Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage. James Bèyor
man-made abyss of pretend and murky symbols ordering upon humanity. This we will call: compression time so we can explain the many facets of confusing thinking we go through to eventually open a guarded human heart, which is the bio-soul of the mind; it is a stream, then a river and eventually an ocean, if the dams are removed.
Axiom: For precious seconds, you can see it all, clearly, right in front of you, then you go back to not being able to see at all.
Symbolic man is being mentally compressed down, self reduced, to a puppet mind. Most people can never come home, some die trying. The symbols labyrinth is far, wide and very deep. The trap was actually already sprung by a man we call the Christ, who was, in his Genesis reality, all alone, but sacrosanct in living truth. There was no religiosity, only direct knowing feeling of a living truth. When he was allowed to be murdered in cold blood, man reset the trap of linear time, reasons empowered, the symbols mind control and the black sleep. But, the alpha omega hub was set in dignity and was, by pure subjective earnestness but never lost. Look-See.
Can you see the key to the human will far below the surface? No. The waters of a binary symbols commanding life are too stirred and agitated and only in the full light of the living day and the unguarded night will the key glow enough for you to see it.
This work seeks and asks for Genesis human clarity in every direct knowing human being who can trust their guardian feeling matrix. Do you trust your feeling-knowing into what can be called: the nature of the living truth? Are you ready to back it up once you know the odds against you are formidable? The living truth will hold its ground; it does not need a fanfare. We recycle symbols, building on them for potency. In compressed time we stack binary reasons for causes. All that is “for a cause,” is binary motive, all or nothing, and we call it our cause of causes; just because people believe it. How many times have you heard that word “because” with no reason given.
Axiom: Intentions are the beginning of compromise.
If there is no reason to be given it is often deeply set as a taught trait at the behest of the word: intent. To be an all or nothing end causation, as we find in binary duality thinking people, you must value symbols. The reason is the meaning and the agreement process makes the meaning seem valid enough to become a vehicle for divisive truth. Once accepted, bad is the bottom of a piled hyped good. No bottom good means bad means what? If no one could be blamed bad, where would good be?
We are not concerned with the living truth as it exposes the forgery and the convoluted use of those symbols/words as they produce a binary potency, the affect upon the mind’s dimensional dynamics. We are engrossed in our share of social trophy invested blame; we adore it. Are we not in our minds, all good guys? It’s the other guy who is not. Add credentials to the stack of reasons—then look out! The enemy is born of this.
We do not sense the stigma of pretend symbols until the mind is forced to consume them and digest them as a fruitful act. We value the flesh with single acts. Within our evolutionary symbols slum we stink of prejudice and binary reason rot. The continuity of linear, agreed time, of the processing and commercializing of human beings with symbols value compression, is for the exclusive purpose of ensuring symbols violators. This we call: commercial grade reason. We pretend we are a superior race, but using agreed symbols as a value is flat-line insanity. What would then smack of a down and dirty commercial debasing of humanity, but it is a group thing, isn’t it? The agreed symbols of groups impose their insecurity on gullible minds.
Axiom: Institutionally threatened is what we would have to be, to continue to allow this very known, very salable economic misery.
When elementary school kids are drugged for institutionally applied mental health labels like “ADD.” Does this smack of a social-cultural digression level disorder? Our social goal is not a biological compatible individual social goal based on the harmonics of a living truth, but a social order based on subservient binary symbols credentials control all the way to the depth of a fully warranted and well paid binary pretending hell. No living hell comes without an institutional group mind. None.
We are playing a very deadly symbols game at the expense of a mass ignorance and an en-mass biologically induced sub-conscious fear trying to smother the Genesis biological “fire-storm” warning. Like a fire wall to fire-fighters set to counter-act and fight the heat of the aggressive flames, but these flames are wind blown. This fire is set by a God of our biology set to burn us through, burn through every pretend symbol we ever made, burn white hot, until we get it. Burn baby burn!
Our failed binary reasons alone serve to remind us just how ignorant we are of Genesis life and our real biological paradise. Keep your eyes open and you will see it. We are in a bio-metaphysical dead-lock. There is a biological cause and effect that takes place when we use and rely on pretend symbols that take the place of what is real. We tag the galaxy in our attempt to control it. But how many know that? Our innate fear process, which is felt as a nervous condition, comes from the gap between the new pretend unreal and the conscious steadfast knowing of what is always real. The biological human bond is to its own seamless truth, true. We can feel it. You can feel it.
Axiom: Tomorrow will never come, for it will still be today.
Institutional truth wants the truth to come from a controlled parts agreement and wants the pieces reassembled in such a way as to sound right according to a mono-dimensional commercial value. Processed right is reprocessed Good. Begin again. Reprocessed Good is our processed right. Make sense yet? That’s all but that is enough to a tricked mind. Define good as being more than group rights’ alibi.
Using the information from the eyes and ears alone is symbols control. We control the pretend of the symbols, nothing else. We have no truth by pretending we do. The falsity of the binary agreement became the truth. We are dying and killing because of it. We are in love with the lie we made because it makes us feel as though we are good because of it. If we fail to agree, our symbols truth is abandoned. The pretend truth is dissolved inside the living truth in a matter of seconds once the door to our biological reality is opened, even if it is open just a little bit, the light gets in, so we do know it’s there, waiting for us.
Point being, it can be opened all the way. The light is so bright the eventuality will lead you to more, the more we all open and share the clarity. As more people participate in the opening, the energy will expand, as does the biology of our Genesis truth.
Since ignorance needs agreement, intelligence either stands by, accepts it for a share in the blame or it goes to rebuke, to question. From there, only the avatars are left to complete a mission of resolution which will change the rules and value of the game.
Axiom: The Omega empowered man, whose job it is to insure symbols compliance, wants full control over all human beings on earth.
It is only our preoccupied symbols darkness we are afraid of, and should be. We live in the illusion of our symbols delusion. In bio-stigma we live in a bio-stasis sleep. In counterfeit time we compress our minds and dilute our lives. Even though we are based in a celestial event real time, expanding to feel what must be felt, we sense the insanity of our symbols creations. We, by our binary symbols agreement, are inviting a preoccupation of an eventual total black death, a breach that super-imposes still another fear over the original bio-fear, “empowered techno-fear.” When in total legal bind we are going to be shut off from the ability to access the Genesis awareness being. Our bio-alarm system is already being ignored. Symbols domination will disallow an event real reality. Personal freedom will be abandoned for judgmental blame which will entitle the omega group to be the keeper of the masses. All will be centered on group performance, all will play the game or be cast into the abyss.
Before Genesis warning fear, our bio-Genesis awareness is a direct knowing feeling of being able to be comfortable with a self-adjusting seamless living truth. We are a passive self-decision making human species headed for the locked gates of a symbols ruled hell where nothing comes without a prejudged action, based on man-made, made-up, armed force fear. We will have allowed this by saying nothing as the legal bind permits this kind of get-away with, all or nothing binary group agreement.