Heart's Secret. Adrianne Byrd

Heart's Secret - Adrianne  Byrd

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had a way of taking the edge off whenever he was feeling tense or anxious. He cut a look over at Kitty and knew that she would be down for whatever he was in the mood for, but just then Kwan turned onto Jaxon’s grandparents’ long, sprawling estate. It was time to suck it up, paste on a smile and ram horns with his grandfather.

      There was a short wait, while cars and limos deposited the guests on, of all things, a blue carpet in front of the estate. At first glance, it appeared his grandparents had invited the whole state of New York to what the invitations described as a small get-together. Of course, the Landons never did anything small.

      Kwan rolled the car to a stop and the valet quickly snatched open the door and offered a hand to assist Kitty. A person would have to have been deaf not to hear the collective shocked gasps when the outdoor lighting hit Kitty’s knockout number.

      Jaxon stepped out of the car behind Kitty and made a dramatic show of possessively wrapping an arm around the exotic dancer’s slim waist. Both he and Kitty thrust up their chins while their eyes and attitude practically dared anyone to say anything about their odd pairing.

      “Are you ready for this?” Jaxon queried under his breath.

      Kitty leaned closer. “I am if you are.”

      “Then let’s knock them dead.” Jaxon slid his free hand into his pants pocket and escorted Kitty up the royal blue carpet.

      “Oops.” Kitty sprang out of his grip and stepped back.

      Jaxon glanced in time to see a silver tube of lipstick roll down the carpet.

      “I forgot to close my clutch.”

      “I’ll get it.” Jaxon sprang into action though he felt a little foolish for having to give chase to a tube of lipstick.

      Another car pulled up to the curb. The valet immediately opened the door.

      Jaxon had stooped to retrieve the shiny lipstick tube when a woman’s gorgeous foot encased in a pair of silver stilettos was planted in front of him. Two things seemed to happen. Time stood still and Jaxon had unexpectedly fallen in love…with a foot.

      Chapter 4

      Oh. Sweet. Jesus.

      It was the only thing that raced across Zora’s mind when this black Adonis kneeling before her glanced up—but why was he clutching a tube of…lipstick? The good ones are all either gay or married. Still, her brain scrambled trying to remember whether she had ever seen eyes so dark and intense—or even when her heart had pounded so hard. Call her crazy, but she swore an invisible force was tugging at her very soul.

      “Good evening, Ms. Campbell,” the young valet to her right greeted. Of course it took her a minute to realize that was what was being said since his words entered her head as a jigsaw puzzle. Jaxon Landon’s effect on her was just that damn strong.

      “Evening good.” Zora flushed and then quickly tried to repair the damage. “I mean, good evening.”

      Jaxon Landon cocked a smile and it seemed as if the whole world stopped.

      A stunning, curvaceous woman draped in what can only be best described as a glittering sheer nightgown strolled into the picture. “Oh, sweetie. Thank you. You got it.” The woman cut Zora a look that clearly said, “Back the hell off.”

      Jaxon blinked out of his trance and pulled himself up to his full height. He was so tall that Zora’s head tilted back in order to drink him all in. Dressed in an obviously custom-made Armani suit, there was no doubt to even the casual observer that the man was nothing but a wall of hard muscle—not the no-neck, steroids-enhanced kind of muscles, either, but the smooth, toned, rippling kind that a woman would love to have sweating and rocking above or beneath her.

      “Good evening,” Jaxon greeted in a buttery baritone.

      She quivered and then realized that she had just had a miniorgasm in front of at least a thousand people. Her face warmed another ten degrees. Zora, like the woman behind him, stood just below the man’s mountainous shoulders. Staring at the width of his chest was making her light-headed. Or was that from the lack of food? It certainly couldn’t be due to lack of oxygen. They were standing outside.

      Two truths suddenly crystallized in Zora’s mind. One: she was very much a woman. Two: she was horny as hell.

      She flashed the handsome giant a wobbly smile. Jaxon made her feel like a lamb, meekly standing before the king of the jungle. One move and she was doomed—hopefully in a good way. As if he’d heard her private thoughts, the Lion King flashed the sexiest smile she had ever seen on a man.

      “We better go in,” the glittering woman said. Irritation made her feline voice pitchy. “We’re holding up the line.”

      Hold up. What the hell? Zora was two seconds from scalping this glittering heiffa when she remembered not only who she was, but where she was. Still, just how was it that the man that was supposed to be her date tonight was there with another woman?

      Jaxon extended an arm to his date and waltzed off.

      Zora glanced around, her face burning with embarrassment. Now she was holding up the line. As much as she wanted to, she couldn’t just turn back around and hightail it out of there. Her car had already been driven off. One thing she could do was murder a certain matchmaker with her bare hands.

      Having no choice but to walk behind Jaxon and his date, Zora watched Jaxon’s smooth, sexy stroll attract many coveted gazes like a magnet. Confirmation that Zora wasn’t the only one caught up in his spell.

      In a weird way, she didn’t mind the rear view because it was just as good as the front. Zora’s gaze shifted to the woman glued to his side and it was almost as if she could feel her expensive manicured nails turn into cat claws. The good ones are always taken—this one by a woman who looked as if she charged by the hour. Even though she was surprised by her own cattiness, Zora couldn’t stop herself from going there. Just as she couldn’t stop her gaze from tracking the mysterious giant once they all made it into the Landons’ palatial mansion.

      Everything about the place screamed money and prestige. It was easily as luxurious as the famous Biltmore Estate. As was the norm for the Hamptons, the home was meant to impress and it more than exceeded. There were wall-to-wall people milling about, talking, laughing and dancing. It definitely wasn’t the type of party one would arrange to meet for a blind date—even one who brings a date on a date.

      Wait until I get my hands on Melanie. Still, she should’ve known better. This kind of crazy stuff happened all the time in the dating world. People don’t just meet handsome, intelligent, charismatic millionaires all willy-nilly like Melanie made it seem. The truth of the matter was that whole speech about Zora needing more than a career to keep her warm at night, and even that absurd notion of her thanking Melanie on her wedding day for this hook up, had actually penetrated and, well, it’d gotten her hopes up. Instead, this evening looked as though it was just going to be a waste of time.

      She hated wasting time. Not that she needed to be dedicating every minute of the day to making money, but she needed to be doing something.

      Parties weren’t normally her thing. Most of the time people just smooched and bragged about their fortunate status in life—each one feeling like they needed to top the other. Nothing was too silly or over-the-top. Nothing was too brash or shameless. Such things bored the living hell out of her. Zora spent two hours washing, waxing and buffing for tonight when she could’ve just curled up on the couch with a half pint of sorbet and watched Project Runway.

      Ten minutes in, Zora was ready to call it a night, but she told herself that she was going to stay until she found Melanie. She’d promised to be here, but then again she had also promised her a date. Hedge-fund gurus and technology geniuses weren’t her usual crowd. That wasn’t to say that people didn’t know her. Plenty of men and women stopped her to tell her how much they loved her work or gushed over how she was even more beautiful in person.

      She dismissed such talk as polite conversation. It was simply what people

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