Birds of New Zealand, Hawaii, Central and West Pacific. Ber Perlo van
alt="image"/> Long, drawn-out, mourning shrieks and bleating, changing in pitch.
11 Petrels
11.1 PYCROFT’S PETREL Pterodroma pycrofti [Pétrel de Pycroft] W 53cm. Note small size and narrow black line from wrist to body. In general darker than 10.8 and with less extensive dark patch around eye than 10.7. |
11.2 MURPHY’S PETREL Pterodroma ultima [Pétrel de Murphy] W 97cm. From 10.4 (dark morph) by indistinct M pattern on upperwings and lack of white primary shafts. Offshore and open seas. Breeds openly on the ground, usually next to some wind protection. |
11.3 HERALD PETREL Pterodroma arminjoniana [Pétrel hérault] W 95cm. Polymorph, most common are intermediates (not shown) between dark (a) and pale (b) morphs. Note underwing pattern. |
11.4 GOULD’S PETREL Pterodroma leucoptera [Pétrel de Gould] W 70cm. Note blackish cap, indistinct M pattern on upperwings and broad black mark along leading edge of underwings. |
11.5 BONIN PETREL Pterodroma hypoleuca [Pétrel des Bonin] W 67cm. Underwing pattern diagnostic. |
11.6 HAWAIIAN PETREL Pterodroma sandwichensis [Pétrel des Hawaï] W 91cm. Note characteristic dark cap and lack of M pattern on upperwings. |