Medical Intuition. C. Norman Shealy Md, PhD

Medical Intuition - C. Norman Shealy Md, PhD

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cinnamon for treatment of diabetes. Certainly at the time that he was alive, we did not know that cinnamon is a remarkable source of chromium. Today many people with mild adult onset diabetes are cured just by taking 1 mg. of chromium daily. I have many reports of individuals using that for their adult onset diabetes.

      In a marvelous book, The Edgar Cayce Products—Thirty-Five Years Ago, published by the Heritage Store in Virginia Beach, a chart on page 160 reports that 72 to 100 percent of individuals had reported good or excellent results with IPSAB, Formula 636, Crudoleum, Atomadine, Dermaglow, Formula 208, TIM, Scar Massage, Wet Cell Appliance, Formula 545, Slippery Elm Bark, and Egyptian Oil.

      The unique aspect of Cayce's intuitive readings was not only his ability to diagnose without seeing the individual but also to recommend treatment with a phenomenal variety of approaches. Sometimes this involved current medical drugs, and other times it required drugs that were hard to find but had been used in the past. In addition to this is the use of the Wet Cell Appliance and the impedance device, for balancing the electrical system and the physiology of the body, which were certainly presages of what we now call energy medicine.

      Cayce's expertise extended well beyond the wide application to medical problems. I first became acquainted with the broad Cayce approach to psychological and spiritual issues with Jeffrey Furst's book Edgar Cayce's Story of Attitude and Emotions: (published by Coward, McCann, and Geoghegan, Inc. New York, 1972). Jeffrey's book addresses such crucial issues as these:

      • Attitude is more important than fact.

      • We make ourselves sick.

      • Four aspects of mental, emotional growth.

      • Understanding past-life experiences.

      • Interpersonal relationships.

      • Home and family.

      • Balanced living.

      • The problem of extremes.

      • Changing attitudes and emotions.

      • Health and healing.

      • Love and forgiveness.

      As a neurosurgeon, I was most impressed with “A General Reading on Multiple Sclerosis Itself.” Cayce repeatedly indicated that multiple sclerosis was a problem of “the general mental and spiritual attitude of the entity.” He often said it was a “case of the entity meeting self.” I found that particularly interesting, since the question of autoimmune diseases had not been raised in medicine at that time. It was many years later that we in the medical field recognized that multiple sclerosis is a true autoimmune disease in which the body's own immune system attacks the brain and spinal cord.

      Cayce emphasized “consideration of the whole person” and our relationship to our spiritual being. He emphasized that there are no incurable diseases, only incurable, stubborn minds and bodies.

      • Some individuals can only face the reality of their past-life era by “having their noses rubbed in it.”

      • Serious diseases require serious changes in attitude with “faith, acceptance, optimism and cooperation, etc.”

      • All healing comes from God.

      • No one should call themselves a healer. Individuals can only be channels for healing.

      • Prayer heals (certainly, this has been remarkably emphasized in the work of Dr. Larry Dossey in the last two decades).

      Cayce truly was a fountainhead of holistic concepts, emphasizing the interrelationship between diet, especially proper balance of alkaline and acid foods; water intake; detoxification; castor oil packs; massage; herbs, tonics, and inhalants; vibrational therapy with color, sound, music, and electrical appliances; and spinal manipulation.

      Finally, from the psychospiritual point of view, the three-volume work Attitudes and Emotions is truly an encyclopedia that far surpasses any psychological text of which I am aware. Cayce covers everything from attitudes and emotions in general but also every emotional concept that one can imagine, from anger to zealousness. Here we have almost thirteen hundred pages with detailed descriptions of the attitudinal, and sometimes karmic, foundations for both positive and negative emotions. I know of no one in history with a wider range of correct intuitive information that not only was useful at the time it was suggested and through the time of Cayce's death in 1945, but obviously, from the many current case reports, there remains a fountainhead of appropriate complementary, alternative, and holistic approaches to health. The only conclusion one can make from this body of information is that Edgar Cayce was truly the Einstein of medical intuition!

      Edgar Cayce genuinely has been the role model for the broadest and most comprehensive medical intuitive but also a counseling intuitive and a spiritual counselor. The wisdom that he brought into the world will continue to be a light for many centuries to come.

      For a collection of Web sites that deal with Edgar Cayce's approach to treating sixty-three common conditions and diseases, you can find it online:

      Wherever possible, each ailment includes not only the treatment overviews featured on the main A.R.E. Web site but also relevant research, testimonials, treatment protocols, circulating files, related books, and supplemental e-books. These extra features make “The Directory of Edgar Cayce's Treatments” quite a useful and comprehensive source of information relative to the diseases and conditions in question.





Several years before I first visited the A.R.E., I had come across a wonderful book called Who's the Matter With Me?

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