The Essential Maurice Leblanc Collection. Морис Леблан

The Essential Maurice Leblanc Collection - Морис Леблан

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us admit, until further information is obtained, that the baron was murdered by Antoinette Brhat. We should still have to explain what way she can have taken to go out after committing the crime, to return after Charles's departure and to go out again before the arrival of the commissary. Have you any opinion on this subject, M. Ganimard?"



      Ganimard wore an air of embarrassment. At last, he spoke, not without a visible effort:

      "All that I can say is that I find in this the same way of setting to work as in the ticket 514-23 case, the same phenomenon which one might call the faculty of disappearance. Antoinette Brhat appears and disappears in this house as mysteriously as Arsne Lupin made his way into Matre Detinan's and escaped from there in the company of the blonde lady."

      "Which means...?"

      "Which means that I cannot help thinking of these two coincidences, which, to say the least, are very odd: first, Antoinette Brhat was engaged by Soeur Auguste twelve days ago, that is to say, on the day after that on which the blonde lady slipped through my fingers. In the second place, the hair of the blonde lady has precisely the same violent colouring, the metallic brilliancy with a golden sheen, which we find in this."

      "So that, according to you, Antoinette Brhat ..."

      "Is none other than the blonde lady."

      "And Lupin, consequently, plotted both cases?"

      "I think so."

      There was a loud burst of laughter. It was the chief of the detective-service indulging his merriment:

      "Lupin! Always Lupin! Lupin is in everything; Lupin is everywhere!"

      "He is just where he is," said Ganimard, angrily.

      "And then he must have his reasons for being in any particular place," remarked M. Dudouis, "and, in this case, his reasons seem to me obscure. The writing-desk has not been broken open nor the pocketbook stolen. There is even gold left lying on the table."

      "Yes," cried Ganimard, "but what about the famous diamond?"

      "What diamond?"

      "The blue diamond! The celebrated diamond which formed part of the royal crown of France and which was presented by the Duc d'Alais to Lonide Latouche and, on her death, was bought by Baron d'Hautrec in memory of the brilliant actress whom he had passionately loved. This is one of those recollections which an old Parisian like myself never forgets."

      "It is obvious," said the examining magistrate, "that, if the blue diamond is not found, the thing explains itself. But where are we to look?"

      "On monsieur le baron's finger," replied Charles. "The blue diamond was never off his left hand."

      "I have looked at that hand," declared Ganimard, going up to the corpse, "and, as you can see for yourselves, there is only a plain gold ring."

      "Look inside the palm," said the servant.

      Ganimard unfolded the clenched fingers. The bezel was turned inward and, contained within the bezel, glittered the blue diamond.

      "The devil!" muttered Ganimard, absolutely nonplussed. "This is beyond me!"

      "And I hope that you will now give up suspecting that unfortunate Arsne Lupin?" said M. Dudouis, with a grin.

      Ganimard took his time, reflected and retorted, in a sententious tone:

      "It is just when a thing gets beyond me that I suspect Arsne Lupin most."

      These were the first discoveries effected by the police on the day following upon that strange murder, vague, inconsistent discoveries to which the subsequent inquiry imparted neither consistency nor certainty. The movements of Antoinette Brhat remained as absolutely inexplicable as those of the blonde lady, nor was any light thrown upon the identity of that mysterious creature with the golden hair who had killed Baron d'Hautrec without taking from his finger the fabulous diamond from the royal crown of France.

      Moreover and especially, the curiosity which it inspired raised the murder above the level of a sordid crime to that of a mighty, if heinous trespass, the mystery of which irritated the public mind.

      * * * * *

      Baron d'Hautrec's heirs were obliged to benefit by this great advertisement. They arranged an exhibition of the furniture and personal effects in the Avenue Henri-Martin, in the house itself, on the scene of the crime, prior to the sale at the Salle Drouot. The furniture was modern and in indifferent taste, the knicknacks had no artistic value ... but, in the middle of the bedroom, on a stand covered with ruby velvet, the ring with the blue diamond sparkled under a glass shade, closely watched by two detectives.

      It was a magnificent diamond of enormous size and incomparable purity and of that undefined blue which clear water takes from the sky which it reflects, the blue which we can just suspect in newly-washed linen. People admired it, went into raptures over it ... and cast terrified glances round the victim's room, at the spot where the corpse had lain, at the floor stripped of its blood-stained carpet and especially at the walls, those solid walls through which the criminal had passed. They felt to make sure that the marble chimney-piece did not swing on a pivot, that there was no secret spring in the mouldings of the mirrors. They pictured yawning cavities, tunnels communicating with the sewers, with the catacombs....

      * * * * *

      The blue diamond was sold at the Htel Drouot on the thirtieth of January. The auction-room was crammed and the bidding proceeded madly.

      All Paris, the Paris of the first nights and great public functions, was there, all those who buy and all those who like others to think that they are in a position to buy: stockbrokers, artists, ladies in every class of society, two members of the Government, an Italian tenor, a king in exile who, in order to restablish his credit, with great self-possession and in a resounding voice, permitted himself the luxury of running up the price to a hundred thousand francs. A hundred thousand francs! His Majesty was quite safe in making the bid. The Italian tenor was soon offering a hundred and fifty thousand, an actress at the Franais a hundred and seventy-five.

      At two hundred thousand francs, however, the competition became less brisk. At two hundred and fifty thousand, only two bidders remained: Herschmann, the financial magnate, known as the Gold-mine King; and a wealthy American lady, the Comtesse de Crozon, whose collection of diamonds and other precious stones enjoys a world-wide fame.

      "Two hundred and sixty thousand ... two hundred and seventy thousand ... seventy-five ... eighty," said the auctioneer, with a questioning glance at either competitor in turn. "Two hundred and eighty thousand for madame.... No advance on two hundred and eighty thousand...?"

      "Three hundred thousand," muttered Herschmann.

      A pause followed. All eyes were turned on the Comtesse de Crozon. Smiling, but with a pallor that betrayed her excitement, she stood leaning over the back of the chair before her. In reality, she knew and everybody present knew that there was no doubt about the finish of the duel: it was logically and fatally bound to end in favour of the financier, whose whims were served by a fortune of over five hundred millions. Nevertheless, she said:

      "Three hundred and five thousand."

      There was a further pause. Every glance was now turned on the Gold-mine King, in expectation of the inevitable advance. It was sure to come, in all its brutal and crushing strength.

      It did not come. Herschmann remained impassive, with his eyes fixed on a sheet of paper which he held in his right hand, while the other crumpled up the pieces of a torn envelope.

      "Three hundred and five thousand," repeated the auctioneer. "Going ... going.... No further bid...?"

      No one

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