Simple Truths of Life. Евгений Сергеевич Мешков
about everything that he saw during his nine-day voyage, it became clear to me that you can safely trust everything that was written in his book – for all the details must be very accurate.
I was very glad to know that we are immortal, however my life was not without minor chagrins. One of them was caused by a conflict of truth with my thoughts, when before reading Thiaoouba I tried to find some meaning in the Christian faith. There is no point in writing about what I then imagined regarding souls and death, since my assumptions turned out to be wrong, albeit beautiful. But here is the truth that I need to tell you so that you can understand the further story of my life:
In the beginning there was nothing except darkness and the Spirit. The Spirit, or the Superior Intelligence, decided to create everything that exists materially to satisfy his spiritual need. In other words, the Spirit sought spiritual experience through the material world. The Spirit imagined everything: atoms, planets, stars, animals, people and all the events that will ever happen in the Universe – the Spirit imagined absolutely everything. When he had an overall view of what he wanted to create, the Spirit was able to instantaneously create the four forces of the Universe by his exceptional spiritual force. With their help, the Spirit prompted the first and most gigantic atomic explosion of all time – the Big Bang. The Spirit, being the creator of the Universe, will always be at its center.
During billions of years (for the Spirit it is all eternally the “present”) all the worlds, stars and atoms were formed. At certain times, in certain star systems, some planets cool down, on which continents and oceans form, rocks solidify, and soil forms. After some time, these planets become suitable for the emergence of certain forms of life. This first force Thao named “Atomic force”.[i]
At this stage, the Spirit conceived the primary living creatures and many of the primary plants, from which later derived the sub-species. Thao called this second force “Ovocosmic Force”[ii] since these creatures and plants were created by simple cosmic rays that ended up with cosmic eggs.
At the very beginning, the Spirit imagined experiencing feelings through a special creature, which is a human being. Thao called this third force “Ovoastromic Force”.[iii]
I will focus on the third force in more detail.
When Thao just started talking about the creation of the Universe, she said: “On an ancient stone tablet, which I believe is Naacal, it is written: In the beginning there was nothing – all was darkness and silence.”.[iv] – and then I thought to myself why would a representative of one of the three most developed races in our galaxy refer to ancient stone tablets? What is the reason for such a reference?
There is a law in the Universe which says that if a person (I do not know about animals) makes a mistake, then he should suffer for that mistake – instantly, after many years, or even lives, but all errors must be paid for. Because of this law Thiaooubians, as well as other people living on other planets, cannot serve us prepared food on a platter, so to speak. The Law of the Universe allows them, Thiaooubians, only occasionally to offer a helping hand to us, but for the rest of the time they would be making a mistake by helping us, and they would not have lived on the ninth category planet if they were making errors right and left.
It is worth saying that this is why the real history is important – the way it was, without any embellishments – because it teaches what is an error and what is not. People need to be very careful with the history since its distortion will not teach people the mistakes of their ancestors, which will lead to a new repetition of errors and, consequently, to suffering.
So, when I started looking for information about the Naacal tablets, I learned that they were written by the inhabitants of the sunken continent of Mu, which was located in the South Pacific – I know that from the book “Thiaoouba Prophecy” – and a man by the name James Churchward managed to translate them, after one of the three Indian priests who could speak that dead language taught him to read the language of Naacal, which was spoken in Mu. In his book “The Lost Continent of Mu” James Churchward translates the eleventh character, “Keh” as “the leaping deer”.[v] It means “first man,” since the people of Mu knew that humans, unlike animals, did not go through the stage of evolution, but jumped over it, like a leaping deer.
As far as I understand, after the initial life was more or less formed on the planets in the form of animals and plants, “Ovoastromic” eggs, containing the first human beings, which were almost what we are now, began to emerge on some of these planets. Naturally, environmental conditions affect the appearance of people, but otherwise all people in the Universe are similar to each other – we can all learn to see Auras and communicate using telepathy, since, as a special creature, we have always had special “tools” for this.
The Fourth force had a very important role to play for it had to bring to fruition all that the Spirit had imagined. This force ‘inserted’ an infinitesimal part of the Spirit in the human body.[vi]
There are nine categories of planets in the Universe. People who have never lived in the Universe are born on the planets of the first category.
After the death of the physical body, the Astral body of a person, or soul, flies through the psychic canal to the light, which is the Higher Self of that person. Each person of the first category shares his Higher Self with eight other people.
The Astral body itself contains about four billion trillion electrons that were created at the moment of creation of the Universe. The life span of these electrons is approximately equal to ten billion trillion Earth years. Each of these electrons has a “memory” and is able to store in itself as much information as is contained in all books that fill the shelves of an average town library.
When a person dies, 81 percent of the electrons reunite with their Higher Self and usually wait for a new incarnation, and the remaining 19 percent reunite with the electrons of the Universe and wait until they are needed to form a new body, tree, or animal. Due to some effects of static electricity, it is these nineteen percent of the electrons that can sometimes be visible in the form of a physical body, of which they used to be a part. Usually people call them ghosts. Sometimes I wonder if the remaining memory in the electrons of the Universe has any effect on animals and plants in the creation of which they are used – provided, of course, that all accumulated knowledge is not erased from those 19% of electrons that are not part of the Astral body.
Between a person of the first category and the Superior Intelligence there are nine Higher Selves. One of their tasks is to filter the sensations, or sensory experiences, that a person experiences during a lifetime in a physical body. These sensations are constantly transmitted by our Astral body to our Higher Self. If it has nothing to filter, these sensations go further to the next more superior Higher Self. Those sensations that pass through the filters of all nine Higher Selves enter the etheric “ocean” that surrounds the Spirit. If these sensations are based mainly on materialism, then the Higher Selves have great difficulties in filtering them. And if during the course of our lives we ensure that our Astral body benefits in the spiritual sense, it will gain more and more spiritual understanding. After 500 or even 15 000 Earth years, the Higher Self of the first category will have nothing left to filter. In this case, after death of the physical body the Astral body of a person detaches itself from the Higher Self of the first category and joins the Higher Self of the second category. From this moment the person will live on a planet of the second category along with other people who have achieved similar spiritual progress. There they will learn the lessons that people must understand on the planets of the second category in order to get to the third category. This learning process takes place until a person is so perfect that he will be able to reunite with the Superior Intelligence, thereby ending his life cycle in this Universe.
When the Astral body reunites with its Higher Self after the death of the physical body, it assimilates all these truths.
Also, all material knowledge that has been accumulated during a life gets erased from the Astral body in the River of Oblivion, while spiritual knowledge remains in the soul forever.
Sooner or later, the Higher Self will offer the Astral entity to live a new life. After previewing its potentially new life, the Astral entity may either refuse to live the proposed life, or