Heart's Secret. Adrianne Byrd

Heart's Secret - Adrianne  Byrd

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drink and was out of earshot, Sylvia quickly turned toward Melanie. “Okay. So what do we do?”

      “Well, first thing we need to do is unhook Jaxon’s current fiancée from his arm so I can properly introduce him to Zora,” Melanie said. Of course her brain was still scrambling for an explanation for Jaxon’s fiancée. She had hoped to clear up all the hiccups for this hook up, but that no longer looked like that was viable option.

      Sylvia winked. “I know just the thing. I’ll signal you when the coast is clear.”

      Before Melanie could question her further, Sylvia gathered one side of her silver gown and made a beeline toward Jaxon and Kitty. Melanie noted that for an eighty-two-year-old, the woman still moved pretty quickly.

      Carlton returned, carrying two flutes of champagne. He glanced at Melanie and then looked around as if double-checking to see if this was the spot he’d left his wife. “Now where did she run off to?”

      Melanie just smiled and shrugged her shoulders. The best thing to do in her position was to play dumb. “Won’t you excuse me for a moment, Mr. Landon?” Instead of waiting for an answer, she hightailed it the opposite direction.

      “Jaxon, baby. You made it,” Sylvia said, easing her way in between him and his date.

      Jaxon jerked his gaze from the back of Richard’s head. His usually stoic face softened with a genuine smile. “I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.” He leaned forward and pressed a kiss against his grandmother’s upturned cheek. “Happy anniversary, Grans.” He reached inside his jacket pocket and removed a thin ivory box with a glittering blue bow.

      “Oh, bless Janine’s heart,” she said, taking the gift. “I’m sure that she was able to get us something wonderful. She has exceptional taste.”

      Jaxon chuckled. There was no use in pretending that he had anything to do with picking out the gift. His grandmother would see straight through such a lie. “You know I love you, Grandma.”

      “Of course I do, sweetie.” She leaned into his side to revel in the warmth of his love. She took great pleasure in being one of the few people Jaxon showered with genuine affection. On Wall Street he showcased his cutthroat, take-no-prisoners side. As far as friends were concerned, Jaxon believed the fewer of those the better. Of course, he had the opposite view when it came to women.

      Reluctantly, Sylvia turned her attention to Kitty, but she made sure that she kept her smile at all the appropriate angles. “Kitty, darling. Now that you’re going to be a part of the family soon, what do you say that I give you an official tour of the house?”

      Kitty blinked. “What? Now?” She glanced around the crowded room. “I wouldn’t want to take you from all of your guests.”

      Sylvia waved off the comment. “Don’t be silly. It shouldn’t take us long.” Only about an hour. “Plus, I can introduce you to some important people—make sure you meet all the right people. It’s important if you’re going to become a Landon.”

      “Well, I, uh…” Kitty glanced up toward Jaxon for guidance.

      He only shrugged. “You might as well go. Grans never takes no for an answer.”

      Kitty’s mouth dipped with disappointment.

      “Don’t act like I’m the only one,” Sylvia said, waving a finger.

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