and bottom. The castor oil bath or suit is clearly the most effective and rapid approach for treating acute flu.

      • Clearing of early cataracts with the use of one drop of castor oil in the eye at bedtime.

      • Rapid recovery from a cold or flu by taking a castor oil bath or using a castor oil suit.

      Cayce recommended white wool flannel, but even old cotton flannel works well. Or, in a pinch while traveling, I have used just facial tissues and castor oil. The entire abdomen should be covered, especially over the liver (or around a joint or neck), and cover this with plastic. The abdomen is best wrapped using plastic wrap around the body to absorb any leaking castor oil. Cover the area with a towel, and use a warm heating pad for 1 hour, or leave on overnight without the heating pad.

      A castor oil bath consists of putting a cup of castor oil into a bathtub with adequate, comfortably hot water and soaking for thirty minutes. If you choose to do a castor oil bath, please be sure to let all the water out of the tub and wash off carefully with a cheap shampoo, rinse off, wash off a second time with the shampoo, and rinse yourself and the tub very thoroughly before getting out of the tub!

      For a castor oil suit, after a bath or shower, rub castor oil over the entire body from neck to ankles. Put on an old sweat suit or pair of long johns and sleep in it overnight.

      All of the medical advice given by Cayce might be considered by many to be anecdotal. There have been numerous uses of many of the approaches. It is also worthwhile mentioning that in certain situations, Cayce specifically stated that his recommendations would be useful for “this body,” meaning that this was not the case for everyone. One such example, which became very popular, was the statement that eating three almonds a day would prevent cancer. But this was said to only two people, and in both cases, this recommendation was specifically said “for this body.” Not that three almonds would harm anyone else, but it is important not to generalize unless Cayce did!

      In addition to these fairly widely known aspects of castor oil, individuals have sent the following reports to me:

      • One individual reported that she had such severe pain during her menstrual cycle that physicians investigated. During a laparoscopic exam they discovered that she had adhesions between her fallopian tube, uterus, and intestine. She used castor oil packs for six weeks. The pain went away and has never returned in sixteen years.

      • An ankle sprain with great swelling and discoloration was cured within a week of using castor oil packs.

      • One individual noted that castor oil mixed with baking soda and applied to a mole leads to their shrinking and disappearing.

      • Castor oil plus baking soda not only removes moles but also removes age spots.

      • Castor oil rubbed on a neuroma in the foot cured the pain.

      • One individual reported that, in three generations of his family, castor oil had been very helpful for knee arthritis.

      • A Reiki master reported that massaging castor oil into irritated varicose veins helped them virtually disappear.

      • Castor oil packs relieved symptoms of gall bladder disease.

      • Another individual reported that a mole disappeared within five nights with just the application of castor oil.

      • Castor oil packs for acute low back pain have been reported as useful.

      • Application of a castor oil pack to someone with scleroderma led to a total cure.

      • Wounds to the abdomen left behind a blood clot, and the patient was told that the wound would have to be drained surgically if it did not heal within a month. Castor oil packs led to total resolution.

      • Although I have not had cataracts, I have recommended one drop of castor oil in each eye at bedtime and had numerous individuals report that their cataracts had disappeared.

      • "My husband has had great relief from the castor oil packs. He used to end up at the hospital with his severe pain in the abdominal area from complications with adhesions, etc. Now when he feels the pain coming on, we apply the castor oil packs. He no longer has to go on the painkillers or have the tube put down his nose to relieve the pressure on his stomach.”

      And, of course, there are many other reports of benefits from the Cayce readings. The following are some that I have received from individuals:

      • An individual used the Wet Cell appliance recommended by Cayce. Twenty-one years later, her electromyographic studies revealed that her nerves were better than they were twenty-one years ago. She had a hereditary nerve degenerative disease.

      • Another individual reported using yellow saffron and slippery elm tea for serious skin problems. Incidentally, Cayce also recommended this for stomach ulcers and any indigestion problems.

      • IPSAB toothpowder cured diseased gums.

      • IPSAB cured severe tooth sensitivity.

      • "The moment I have an inkling of a cold coming on, I drink grape juice, eat raw vegetables, lots of salads, and stay away from acid-producing foods. The virus does not seem to take hold when I do that.”

      • Another individual reported hearing a voice say, “Be still and know who is here.” She knew that it was Edgar Cayce. She was instructed to apply cold compresses to the left wrist when she had had trauma to her head, causing an energy block in the left hand. After three nights of applying the cold compresses, energy went up the left arm and “left,” and she has been healed for many years.


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