Birds of New Zealand, Hawaii, Central and West Pacific. Ber Perlo van
4 Albatrosses
4.1 WANDERING ALBATROSS7 Diomedea exulans [Albatros hurleur] W 303cm. Separation from 4.2 only possible at close range when lack of black line along cutting edge of upper mandible visible. Field identification to ssp and age on base of plumage features in most cases not possible. Passes through about 7 stages (stages (St) 1–4 and 7 shown, stages 5 and 6 not shown) before attaining full Ad. plumage. This process, that can take up to 16 years, can stop in any stage so that for instance some |
4.2 ROYAL ALBATROSS8 Diomedea epomophora [Albatros royal] W 328cm. From 4.1 by black cutting edge of bill. In all but Juv. stage the tail is white (unlike 4.1), so a large albatross with white wing patch combined with all-white tail is always this species. No dark brown Juv. stage and less Imm. stages than 4.1, especially in ssp sanfordi (a, Nothern Royal Albatross) where Juvs moult direct into Ad. plumage. Note difference between 4.2a with solid black wings and Nom. (b, Southern Royal Albatross); in the latter the wings of Ad. are mainly white. Breeds on flat or gently sloping ground. Nests sheltered by rocks or low vegetation but needs gently sloping, exposed sites for take-off and landing. Otherwise open ocean. |
5 Albatrosses
5.1 BLACK-FOOTED ALBATROSS Phoebastria nigripes [Albatros à pieds noirs] W 203cm. Note white at bill base and in Ad. (showing more white at face sides than Juv.) white under- and uppertail coverts. Ad. can look very bleached-out overall. Bill and feet dusky pink. Cf. Juv. 5.3 (with bright pink bill and paler underside of flight feathers) and Juv. of much larger 4.1 (with white face mask). |
5.2 LAYSAN ALBATROSS Phoebastria immutabilis [Albatros de Laysan] W 199cm. Note dark patch around eyes. Underwings can vary like shown (a and b, not age related). Note range. |
5.3 SHORT-TAILED ALBATROSS Phoebastria albatrus [Albatros à queue courte] W 221cm. Yellowish head of Ad. diagnostic. More extensive than in 4.1 and 4.2, that often show yellow smear between cheeks and nape. Underside of flight feathers in Juv. rather pale. Note characteristic pattern of upperwings like shown in Imm. and Ad. |
6 Albatrosses
6.1 GREY-HEADED ALBATROSS Thalassarche chrysostoma [Albatros à tête grise] W 192cm. From 6.2 by greyer head, more black to leading edge of underwing and yellow lower ridge to bill. Rather similar to 6.4, but note that yellow starts narrowly at upper ridge of bill. Juv. with dark underwings like Juv. 6.3, but differs by white, not grey head. |
6.2 YELLOW-NOSED ALBATROSS9 Thalassarche chlororhynchos [Albatros à nez jaune] W 200cm. Shown are Nom. (a, with grey head) and ssp bassi/carteri (b, with white head). From 6.4 by lack of black mark in axillaries. Lack of |