Medical Intuition. C. Norman Shealy Md, PhD

Medical Intuition - C. Norman Shealy Md, PhD

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but my thinking at that point was, well, this is all great, but we would never get this approved by the FDA! Coupling this with my information from the Ukraine, I set about constructing a modern, solid-state electrical stimulator to reproduce the output of one of the first electrical stimulators in this country, the Electreat, patented in 1919. It turned out that it was not only very successful in treating pain but also in producing human DNA frequencies of 54 to 78 GHz, the exact same frequency and intensity as the devices from the Ukraine—50 to 78 decibels. The copper room and pyramid produced exactly those same frequencies when a Tesla Coil was turned on.

      Eventually, with the help of several individuals, we were able to develop the Shealy Pain Pro. While I was working on that over a period of five years, my guide gave me five specific electrical circuits in the human body. Actually, the beginning of this goes back to another earlier intuitive hit. In the early 90s, I had become quite interested in DHEA, or dehydroepiandrosterone. It is the most important hormone in the body and the most prominent, in terms of concentration, and one which decreases from age twenty-five on. The average eighty-year-old has less than 10 percent of the average twenty-year-old. My intuition said that if we would use natural progesterone cream, it would raise DHEA. We did the experiment in seven men initially, and it raised DHEA from 60 to 100 percent. But if you start with only 100 nanograms/deciliter and you need 750 or more in a man to be optimal, doubling doesn't do a great deal. One day I sat down and asked the question, What else can I do to raise DHEA? My guide said, “If you stimulate the acupuncture points that connect the kidneys with the gonads, with the thyroid, adrenals, and the pituitary, through a Window of the Sky acupuncture point, it will raise DHEA.” Having practiced acupuncture since 1967, I knew a great deal of the meaning of what I was told. Kidneys, in Chinese cosmology, are the area where you concentrate your ancestral “chi,” or energy. My response was that there was no acupuncture point for the pituitary. The guide said, “Find one.” So I got out my acupuncture atlas and chose Governing Vessel 20 to activate the pineal because it directly overlies the pineal gland, which then controls the pituitary. The points I chose were Kidney 3, bilaterally; Conception Vessels 2, 6, and 18; Master of the Heart 6, bilaterally; Large Intestine 18, bilaterally; and Governing Vessel 20. I asked the guide whether these were right, and he said, “Try it.” We did our initial experiments and found that, over a three-month period, with stimulation of these points, three minutes per pair of points daily, DHEA was raised an average of 60 percent with some individuals, getting an increase of up to 100 percent.

      Shortly after that, I began to receive from the guide more descriptions of circuits, including the Ring of Air, which he said would stimulate simultaneity of thought or holographic thinking (which I consider intuition). Next came the Ring of Water, which he said would open the crystological heart, or help balance emotions. Next came the Ring of Earth, which he said would recreate the physical body; and finally, the Ring of Crystal, which I was told would lead to actual regeneration. Now I was not told the names of the points to use—I had to develop those points based upon general physical sites that the guide mentioned, and I was given no further information about the chemistry involved. That required work and intuition on my part.

      We found that the Ring of Air strikingly increases neurotensin, a brain-produced neurochemical that is a neuroleptic. That means that it really allows one to detach from the body and feel somewhat spacey but very alert. The Ring of Water significantly normalizes aldosterone, the adrenal hormone that controls water and potassium metabolism. The Ring of Earth controls or raises calcitonin up to several hundred percent. Calcitonin is a thyroid hormone that is essential for depositing calcium in bone. And, finally, the Ring of Crystal, stimulated three days in a row with the Shealy Pain Pro, reduces free radicals an average of 85 percent. This led to my writing the book Life Beyond 100, because I felt that if, when I had completed the work on the five circuits, individuals could restore their DHEA and calcitonin and keep free radicals low, the average person with good habits could live an average of 140 years. And I still believe that to be true, but when I started presenting this to the public, I learned that most people do not want to live to be 100, let alone 140; and they would not take the twenty minutes or so a day necessary to stimulate even one of the Rings.

      In January 2007, I awoke at 4 a.m. with an image of the old copper pyramid on top of a copper wall. I knew this was a message from my guide that I had not completed the work on that approach, so we reconstructed the pyramid without the walls and just put a copper mat under the pyramid. We began to measure telomeres, which are the end of the DNA. Telomeres are key to both health and longevity. They ordinarily shrink by one percent every year of life, starting at birth, and those with bad habits have them shrink much faster. We had six individuals who agreed to participate in the project and use the pyramid with a Tesla Coil for a minimum of thirty minutes, five days a week. At the end of three months, we found that their telomeres had regrown by one percent. That was very exciting, but as I began talking with individuals about it, most people didn't want a pyramid in their house. I then intuitively felt that the only alternative was to create the giga frequencies needed in a mat that could go on top of a mattress so that the whole process could take place while you were sleeping. We created this mat and named it the RejuvaMatrix®, as I had already been calling the copper pyramid that. The six individuals then used the mats instead of the pyramid over the next seven months. At that time, telomeres had grown 2.5 percent, which would have averaged a bit over 3 percent in a year, and I was very excited. We now have some fifty individuals involved in a five-year study of telomere regrowth. To date the RM is leading to an average of 2.6 percent regrowth of telomeres per year.

      I have gone through my own process of intuition in some detail because I think each individual has his or her own unique ability. If you “listen,” you are aware of symbols and messages that come spontaneously or in dreams; then vision (images) becomes creativity, which is the fruit of intuition. Every individual has the ability to strengthen creativity by observing, using, and honoring intuition.


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