A History of Matrimonial Institutions (Vol. 1-3). George Elliott Howard

A History of Matrimonial Institutions (Vol. 1-3) - George Elliott Howard

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general culture-history of woman in the German family may be consulted Dahn, "Das Weib in altgerm. Recht und Leben," in his Bausteine, VI (Berlin, 1884); Rullkoetter, Legal Position of Women among the Ancient Germans (Chicago, 1900); Strack, Aus dem deutschen Frauenleben (Leipzig, 1873-74); Scherr, Geschichte der deutschen Frauenwelt (3d ed., Leipzig, 1873); Bernhöft's lively Frauenleben in der Vorzeit (Wismar, 1893); Backer, Le droit de la femme dans l'antiquité: son devoir au moyen âge (Paris, 1880); the quaint treatise of Grupen, De uxore theotisca (Göttingen, 1748); the paper of Schmitt, Die Schlüsselgewalt der Ehefrau nach deutschem Recht (Munich, 1893); and that of Reinsch, Stellung und Leben der deutschen Frau im Mittelalter (Berlin, 1882).

      Further illustrations of domestic and social life are afforded by the literature of "left-hand" marriages. Thus Klein's short dissertation, entitled Beiträge zur Lehre von der morganatischen Ehe (Erlangen, 1897), traces the practice back to ancient Frankish law. See also Culmann, Morganatische Ehe und Ursprung des Feudalismus (Strassburg, 1880); Zetzkius, De matrimonio ad morganaticam contracto, vulgo: von Vermählung zur linken Hand (Regiomonti, 1692); the anonymous Geschichte morganatischer und legitimirter Fürsten- und Grafen-Ehen in Deutschland (Halle, 1874), which gives a chronological account, century by century, of particular "left-hand" marriages; and the dissertations of Linckens, Riccius, and Höltzl von Sternstein.

      Besides the controversial literature relating to the so-called droit de seigneur in feudal times, already cited in Bibliographical Note II, there has been collected a mass of custom and folk-lore concerning the alleged traces of wife-purchase and wife-capture, and similar matters, much of which will carry the reader beyond the period of the present chapter, but which may serve to complete the picture of mediæval private life. In this connection may be noted Wackernagel, "Familienrecht und Familienleben der alten Germanen," in Süd-deutsches Taschenbuch, 1846 (257 ff.); Schincke, "Hochzeitsgebräuche der Germanen," in Ersch und Gruber's Encyklopädie, II. Sect., T. 9 (166 ff.); Leber, "Des coutumes et usages anciens relatifs aux mariages," in his Collection des meilleurs dissertations, II (Paris, 1838); Freybe, Altdeutsches Frauenlob (Leipzig, 1873); Schütz, Lobschrift auf die Weiber der alten Deutschen (Hamburg, 1776); Schulenburg, Die Spuren des Brautraubes, Brautkaufes und ähnlicher Verhältnisse in den französischen Epen des Mittelalters (Rostock, 1894); Spirgatis, "Verlobung und Vermählung im altfranzösischen volkstümlichen Epos," in Wissenschaftliche Beiträge zum Jahresberichte des Leibniz-Gymnasiums zu Berlin, Ostern, 1894 (Berlin, 1894); Krabbes, Die Frau im altfranzösischen Karlsepos (Marburg, 1884); Bücher, Die Frauenfrage im Mittelalter (Tübingen, 1882); Homeyer, Ueber die Heimath nach altdeutschem Recht, insbesondere über das Hantgemal (Berlin, 1852); Méril, "Des formes du mariage et des usages populaires qui s'y rattachaient surtout en France pendant le moyen age," in Étude sur quelques points d'archéologie (Paris and Leipzig, 1862); Bérenger-Ferraud, "Mariage et progéniture," in his Superstitions et survivances, II (Paris, 1896); and especially Beauchet's able monograph, Étude historique sur les formes de la célébration du mariage dans l'ancien droit français (Paris, 1883); Gengler, De morgengaba secundum leges antiquissimas germanorum (Bamberg, 1843); Spangenberg, Exercitatio antiqua doni germanorum matutini, quod vulgo morgengabam appellant (Göttingen, 1767); Napiersky, Die Morgengabe des rigischen Rechts (Dorpat, 1842); Golz, De morgengaba germanorum (Halle, ca. 1860); Fischel, De conjugum jure germanico debitis (Berlin, n. d.). Similar observations have been made for other parts of Europe. See, for example, Poggi, Usi nuziali nel centio della Sardegna (Sassari, 1894); Murra, Usi e costumi nuziali de Sardegna: for the Nozze de Cian-Sappa-Flandinet (Bergamo, 1894); Salmone-Marino, Come se prepari la sposa; uso nuziale dei contadini di Sicilia (Palermo, 1890); Pitre, Usi nuziali del popolo Siciliano (Palermo, 1878); idem, Usi natalizi, nuziali e funebri del popolo Siciliano (Palermo, 1879); Frati, Costumanze e pompe nuziali bolognesi nel medio evo: for the Nozze Cian-Sappa-Flandinet (Bergamo, 1894); Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, "Lieben und Freien in Piemont," in Illustrirte Frauenzeitung, June 7, 1875 (Berlin, 1875); Sakellarios, Die Sitten und Gebräuche der Hochzeit bei den Neugriechen verglichen mit denen der alten Griechen (Halle, 1880); Gubernatis, Storia comparata degli usi nuziali in Italia e presso gli altri popoli Indo-Europei (2d ed., Milan, 1878); and Gennari, Degli usi de Padovani de' tempi di mezzo ne' loro matrimonj (Venice, 1800).

      On the controversy as to the meaning of mund and its place in the purchase contract, in connection with the views of Sohm, Dahn, Brunner, Lehmann, Schroeder, and others, see Waitz, "Ueber die Bedeutung des Mundium im deutschen Recht," in Sitzungsberichte der preuss. Akad., 1886; and Kohler, "Die Ehe mit und ohne Mundium," in ZVR., VI. This question, as well as other matters, is also treated by Dargun, Mutterrecht und Raubehe (Breslau, 1883); Kraut, Vormundschaft (Göttingen, 1835-59); and by Rive in his excellent Vormundschaft im Rechte der Germanen (Braunschweig, 1862). Scheurl's Das gemeine deutsche Eherecht (Erlangen, 1882), though relating mainly to a later period, is of use for this chapter; as are also Königswarter, Histoire de l'organisation de la famille en France (Paris, 1851); and Laboulaye's very rare book, Condition civile et politique des femmes (1843); Hofmann's interesting monograph, Ueber den Verlobungs- und Trauring (Vienna, 1870); Junius, De annulo romanorum sponsalitio (Leipzig); and Müller, De annulo pronubo, vulgo vom Jaworts- oder Trauring, de modo computationis graduum, de osculo sancto (Jena, 1734).

      The strong tendency of Roman legislation of the lower (Christian) empire to re-establish the family authority and place the wife in subjection is ably discussed by Meynial, "Le mariage après les invasions," in Nouv. rev. hist. de droit, XX, 514-31, 737-62; XXI, 117-48 (Paris, 1896-97); with this may be read Zoepfl, De tutela mulierum germanic. (Heidelberg, 1828); and Stobbe, "Die Aufhebung der väterlichen Gewalt nach dem Recht des Mittelalters," in his Beiträge (Braunschweig, 1865). Koehne has investigated "Die geschlechtsverbindung der Unfreien im französischen Recht," in Gierke's Untersuchungen, XXII (Breslau, 1888); and the matrimonial relations of the servile classes are also treated by Jastrow, Zur strafrechtlichen Stellung der Sklaven bei Deutschen und Angelsachsen, ibid., II (Breslau, 1878); Luchaire, Manuel des institutions françaises, 203, 295, 301-3 (Paris, 1892); Rambaud, Histoire de la civilisation française, I, 102, 154, 125, passim (Paris, 1898); Mone, Bader, and Dambacker, "Eherecht der Hörigen im 13.-16. Jahrhunderte," Zeitschrift für Geschichte des Oberrheins, VII, 2 (1856); and in a paper "Von Loslassung der unterthänigen Weibspersonen in der Oberlausitz zum Verheurathen," in Arbeiten einer Gesellschaft in der Oberlausitz, II, 118 ff. (1750).

      For Anglo-Saxon marriage the best monograph is Young's "Anglo-Saxon Family Law," in Essays (Boston, 1876). Very good papers also are Amira's Erbenfolge und Verwandtschafts-Gliederung nach den altniederdeutschen Rechten (Munich, 1874); and Ashworth, Das Witthum (Dower) im englischen Recht (Frankfort, 1898). Opet, "Die erbrechtliche Stellung der Weiber in der Zeit der Volksrechte," in Gierke's Untersuchungen, XXV (Breslau, 1888), strongly combats the commonly accepted theory that the Anglo-Saxon woman was neglected in the law of inheritance; in this agreeing with Turner, History of the Manners, Landed Property, &c., of the Anglo-Saxons (1805); and criticising Glasson, Droit de succession (Paris, 1886), which may be read with his La famille et la propriété chez les Germains (Orleans, 1885). Henry Adams in Historical Essays (New York, 1891) likewise takes a very favorable view of the legal condition of the early German married woman. Roeder, Die Familie bei den Angelsachsen (Halle, 1899), has made good use of literary sources. Pollock and Maitland, History of English Law (Cambridge, 1895), give a clear and concise sketch of old English matrimonial custom; and there is an excellent article by Florence Buckstaff in the Annals of the American Academy, IV, on "Married Woman's Property in Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Norman Law" (Philadelphia, 1894). Of service also are Wright, History of Domestic Manners and Sentiments in England during the Middle Ages (London, 1862); Thrupp, The Anglo-Saxon Home (London, 1862); Esmein's edition of Gide, Étude sur la condition privée de la femme (Paris, 1885); Lingard, History and Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church (London, 1845; 2d ed., London, n. d.); Phillips, Geschichte des angelsächsischen Rechts (Göttingen, 1825); idem, Reichs- und Rechtsgeschichte seit der Ankunft der Normannen (Berlin, 1827-28); Hodgetts, Older England (London, 1884); Jeaffreson, Brides and Bridals (London, 1872); and Glasson, "La famille," in his Histoire du droit et des institutions de l'Angleterre, I. For further illustration of matrimonial law and custom read Dezert, Les unions irrégulières en Navarre (Caen, 1892); and Hanauer, "Coutumes matrimoniales au moyen age," in Mémoires de l'académie de Stanislas (Nancy, 1892).]

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