Wilde Horses. Jannine Gallant
want to pry, but your mom and I were sort of expecting a proposal.”
Eden leaned against the fence. “Everything you said is true, but one important ingredient was missing. My feelings just weren’t engaged. Zane pushed to move things faster than I wanted, and I was terrified he’d get down on one knee…” She let out a breath as her gaze strayed toward the temporary encampment where Blake was deep in conversation with the director. She forced her attention back to her father. “I couldn’t let that happen, so I broke off our relationship.”
“So what’s the problem now?”
“Zane won’t believe I was serious. He thinks if he just hangs in there and nudges me often enough, I’ll cave in to pressure and reconsider my decision. He’s pissed I’m going to the concert with Blake. That’s what we were arguing about.”
Her father’s eye’s clouded. “If you’re truly uncomfortable around him—”
“I don’t want to create a problem for you. I know how valuable Zane is to the ranch, and this has been his home for a decade. I should have thought through the consequences before I agreed to date him in the first place. As it stands, I’ll simply deal.”
“Maybe Zane would stop pushing you if…” He shrugged. “No, I’m not going to stick my nose into your business.”
“What are you thinking, Dad? Spit it out.”
He drummed his fingers on the fence rail, and his eyes narrowed. “You said he was jealous of Blake Benedict. Maybe if he believes you really are interested in the man—”
“But I’m not.”
“So, brush up on your performance skills. Shouldn’t be all that hard to pretend. Put on a show. Blake would probably get a kick out of it since acting is his business. He seems like an easygoing guy. I bet he’d be happy to help you out, and maybe it would settle the matter with Zane once and for all.”
Eden stared at her dad. “I can’t believe you want me to…do what? Make out with Blake Benedict in public?”
He grinned. “Within reason, of course.”
She smiled back. “I don’t know…” A little quiver ran through her just imagining Blake kissing her. “I’ll give your idea some thought.”
“You do that.” Her dad patted her shoulder. “I’ll see you later. Jack called me about a steer that tangled with some brambles out in the ravine. I need to go out to see how badly he’s injured before I call the vet.”
She nodded. “Thanks for the pep talk.”
“You bet.”
Eden walked back to the Pinto mare she’d been attempting to gentle. “Easy, girl.” She reached slowly for the halter as the horse snorted and rolled her eyes.
“Son of a bitch! Wait up, Benedict.”
She jerked her hand back then glanced over her shoulder as a tall, blond man hurried toward the barn. Blake met her gaze briefly before he stopped and turned.
Was he on his way to see me? She hadn’t noticed him heading in her direction from the encampment. Her pulse sped up for no reason at all, and she deliberately looked away.
“Is there a problem, Max?”
“Hell, yes, there’s a problem. Stafford just told me you intend to take the fall from horseback yourself in the scene they’re filming this evening.”
“I’m going to give it a try. That way they can shoot close-ups of my face after the arrow hits me just before I topple off the horse. If you do it, they’ll have to film from the back.”
The pissed-off man had to be Max Purcell, Blake’s stunt double. Eden snuck another peek over her shoulder. A vein throbbed at his temple, and he looked like he wanted to punch something. She grinned. Probably Blake.
“No one is going to actually shoot you. They’ll have to edit that footage together.”
“John and I discussed the pros and cons. He agrees the scene will play better this way, and I can manage just fine. Hell, after I got bucked off that wild Appaloosa the other day, taking a dive from one of the stock horses will be a piece of cake.”
Purcell fisted his hands on his hips. “Shit. I could have worked in the new James Bond flick, but I thought this film had a shot at an Oscar. Not that it’ll help my career any since you’re freaking doing all your own stunts.”
“Look, I’m not trying to cut you out. I just want to make the picture the best it can be. It’s all you in the stampede scene. John already told me he won’t risk me getting trampled.”
“Perfect.” Purcell let out a breath. “Shit, that ranch chick is getting more camera time than I am.”
“You mean Eden? Hey, she’s good, and Kara’s afraid of horses. We’re damn lucky she agreed to step in.”
“Whatever. I may as well head back into town since I won’t be needed here later.”
“I don’t know. You might want to stick around.” Blake’s voice took on a hint of humor. “If I manage to hurt myself, you’ll have to step in.”
“True that. I guess I can hope the damn horse kicks you.”
When the stuntman swiveled on his heel and stalked off, Eden returned her attention to the mare.
“Beautiful animal.”
She glanced back as Blake approached. “Yes, her markings are gorgeous, but after all the loud voices, she’s afraid of her own shadow.”
He stopped on the other side of the corral fence. “Did you hear that whole conversation?”
“I’m not deaf. Everyone seems to be angry today.” She gave him a hesitant smile. “Nice guy, wishing you’d get injured.”
“Max was just blowing off steam. We’ve worked together for a while now, and he’s a good dude.”
“If you say so.”
He leaned on the fence rail, his blue eyes as bright as the sky behind him. “Who was the guy yelling at you earlier? I’ve seen him around a few times.”
Eden tore her gaze away and laid a calming hand on the mare. The horse’s warmth soaked into her palm. “Our ranch foreman, Zane Hoffman. He was irritated because I’m going to the concert with you.”
His brows shot up. “Is he the one who had tickets for the show last night?”
“Yep.” She let out a sigh. “We dated for a while. Our relationship is…complicated.”
“I guess it could be awkward not being able to walk away after a breakup.”
She winced. “Extremely. My dad suggested I pretend to be interested in you since Zane already has it in his head we’ll be, uh…” Her cheeks heated, and she let out a breath. “…um, hooking up in Boise.” She stared down at her boots. “Anyway, Dad thinks maybe Zane will get over me and move on if I can convince him I’m involved with someone else.”
“Namely, me.”
She nodded then looked up to meet his gaze. “Probably a stupid idea—”
“I don’t know. It could work.” Blake grinned. “I’m happy to help. It won’t exactly stretch my acting skills to pretend like I think you’re gorgeous and smart and hot.” His eyes darkened to indigo. “Especially hot.”
Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as he leaned closer then slid one big hand behind her neck. Before she could think—or even breathe—he kissed her, his lips firm and warm against hers. When her knees wobbled, she gripped the rail to steady herself before he released her.
“Why’d you do that?” Her voice came out in a gasp as she drew air into her lungs.