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Very high, sharp, nasal shrieks tfeet-tfeet—.
A.Sa 2. Fi, Co. R (see also 11.4).
9.4 BLACK-WINGED PETREL Pterodroma nigripennis [Pétrel à ailes noires] W 67cm. From 9.3 by paler cap and darker, broader underwing markings. Offshore and open seas. Digs nest burrows under scrub and tussocks or breeds in rock crevices.
Breeds NZ 4,10,11,
FrPo 30.
9.5 PROVIDENCE PETREL Pterodroma solandri [Pétrel de Solander] W 100cm. Head contrastingly darker. Note white markings at bill base and pale base of primaries on underwings. Very similar to 9.6, 10.4 (dark morph), 11.2 and 11.3, which see.
Disperses N after breeding Lord Howe I. R
9.6 GREAT-WINGED PETREL15 Pterodroma macroptera [Pétrel noir] W 99cm. Nom. (a, with little white at bill base) shown and ssp gouldi (b, NZGrey-faced Petrel, with more white in face). From 9.5 by more uniform plumage and little or no pale flash on outer underwings.
Breeds islands and mainland N NZ 1.
9.7 SOFT-PLUMAGED PETREL Pterodroma mollis [Pétrel soyeux] W 89cm. Polymorph, pale (a) and rare dark (b) morphs shown. Note that collar is closed across breast and that more or less distinct pattern of underwings (often appearing uniform dark) resembles pattern of upperwings.
Breeds NZ 8.
9.8 WHITE-HEADED PETREL Pterodroma lessonii [Pétrel de Lesson] W 109cm. Note white head and pale grey rump and tail, contrasting with darker wings and mantle.
Breeds NZ 6,8.
9.9 MAGENTA (or NZChatham I. Taiko) PETREL Pterodroma magentae [Pétrel de Magenta] W 102cm. From 9.1 by different underwing pattern, from 10.3 mainly by range.
Breeds NZ 4. R
10 Petrels
10.1 CHATHAM PETREL Pterodroma axillaris [Pétrel des Chatham] W 67cm. Diagnostic underwing pattern, in which carpal joint is connected by bar to rear edge where touching body.
Breeds NZ 4. R
10.2 MOTTLED PETREL Pterodroma inexpectata [Pétrel maculé] W 85cm. Underparts with diagnostic broad bar across underwings and brownish belly.
Breeds NZ 3,5. R
10.3 PHOENIX PETREL Pterodroma alba [Pétrel à poitrine blanche] W 83cm. Very similar to 9.1, 9.9 and 11.3, but underwings solid brown except narrow white line along leading edge.
Breeds Ki, FrPo 3, Pi. R
10.4 KERMADEC PETREL Pterodroma neglecta [Pétrel des Kermadec] W 92cm. Polymorph, dark (a) morph and pale (b) morphs shown; most common is intermediate morph (not shown). All morphs generally difficult to separate from similar petrels (e.g. 9.5, 11.2 and 11.3) but white primary shafts on upperwings (hard to see) diagnostic.
Nests on cliffs or slopes with little vegetation. Скачать книгу