The Steam Engine Familiarly Explained and Illustrated. Dionysius Lardner

The Steam Engine Familiarly Explained and Illustrated - Dionysius Lardner

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href="#ulink_7518abd1-3d90-5900-bd3f-9de4fe8afb57">fig. 9. The different parts already described will easily be recognised, being marked with the same letters as in figs. 6, 7.

      (33.) In order duly to appreciate the value of improvements, it is necessary first to perceive the defects which these improvements are designed to remove. Savery's steam engine, considering how little was known of the value and properties of steam, and how low the general standard of mechanical knowledge was in his day, is certainly highly creditable to his genius. Nevertheless it had very considerable defects, and was finally found to be inefficient for the most important purposes to which he proposed applying it.

      At the time of this invention, the mines in England had greatly increased in depth, and the process of draining them had become both expensive and difficult; so much so, that it was found in many instances that their produce did not cover the cost of working them. The drainage of these mines was the most important purpose to which Savery proposed to apply his steam engine.

      It has been already stated, that the pressure of the atmosphere amounts to about 15 lbs. (3.) on every square inch. Now, a column of water, whose base is one square inch, and whose height is 34 feet, weighs about 15lbs. If we suppose that a perfect vacuum were produced in the steam-vessels V V´ (fig. 8.) by condensation, the atmospheric pressure on L would fail to force up the water, if the height of the top of these vessels exceeded 34 feet. It is plain, therefore, that the engine cannot be more than 34 feet above the water which it is intended to elevate. But in fact it cannot be so much; for the vacuum produced in the steam-vessels V V´ is never perfect. Water, when not submitted to the pressure of the atmosphere, will vaporise at a very low temperature (17.); and it was found that a vapour possessing a considerable elasticity would, notwithstanding the condensation, remain in the vessels V V´ and the pipe S, and would oppose the ascent of the water. In consequence of this, it was found that the engine could never be placed with practical advantage at a greater height than 26 feet above the level of the water to be raised.

      (34.) When the water is elevated to the engine, and the steam-vessels filled, if steam be introduced above the water in V, it must first balance the atmospheric pressure, before it can force the water through the valve B. Here, then, is a mechanical pressure of 15lbs. per square inch expended, without any water being raised by it. If steam of twice that elastic force be used, it will elevate a column in F of 34 feet in height; and if steam of triple the force be used, it will raise a column of 68 feet high, which, added to 26 feet raised by the atmosphere, gives a total lift of 94 feet.

      In effecting this, steam of a pressure equal to three times that of the atmosphere acts on the inner surface of the vessels V V´. One third of this bursting of the pressure is balanced by the pressure of the atmosphere on the external surface of the vessels; but an effective pressure of 30lbs. per square inch still remains, tending to burst the vessels. It was found, that the apparatus could not be constructed to bear more than this with safety; and, therefore, in practice the lift of such an engine was limited to about 90 perpendicular feet. In order to raise the water from the bottom of the mine by these engines, therefore, it was necessary to place one at every 90 feet of the depth; so that the water raised by one through the first 90 feet should be received in a reservoir, from which it was to be elevated the next 90 feet by another, and so on.

      Besides this, it was found that sufficient strength could not be given to those engines, if constructed upon a large scale. They were, therefore, necessarily very limited in their dimensions, and were incapable of raising the water with sufficient speed. Hence arose a necessity for several engines at each level, which greatly enhanced the expense.

      (35.) These, however, were not the only defects of Savery's engines. The consumption of fuel was enormous, the proportion of heat wasted being much more than what was used in either forcing up the water, or producing a vacuum. This will be very easily understood by attending to the process of working the engine already described.

      When the steam is first introduced from the boiler into the steam-vessels V V´, preparatory to the formation of a vacuum, it is necessary that it should heat these vessels up to the temperature of the steam itself; for until then the steam will be condensed the moment it enters the vessel by the cool surface. All this heat, therefore, spent in raising the temperature of the steam vessels is wasted. Again, when the water has ascended and filled the vessels V V´, and steam is introduced to force this water through B B´ into F, it is immediately condensed by the cold surface in V V´, and does not begin to act until a quantity of hot water, formed by condensed steam, is collected on the surface of the cold water which fills the vessel V V´. Hence another source of the waste of heat arises.

      When the steam begins to act upon the surface of the water in V V´, and to force it down, the cold surface of the vessel is gradually exposed to the steam, and must be heated while the steam continues its action; and when the water has been forced out of the vessel, the vessel itself has been heated to the temperature of the steam which fills it, all which heat is dissipated by the subsequent process of condensation. It must thus be evident that the steam used in forcing up the water in F, and in producing a vacuum, bears a very small proportion indeed to what is consumed in heating the apparatus after condensation.

      Pl. I.

       (36.) There is also another circumstance which increases the consumption of fuel. The water must be forced through b, not only against the atmospheric pressure, but also against a column of 68 feet of water. Steam is therefore required of a pressure of 45lbs. on the square inch. Consequently the water in the boiler must be boiled under this pressure. That this should take place, it is necessary that the water should be raised to a temperature considerably above 212° (17.), even so high as 267°; and thus an increased heat must be given to the boiler. Independently of the other defects, this intense heat weakened and gradually destroyed the apparatus.

      Besides the drainage of mines, Savery proposed to apply his steam engine to a variety of other purposes; such as supplying cities with water, forming ornamental waterworks in pleasure grounds, turning mills, &c.

      Savery was the first who suggested the method of expressing the power of an engine with reference to that of horses. In this comparison, however, he supposed each horse to work but 8 hours a day, while the engine works for 24 hours. This method of expressing the power of steam engines will be explained hereafter.

      (37.) The failure of the engines proposed by Captain Savery in the great work of drainage, from the causes which have been just mentioned and the increasing necessity for effecting this object arising from the circumstance of the large property in mines, which became every year unproductive by it, stimulated the ingenuity of mechanics to contrive some means of rendering those powers of steam exhibited in Savery's engine practically available. Among others, Thomas Newcomen, a blacksmith of Dartmouth, and John Cawley, a plumber of the same place, turned their attention to this inquiry.

      Newcomen appears to have resumed the old method of raising the water from the mines by ordinary pumps, but conceived the idea of working these pumps by some moving power less expensive than that of horses. The means whereby he proposed effecting this was by connecting the end of a pump rod D (fig. 10.), by a chain, with the arch-head A of a working beam A B, playing on an axis C. The other arch-head B of this beam was connected by a chain with the rod E of a solid piston P, which moved air-tight in a cylinder F. If a vacuum be created beneath the piston P, the atmospheric pressure acting upon it will press it down with a force of 15 lbs. per square inch; and the end A of the beam being thus raised, the pump-rod D will be drawn up. If a pressure equivalent to the atmosphere be then introduced below the piston, so as to neutralize the downward pressure, the piston will be in a state of indifference as to rising or falling; and if in this case the rod D be made heavier than the piston and its rod, so as to overcome the friction, &c. it will descend, and elevate the piston again to the top of the cylinder. The vacuum being again produced, another descent of the piston, and consequent elevation

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