Wilde Horses. Jannine Gallant

Wilde Horses - Jannine Gallant

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waved a hand. “Hey, Eden.”

      She stopped and waited for him to catch up. “That was quite a scene.”

      Humor registered in his blue eyes. “You saw us, did you?”

      Her cheeks heated. “I happened to be over at my grandpa’s cabin. Hard to believe someone pays you to kiss beautiful women.”

      “You’d think it’d be more fun than it actually is. Something about having a couple dozen people staring at you takes the enjoyment out of it.”

      “There is that.” She drew one boot through the dirt before glancing up. “Uh, did you need something?”

      “Just to tell you I spoke to Kent McCord. He’s playing in Boise on Tuesday night.”

      Her shoulders slumped. “That’s a heck of a long drive to go to a concert.”

      “True, but I was already planning to fly into Boise early that morning on the studio’s jet. I have to go home for a memorial service near there.” His voice deepened. “Having company on the flight would take my mind off of…everything.”

      Pity filled her at the emptiness in his eyes. “I’m sorry for your loss. Was it a relative?”

      “A good friend.” He let out a breath. “Anyway, Kent said he’ll leave front row tickets and backstage passes for us at the door. We’d spend the night in Boise then fly back to Cody in the morning. You’d only be gone a little over twenty-four hours.”

      An overnight trip. She’d turned down Zane for the very same reason, but unlike their ranch foreman, Blake wouldn’t expect anything from her other than friendly companionship. Will he? She shook her head. They’d only just met, and despite her preconceived ideas about his character, he seemed like a decent guy.

      He frowned. “Is that a no?”


      “You shook your head.”

      “Oh, no, I was just thinking.” She pressed a hand to her chest. “Backstage passes?”

      “You bet. Kent’s a great guy, although maybe I should be insulted.” The lingering sadness in his eyes disappeared when he smiled. “You didn’t show any sign of being starstruck over me.”

      “I was…a little, but I’m good at hiding my feelings. Don’t worry. I won’t throw myself on your buddy. I have more self-control than that.”

      His smile broadened. “He probably wouldn’t mind too much if you did, but his girlfriend might. Uh, does that mean you want to go?”

      “Your offer is pretty darn tempting.” She let out a gusty breath then nodded. “I’d love to go. Thank you for taking the trouble to get those tickets. Should I book myself a hotel room?”

      “I’ll handle it.”

      “Thanks.” She gave him a shy smile. “If I’m going to take a whole day off, I really have to get caught up on my work.” She backed up a step. “I guess I’ll talk to you later.”

      “Definitely. See you around, Eden.”

      She pinched herself as she hurried down the grassy slope toward the corral. She had a date—sort of—with Blake Benedict to see Kent McCord. A grin spread. She’d be the envy of women all over the world. With a little skip, she pushed open the barn door and stepped inside. So much for adding a little zip to her life. She couldn’t wait to tell Hannah. Her friend would be thrilled for her.

      Eden hesitated in the dim light slanting across the hay-strewn floor then moved ahead with a firm stride. So, maybe she didn’t know where this risky new path would lead. More than likely nowhere but back to where she’d started, but she was determined to have a little fun along the way. For once in her steady, predictable life, she’d embrace excitement.

      * * * *

      Zane crossed his arms over his chest and gave Eden a look that would have frozen her where she stood if it wasn’t pushing eighty degrees outside. “Please tell me the rumor I heard is just that, a rumor. I can only assume Roman is completely full of shit.”

      Eden tied the mare she was working with to the fence and resettled the hat on her head before walking over to meet Zane. A sigh slipped out. This was not a conversation she wanted to have…not that it was any of his business.

      “What rumor?”

      His brown eyes narrowed. “On the way home from the concert this morning, Roman mentioned you were going to see Kent McCord after all. In Boise.” His lips tightened. “With Blake Benedict.”

      No point in denying the truth to avoid an argument. She shrugged. “Nope, not a rumor. The concert is Tuesday night.”

      “Damn it, Eden. I can’t believe this.” Zane huffed out a breath and stared up at the cloudless sky. “What the hell are you thinking?”

      “Not that I have to explain myself to you, but it’s supposed to rain on Tuesday. They cancelled filming for the day, so I have no conflicts.” She attempted to lighten the tense atmosphere with a smile. “Front row seats and backstage passes are pretty hard to turn down.”

      “Even if you have to sleep with Benedict to get them?”

      Her smile faded, and she clenched her fists at her sides. “Maybe that’s what you expected, but it doesn’t mean Blake has similar intentions.”

      “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

      “Are you telling me you intended to get separate hotel rooms if I’d agreed to go with you?” She tapped her chest. “Do I look stupid?”

      “Of course not, but we’re involved. We may have hit a rough patch, but some time alone together could have smoothed over the rough edges.”

      She gritted her teeth. “We’re not involved. We used to be, and I ended it. A year ago.”

      He waved a hand. “I’m a patient man. I can wait for you to come out of this funk and accept the fact that we’re perfect for each other.” A frown formed. “But I’m not tolerant enough to watch you take up with some lowlife actor.”

      “First of all, I’m not sleeping with Blake Benedict.” Her temples throbbed. “But if I made that choice, it wouldn’t be any of your business. You and I are not getting back together. It’s time for you to accept my decision and move on.”

      “You’re wrong. We aren’t finished. You’ll change your mind once you aren’t distracted by all this damn movie commotion.”

      His eyes held steely determination. Nothing Eden could say would convince him, so she didn’t bother to try.

      “Is there a problem?” Eden glanced over as her father approached from the direction of the house. “Your voices carried clear to the front porch.”

      “No problem, Boyd. Just a difference of opinion.” Zane stepped back. “I have work to do. I’ll see you later, Eden.”

      She nodded but didn’t speak until their ranch manager was out of earshot. “Damn, I meant to ask about Roman’s schedule before he started in on me. I need help with my leatherworks, and Roman expressed an interest.”

      Her dad gave her a quick smile. “I know you’re stretched pretty thin. Between this new batch of horses and all the orders coming in from your website, you don’t have any time for yourself. I’ll talk to Zane about Roman if you want.”

      “Would you?” She let out a sigh. “I feel like a child instead of a grown woman, expecting my daddy to solve my problems, but I don’t want to get into it with him again.”

      Her father’s gaze sobered. “What’s the problem between you two?”

      Her shoulders slumped. “I knew dating him would be a mistake, but he was so persistent.”


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