Wilde Horses. Jannine Gallant
busy on that paperwork.”
Eden nodded. “See you later, Zane.”
She left him to head through the row of stalls. A smile formed as she pictured Blake shoveling manure. When she reached her work area in the back, she changed into the jeans and T-shirt she’d left in the bathroom off the small living quarters Sawyer had occupied before moving to Colorado with his fiancée. Glancing around the spartan room at the single bed and dresser, she spent about five seconds contemplating moving out of her room in the house before rejecting the idea.
It’s not like I need the privacy. She tried to remember the last time she’d shared any intimacy with a man…and failed. Well over a year ago, for sure. She let out a sigh as she shut the door. She was in an all-work-and-no-play rut. Not that she didn’t love her work, but still…
When a vision of Blake Benedict’s sky blue eyes as he bent over her flitted through her mind, she gave herself a mental shake. She’d join a nunnery before becoming some kind of pathetic groupie. No way. No how. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to admire his gorgeousness from a safe distance, but that was as far as she intended to take it.
Strolling over to her work table, she sorted through the pieces of leather stacked in a pile and chose one the right size to make a handbag. As fast as orders were coming in lately, between working with her horses and the damn movie taking up valuable time, she’d need help to keep everything on track. Or a few extra hours in each day. When her cell rang, she pulled it from her pocket and glanced at the display before a smile spread. She’d always make time for her best friend.
“Hannah, I haven’t heard from you in a week. How’s everything?”
“Really great. I finished my final out-of-town physical therapy case last week, and my next client arrives in Tahoe in a couple of days.” Her voice bubbled with excitement. “I really think this new plan of Tripp’s to make injured sports stars come to me instead of vice-versa is going to work.”
“Who’s the jock this time?”
“An outfielder for the Oakland A’s with a pulled hamstring. He’s determined to get back in the lineup before mid-season.”
“If anyone can help him do it, you can.”
“Let’s hope.” Her friend’s voice softened. “I’m just happy to be able to spend more time at home with Tripp.”
“I’m glad everything is working out.” Eden dropped into her chair and propped one boot-clad foot on her knee. “My brother isn’t driving you crazy yet?”
“Only now and then. But I’m not going to kick him out of…uh…the house for it.”
Eden winced. Getting used to the idea of her best friend and youngest brother dating had taken an effort. Now Hannah and Tripp were living together, and she could only wonder when they’d make the arrangement permanent. Jealousy pricked. Everyone in her family was in love…except her.
“I’m happy for you. Really, really happy.” She tilted back in the chair. “I guess if you have a new P.T. client, you won’t be able to get away from home for a while.”
“Not until Griff and Sawyer tie the knot with their respective brides in June. Speaking of which…Tripp talked to Sawyer yesterday, and he said something about filming a movie on the ranch staring Blake Benedict.” Curiosity filled her voice. “Why am I hearing about this secondhand? Have you met him yet? Is he as gorgeous in person as he is on the screen?”
“They’re filming a Western here. I was against it, but apparently my vote didn’t count.”
“Why would you be against hanging out with movie stars? Sounds fun. Definitely exciting.”
The memory of Blake’s rock-hard thigh beneath her hand as she’d pushed off the ground surfaced. Ignoring the tingle sliding through her, she forced her attention back to the conversation.
“It’s crazy around here with people everywhere.” She let out a sigh. “I’m hiding out in the barn as we speak. Not that I don’t have work to do…”
“Typical Eden.”
“How’s this for atypical? I agreed to double for Kara Fox in scenes where she needs to ride a horse. We shot the first one this morning.”
“You’re kidding?” Her friend’s voice rose. “That’s amazing. You’re going to be a movie star.”
“Hardly.” Eden shifted and winced when her bruised hip connected with the chair.
“You didn’t answer my question about Blake Benedict.”
“We’ve met, and he’s incredibly good looking. They had a group of extras out here yesterday evening to pick up costumes, and he signed autographs. It was downright embarrassing the way women fawn all over him.”
“I’d probably fawn, too.” Hannah was quiet for a moment. “When we were last at the ranch, you said you wanted to meet someone you haven’t known since childhood. Hello. Sounds like you have a barnyard full of new and interesting men. If you don’t like Blake’s stardom, chat up the crew instead. Put yourself out there, Eden.”
Exactly what she’d been thinking before her phone rang… “Yeah, yeah, I know.”
“Well, then, do something about it.”
“I’ll give your advice due consideration.”
Hannah’s low laugh echoed through the connection. “Good grief, we’re not discussing a business deal. A date, Eden. Go out and have fun for a change.”
“I turned down a date not fifteen minutes ago.”
“With whom?” Indignation filled her friend’s voice.
“Zane.” Eden pressed fingers to the back of her neck and rubbed. “Yes, I know he’s perfect for me and we have everything in common, but I can’t force feelings that aren’t there. He’s a nice guy. I like him just fine, but—”
“You don’t love him.”
“No, I don’t. We split up a year ago, and he still won’t accept that it’s over.”
“Maybe he would if you started seeing someone new. Just one more reason to make an effort. You can be charming when you aren’t ordering people around. Go smile and play nice.”
Eden grinned, not the least bit offended. “Fine. I’ll do my best.”
“You can report on your progress in a few days. Right now, I have to go. Tripp and I are going for a hike, and I need to pack lunch.”
“Have fun.”
“We will.” Hannah’s voice softened. “I just want you to be as happy as I am.”
“I’m not sure that’s possible, but I’ll try.”
“You do that. Bye, Eden.”
“Bye, Hannah.”
She clicked off her phone and laid it on the table then closed her eyes. It probably wouldn’t kill her to be a little friendlier to the Hollywood contingency. A couple of the cameramen were pretty cute… Sure, they’d be leaving in a month, but a quick fling might be just what she needed to add a little excitement since her life had been stagnating lately. Straightening in her chair, she opened her eyes and picked up the supple piece of leather. But first, she had work to do.
Chapter 3
His cell phone vibrated on the counter as Blake stepped out of the shower. He ignored it and reached for a towel. After shaking his head to send water drops flying, he rubbed the soft terrycloth across his shoulders and chest then wrapped the oversized towel around his waist as a precaution before opening the bathroom door. Wouldn’t be the first time he’d walked out naked only to find some obsessed fan had somehow gained access to his bus. Although out here in Middle-of-Nowhere, Wyoming,