Birds of New Zealand, Hawaii, Central and West Pacific. Ber Perlo van
NZ 3.
3 Penguins
3.1 FIORDLAND (NZCrested) PENGUIN Eudyptes pachyrhynchus [Gorfou du Fiordland] L 55cm. Note whitish cheek stripes (in most individuals), lack of bare skin at bill base and little black at tips of underflippers. |
3.2 SNARES (NZCrested) PENGUIN Eudyptes robustus [Gorfou des Snares] L 60cm. Note pink bare skin at bill base, robust bill and narrow yellow eyebrow. Black crown feathers not or hardly erectile. Colonies in muddy areas or on rocky flats with shading forest and other vegetation; outside Br season pelagic. |
3.3 ERECT-CRESTED PENGUIN Eudyptes sclateri [Gorfou huppé] L 65cm. From 3.2 by broader, yellow eyebrow, kept erect over eye. |
3.4 ROCKHOPPER PENGUIN6 Eudyptes chrysocome [Gorfou sauteur] L 50cm. Rather small posture, small bill, yellow eyebrow spreading fanwise behind eye. Nom. (a) differs from ssp moseleyi (b) by extent of black pattern at underflipper and presence of naked skin at bill base. |
3.5 ROYAL PENGUIN Eudyptes schlegeli [Gorfou de Schlegel] L 70cm. From other Eudyptes penguins by white cheeks. |
3.6 MACARONI PENGUIN Eudyptes chrysolophus [Gorfou doré] L 70cm. From 3.5 by all-black head, pink naked skin at bill base and different crest ‘style’. Breeds in rocky, flat to steep places, normally without vegetation. Probably pelagic after breeding. |
3.7 YELLOW-EYED PENGUIN Megadyptes antipodes [Manchot antipode] L 65cm. Unmistakable by yellow eyes and streak from eye to hindcrown. |
3.8 LITTLE PENGUIN Eudyptula minor [Manchot pygmée] L 42cm. Note slaty blue upperparts without distinctive markings to head. Some variation in width of white flipper margins (a and b). |