Heart's Secret. Adrianne Byrd

Heart's Secret - Adrianne  Byrd

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of fat they could find.

      Sure, it was hard to tell when some of them were smiling from time to time, but apparently a movable face was considered sooo overrated. When anyone asked how she knew the Landons, Zora would fake seeing a companion and excuse herself from the conversation. What else could she do? She couldn’t very well tell them that she didn’t know them or explain why she was crashing their sixtieth anniversary party. She did have some pride.

      Thirty minutes in, Zora glanced at her jeweled watch. Ten more minutes, she promised herself. She’d do one more circle through the crowd and if she didn’t see Melanie then that would be just too damn bad. She had fulfilled her end of this silly bargain.

      From across the grand room, Jaxon’s black gaze followed Zora Campbell like a laser beam. What was she doing here? How did she know his grandparents? It wasn’t that he knew everyone they knew, but…he was intrigued. Mainly because back in day he had what he would suppose was a little crush on the supermodel. Hell, ten years ago, Zora Campbell’s image was everywhere: on sports magazines, on sexy lingerie covers and a few provocative perfume ads. He remembered one particular provocative Victoria’s Secret pose on a Times Square billboard that left little to the imagination that made him and every red-blooded male give her a hard salute whenever they walked by.

      He couldn’t believe that all these years later, she still had the same effect on him. Hell, he could barely get two words out of his mouth outside. No doubt, he came off like just another one of her love-struck fans.

      When it came to women, Jaxon had always played his cards close to the chest. He never wanted to show his hand early, if at all. Now here he was, a grown man and certainly an expert at reading and charming women, stumped at what his play should be when he managed to make his way back over to her—hopefully without Kitty attached to his hip. Surely Kitty would understand; after all, she was being paid for her service tonight. It was just the fact that nobody else knew of their charade and it would be more than a bit awkward to flirt in front of a crowd that thought he was engaged.

      Talk about a tangled web.

      Still, there was no way in the world he was going to pass up this opportunity to talk to the Zora Campbell.

      “Sweetheart? Sweetheart, did you hear me?” Kitty hip-bumped Jaxon back into reality and flashed him a concerned smile.

      Jaxon controlled his irritation and lowered his gaze to Kitty.

      “They’re asking whether we’re thinking about a fall or winter wedding.”

      Hell, he hadn’t even noticed the friends and colleagues that had gathered in a half circle around them. “It’s whatever you want, baby.” He flashed them a rare smile and then brushed a kiss against Kitty’s right temple. Why not? She was just doing what he’d paid her to do: keep up the pretense in order to drive Carlton crazy.

      But tonight, his plan may have been ill-timed.

      “Jaxon, you slick dog.” Richard descended out of nowhere and whacked Jaxon on the back. “I had no idea that you’d decided to make an honest woman out of Ms. Kitty.” He tilted his glass of brandy before adding, “I don’t know about anyone else but I’m certainly going to miss your act down at the Velvet Rope.”

      Debra Stinson, Sylvia’s oldest and best friend, inquired with a silver knitted brow. “The Velvet Rope?”

      The other men in the group glanced around as if they were suddenly fascinated with the mansion’s high ceilings.

      Everyone except Richard. “It’s a gentleman’s club,” he answered, smiling. “And the best one in Manhattan I might add.”

      Mrs. Stinson gasped as her eyes widened. “You mean…” She swung her head back toward Jaxon.

      Still cool, Jaxon returned her smile. “What can I say? I’m a man who sees what he likes and goes after it. No matter where it is.” He glanced across the room.

      “Well, I, it’s… Oh, dear.” Ms. Stinson’s hand fanned herself while her face darkened.

      If Richard’s goal was to embarrass Kitty or Jaxon, he was sorely disappointed as the newly engaged couple wrapped their arms around each other and shared another tender kiss. “It doesn’t bother me what Kitty does for a living. As long as she brings all those fun little costumes home.”

      Mrs. Stinson’s voice spiked. “You mean that she still, um, dances?”

      Kitty’s smile ballooned. “Of course I do.” She glanced up at Jaxon. “And my baby here is still my best tipper.”

      Mrs. Stinson looked scandalized, blinking and spluttering. “D-does your grandfather know about this?”

      “Carlton?” Jaxon’s lips quirked up. “He’s thrilled about the whole thing.” He lied, but again his gaze flew over Kitty’s head and toward Zora Campbell. To his surprise, her eyes locked on him, as well.

      To his right, Richard followed Jaxon’s stare. “My, my, my,” Richard said awestruck. “Is that who I think it is?”

      A few more heads whipped in the ex-supermodel’s direction.

      “Zora Campbell.” Richard’s whiskey voice hugged the name a little too much to Jaxon’s liking. He then cocked his head at Jaxon as if he was recalling a memory. Most likely an old frat party memory where Jaxon had drunkenly admitted that he thought Zora Campbell was hands-down sexier than Tyra Banks or Halle Berry any day of the week. Finally a small smile curled Richard’s lips. “Excuse me,” he said. “But I think Ms. Campbell looks as though she could use some company.”

      Jaxon clenched his jaw, but could do nothing but watch this smooth snake slither across the room.

      “She’s here,” Melanie whispered into Sylvia Landon’s ear after sprinting across the room in a pair of red Manolo Blahniks.

      “Where?” Sylvia’s head whipped around the room, her eyes wide as she scanned the perimeter. In no time flat her gaze zeroed in on the supermodel on the opposite side of the grand room. “Oh. She’s even more stunning in person,” she complimented. “Jaxon should love her.” Sylvia glanced over at Melanie. “Do we know whether he’s seen her yet?”

      “I don’t—”

      “Oh, he’s seen her all right.” Veronica dipped into the conversation, having popped up out of nowhere. “Everyone’s gossiping about how his tongue damn near rolled out of his head outside.”

      Melanie and Sylvia turned toward Veronica. Sylvia with hope and Melanie with dread. If Zora had already run into Jaxon, there was a good chance that she’d also run into his date.

      Sylvia fluttered a hand over her heart. “Good. We may actually pull this off.” She looked as if she would swoon with relief.

      Veronica confirmed Melanie’s fears. “It’s also circulating that his fiancée wasn’t looking too pleased, I might add.”

      “That’s also good news,” Sylvia said with a roll of her eyes.

      Carlton noticed his wife’s distraction. “What are you young ladies talking about?” His eyes twinkled as he slid an arm around his wife’s slim waist.

      “Oh, nothing, dear.” Sylvia kissed his cheek and hoped that he wouldn’t pry any deeper into their conversation. It was a rare night for him to be in a good mood. The last thing she wanted to do was spoil it. Nothing could do that faster than a discussion about their rebellious grandson.

      Carlton’s eyes narrowed but a playful smile tugged his lips. After sixty years of marriage, he knew when his wife was lying. Given the occasion, his twinkling eyes let her know that he was going to let her get away with whatever scheme she was cooking up—for now. “How about I just refresh your drink, dear?” he asked.

      “That’s an excellent idea.” The look and smile they shared radiated a deep love that had sustained them for more than a half century. A lot of the guests caught the intimate moment, elbowed one another and shared

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