Simple Truths of Life. Евгений Сергеевич Мешков

Simple Truths of Life - Евгений Сергеевич Мешков

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of clothes with the colors of certain points in our Aura can improve our health, or keep it in good condition, and it is also essential for our good mental balance, I decided to try to dye my white shirt with the colors that I saw in those two layers that I saw around my head and body, still mistakenly believing that they were my Aura. Additionally, I was able to see two more levels, yellow and bright green, coming after dark blue, when I looked at my hand for a long time against a black background. So, I looked for four colors: purple, dark blue, yellow, and bright green. The trip was not easy for me, but I made it, although I could not find all the required colors. For the rest I went to a paint shop located near the Kursky railway terminal, which I knew well, often traveling from it to the village, and often visiting it while working as a courier. I found the colors I need. A cute young girl who seemed cheerful was working in the store. Smiling, she showed me the right shelf with cans. I noted then that I would really like her if it was not for the specific spots on her face. I still refused to learn that the most important thing is not appearance, but what is behind it.

      At home, I printed a sine wave that I used to draw a pattern on a white shirt. The resulting pattern kind of looked like leaves. During my painting, a pigeon flew onto my windowsill. The bird had one of its legs always clenched into a fist – a clear injury for the rest of the life. I felt sorry for the feathered one, and I crumbled him a bit of brown bread into a plastic container where used to be butter. He eagerly pecked everything and flew away to return again on the next day, and then he returned again and again.

      I dyed my shirt and I liked all the colors. I do not remember if I felt any visible changes in my feeling of well-being. I decided to try to sleep in it, because people who bought a bioresonant T-shirt from Tom Chalko noted that it had good effect on them. I did not want to buy his shirt, since it had all the colors in it, and not those that were unique to an individual person based on their Aura. And so I went to bed in my shirt, and when I woke up in the middle of the night I saw a colored pattern of my shirt in front of my closed eyes! I opened my eyes and did not see the pattern anymore. I felt fine.

      One of the problems with my shirt was that it painted my body and it felt very uncomfortable. Unfortunately, after washing almost all colors faded and I did not like them at all anymore, and the purple color became pink. Having put on this “new” shirt, I hurriedly took it off as it markedly deprived me of strength! I tried to put it on again, but the effect was the same – I was clearly not feeling well in it.

      I remembered then about a man who could lift a certain weight and constantly lost thirty percent of his strength after looking at the pink screen. Thaora mentioned this experiment in the book Thiaoouba Prophecy. It was, of course, clear that those faded colors of the shirt had a negative effect on me, but I wanted to try something else. I decided to repeat that experiment by looking at the colors to see how they would affect my strength, for the measurement of which I used my rubber hand expander.

      The control squeezing of the expander showed that I could only squeeze it slightly since it was very rigid – or I was weak. Then I started looking at different monotonous colors on the screen of my laptop for a minute and immediately tried to squeeze the expander. I found that some colors really gave me enough strength so that I could squeeze the expander to the end and I could hold it in such a compressed position for a long time that I looked at a color that gave me strength. Then I tried to see what would happen if after successfully squeezing the expander I would start looking at a color that was taking away my strength – and I really could hardly squeeze my expander – and if I then looked for a minute at a color that gave me strength, then I on the contrary, I could squeeze it again without any problems. I believe that this is not a bad way to roughly determine the principal colors of your Aura, without being able to see and read it. But, of course, it is still desirable to be able to see the Aura as this will greatly help in life. For example, the Aura may show diseases that have just started to appear. Also, if someone is trying to trick you, you will also be able to understand this by reading their Aura.

      I continued to try to learn to see the Aura. If I could not see it constantly, I wanted to be able not to lose this vision at least for a long time. I recalled that when Thaora gave Michel Desmarquet a temporary gift of seeing Auras, he placed his touching thumbs on Michel's forehead, opposite the pineal gland, and the rest of his fingers touched each other at the top of the head. With this information, I decided to try activating my pineal gland in an attempt to see Auras.

      I must say that then I still could not get rid of the habit of thinking about something in my head. Because of this my whole body was tense, and I could not always relax, which affected my eyes that turned red from the expanded vessels. I often had to go to sleep so that my eyes could recover since I was afraid to damage my vision because of my ridiculous and tenacious habit.

      It was not long before I began to distinguish some purplish-violet energies that looked exactly like Auras that Kirlian camera could photograph. These were the very first letters of the “alphabet” that Russian scientists were able to photograph – as Thaora talked about. These Auras surrounded both my body and all objects in my room. The vision was amazing – because of which I would often lose my concentration. I practiced seeing my Aura in front of the mirror every day, and each time it became easier for me to see the Aura. Soon, I saw what Thao was talking about in my dream – black patches in my Aura. And at one time I remember clearly how I saw something in shape similar to a whirlpool rotating around my head and centered between my eyes. It was of dark and dirty colors. Does that whirlwind have something to do with the Chakra that Thao spoke of? I do not know.

      As for the black color, it means negative and depressing thoughts – and I was in that very state, even though I had this new invaluable knowledge about life and the Universe. It was still very difficult for me to come to terms with the realities of my appearance and the fact that I began to go bald even faster because of my habit of masturbating and staying most of the time in my head – I successfully eliminated both from my life a few months earlier.

      I noticed something else during my Aura vision lessons. The whole room, including the white background behind me, was constantly “painted” with a color that changed simultaneously with my mood.

      I decided to try to do an experiment where I like an actor would try to bring myself into different emotional states. To do this, I spoke out loud and thought about different types of things. When I thought about joy and happiness, the color was yellow, and I felt very happy, joyful, and light in the body – in fact, I could not feel my physical body. But at the moment I spoke and thought about such things as money, cars, office and other materialistic concepts, the color turned red and my body immediately was becoming “heavy”, just like my mind.

      There is a drawing of the seven Thaori, which was painted by the artist under the strict guidance of Michel Desmarquet – as far as I know, all such drawings have been refined many times in order to accurately convey the details that Michel saw on Thiaoouba. So that drawing shows the golden halos – which every person has, but are clearly visible only in very highly spiritual people and those who sacrificed themselves in order to help someone else. Additionally, there is another round layer that surrounds each of the seven Thaori. I think that that other layer, which is not a golden halo, is the very level of the Aura which its color shows the mood and emotional state of a person, and since the person is in the center of this “mist”, he has the feeling that everything around him is tinted with a special color – it is like looking at the world through colored sunglasses.

      Usually this omnipresent color was purple, meaning spiritually oriented thoughts, which is logical since I am sitting in front of a mirror with the intention to see the Aura. At another time, when I tried to see my Aura in the mirror, I was in a completely focused and calm state of mind – I was here and now, having no inner thoughts whatsoever. Then the color of the completely surrounding me Aura appeared, and it was for the first time a sky-blue color. When I read its meaning on the Internet, it coincided with the state in which I was at the moment of observing that color of my Aura.

      There was one moment when I still had doubts if that omnipresent color was my Aura. Since I already knew about the real existence of the Higher Self and Thao, I decided to ask them aloud whether what I saw was Aura. As soon as I finished my question, one of the light bulbs in the ceiling lamp blinked, frightening me from unexpectedness, and at the same time with my emotional change the omnipresent color

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