Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage. James Bèyor
does it not? Can’t trust the biological self feeling that makes you who you are so you betray yourself with symbols. Then you trust the symbols that allow you to betray who you aren’t as you seek to use them. What a predicament. Hypocrisy is razor sharp.
Schools teach symbols acceptance. We sell each new child into symbols bondage and make him or her a reason based symbols slave, an all or nothing fool. In an unguarded heart, we abound with life and purpose. Imagine all the doomsday Christians who are waiting for a physical sign to mark the end of the failure of symbolic time. They wait with their symbols stasis minds which can not see itself as part of the total problem.
While in their agreed sacrosanct group, clinging to binary-flat-line truth which is a pure dogma, members cannot allow access to the living truth in themselves. Selling fear as the voice of a loving God is a contradiction in terms even a child can figure out. Read between the lines. How many so-called believers want to know why their Jesus person was really put to death? Many more don’t than those that do. The mass exodus from religion tells us that. Belief is blind trust and it is on the wane.
Knowing the symbols affect, the effect is the remembered mind taught to suppress feelings, trading them for binary reason as being the only way to live.
Axiom: Our Genesis Biology forbids deception at the expense of its own innate biological purpose.
We are told, and blindly believe, the convenient story which dress-up religions made-up to look pious and to control the weak minds of the masses with fear and guilt. If they actually taught the message and purpose of the real Jesus, we would become kinder and gentler and would share and care rather than judge. And we would come to trust our own genesis voice. Has this been the outcome? Certainly not. The absence of the truth is enforced by institutions of symbolic guilt. Intent is devoid of guilt!
Can we see, then reject seeing for a word that will keep us blind? What is hypocrisy, but the state of being blind and asleep? Symbols junkies are trained for performance rated doing. Agreed authority offers itself as the cure for all emotional and psychological dysfunctions, which the system pretends to protect, to protect us. The human creature is tricked unwittingly at first, but never really unwillingly. The bio-mind will not allow it for very long. Profit is built into all laws. More laws, more profit. Will law enforcement soon be the only source of revenue? Why are so many so nervous all the time? Think about what’s going on in the human mind. Feel, reject feeling to agree. Feel less, agree more. Could that make them, us, biologically nervous? In Genesis knowing, we can feel and do as must be done, without question.
Genesis subversion is at a crucial turning point. We must act now before the bio-gene-pool is totally at the mercy of the organized symbols butchers. The conscious mind is an inherited degenerate. A mind bred in hostility will produce a primal survival animal. We will have lost what conscious ground we have gained.
Axiom: Lesser fears create greater fears as we try to agree them away.
Religions of the world are symbols freaks, afraid of their own shadow, preparing for an Armageddon war. Politics has its own legal agenda, to create enough counter-fear parody to stop anything in its way. However, our technological terrors are very real and belong to the legal machinery, which is our biological separation from our origin, our warning urge. We made ourselves agree we could agree biological necessary warning fear away. Nope! It is still here, alive and well. Now it is a full blown bio-stigma.
That is why we have been placed in this bio-stasis bubble, the black sleep. Basically we have eaten from a poison apple like the fictional, naive Snow White. Hypnotized by smooth words. She willingly ate of the fruit and fell asleep until the handsome Prince came along to give her the Kiss of Life, that would then awaken her from the spell. Does any of this not assist you in the understanding of this work? We are in a biological sleep. What kiss of life will wake us from this sleep?
We are in a mono-symbols sleep and must awaken or remain damaged and perish. We are in a profundity of psychologically scared groups, like schools of fish or a pack of wolves, to add size and bulk to their momentum. The entire advent of biblical time is based on our not waking up from this binary sleep induced by the poison apple, agreement. Imagine words and symbols as poison apples? Is this message not a parody of the two stories, the poison being our pretend tagged, named, and labeled binary symbols knowledge, the sweet, but poison, fruit which serves us as our working capital black death? Eat or be eaten analogy.
Axiom: We toy with human life and think it must be okay because we get away with it.
Our brains are chock full of symbols poison. The historic Christ had to deal with the stasis spell which was overtaking the mind of humanity as the advent of symbols agreement became an ersatz momentum. What was becoming the stacked deck we call linear time, is the symbols progression, and it is a killer. It killed the Christ. There was no available pretense to man’s power then, but the power of sanction, the over-drive of the written word. The acceptable level of social brutality was raised during the time of the Biblical Jesus. As long as it is only a business it was okay? His death was just a halfhearted attempt to fulfill a man occupied prophesy. The world has experienced three apocalypses so far. How many more do we need to prove our binary bio-stasis stigma is a major problem that we must all confront as a world society?
The agreed “they” believe symbols will save them. These afraid believers make up the Omega positive voters, the word trapped supplicants of the political word promise state of the binary symbolic legal mind. We can agree with these pretend symbols and go anywhere we want to go and do whatever we want to do. Isn’t that what we believe?
Those who are most likely to succeed receive the greatest pay and position and the greatest ability to command symbols blame. We all know this, yet it continues as a strident hypocrisy. Better to be an idiot with money than a fool without it? Right? We made this world to run on emptiness so the word “full” is always tomorrow’s promise, a pat we give each other on the back, all in passing.
Axiom: Occupy symbols and you will never be offended at the truth of Genesis feeling energy flowing in your veins.
If the very prodigious Christ could have been paid off, would religion as we know it today be any different? Would it still have its tail-wagging beliefs stuck between its shaky hunkered down legs? To say that politics is a shady deal is absolute and very correct, but in agreed sanction it is a God of pretend, all its own. When using man-made fear to intimidate beliefs set in the hollow desperation using a word like freedom and yet, question not; what have we become? There is no such thing as a personal or even societal freedom if any human being is backed against a biological wall which expects self-infidelity, at the behest of empowered symbols mongers.
This exclusive right given to our scientific and political symbols accreditation, is the key to our binary empowered truth. Intent is a linear adaptation. Intent becomes the reason for sanction and sanction is agreed to be the truth of the matter. That the fact of the matter can be agreed to be pretend fact, makes it a derogatory factor, not a biological living real fact set in a seamless truth, which we have repeatedly violated.
Our innate ability to see through this compromising all or nothing binary agreement could very well save humanity from the great Biblical Apocalypse. The right to be right, to be seen as good, kills. How many people, throughout the reason failed history of the many symbols provocateurs, were close to figuring out what was actually going on in the world? To kill to prevent the truth from being exposed is a huge business today. Symbols fail-safe is the largest legal business going, it is planned extinction.
Axiom: How many fools does it take to make a fully functional mind?
Symbols hypocrisy is protected by well paid freedom peddlers who risk life and limb for the retro-gradations share rights, their share of the wealth invested in the misery of symbols obedience. Everyone can have a share in “I told you so,” blame but always too late, sealed and after the fact. The Jesus movement set trends we are not even close to understanding.
On today, off tomorrow as the darkness takes its toll. Symbols, in and of themselves are degradation from one word to the