Books of Daily Thoughts and Prayers by Swami Paramanda. Swami Paramananda

Books of Daily Thoughts and Prayers by Swami Paramanda - Swami Paramananda

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      Do Thou, O Lord, surround me with Thy protecting love.

      May I direct my whole thought towards Thee

      And find my rest and peace in Thee alone.

      Take from me all anxiety and distress of mind,

      Grant unto me quietness of spirit and a steadfast heart.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      So long as we are at war with ourselves we cannot better ourselves.

      Lines to Memorize.

      Once I was a rebel and abhorred all subjection, even unto Thee;

      My haughty heart would not bend:

      Now I smile to think with what whole-souled surrender I lie at Thy blessed Feet.

      Verily Thou art a transformer!

      Thine unseen touch changes our blemish into beauty,

      Our emptiness into fullness,

      Our life’s harshness into sweet tenderness.


      Whenever there is any difficulty the wise man begins with himself, not outside. We find the remedy from within. The only way to prove our steadiness and our devotion to our Ideal, is to so order and organize our feelings and thoughts that they can never overcome us. Then we are able to be so steadfast that we never fall away from our higher Principle. Only by remaining faithful do we attain ripening.


      Thou art the one eternally abiding Source of my life.

      Thou knowest my innermost needs.

      Make me worthy of Thy blessing.

      Make me worthy of Thy kingdom.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      We deepen our misfortunes by dwelling on them.

      Lines to Memorize.

      I worship Thee in forms of infinite vastness.

      In Thy unfathomed glory the atom of my life is magnified.

      In this unfolded vision my soul is expanded;

      And knowing how my finite life is contained in Thine Infinite Majesty,

      My soul is at peace.


      We must not throw away our light. If we are carrying a lantern, we do not throw it away when we come across a well-lighted place, because we think we may need it again. Similarly when our mind is bright, we must hold on to that brightness. We must hold to the light of such moments that they may sustain us in the dark hours.


      O Thou Infinite Being, Thou art the Goal of my existence.

      Thou art my one safe Guide; my one safe Shelter.

      Nothing can overwhelm me as long as I depend wholly on Thy care.

      Teach me to be vigilant and tireless in Thy service.

      And unfaltering in my daily living.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      Those who are careful in little things, nothing can thwart them.

      Lines to Memorize.

      When the Fire of Truth burns in the heart,

      It furifies the heart.

      When its spark comes out of the tongue,

      It is vibrant with light.

      Lo, it falls upon the ear that is not closed to the subtle, spiritual sound like far-distant music,

      Rousing the soul to a new world.


      Unless we have true vision and are watchful, when difficulties come, we shall not be able to meet them. We must safeguard ourselves by acquiring wisdom. Wisdom is abiding and always sustains. Even our mistakes are not evil; we learn as much through our mistakes as through our good deeds, But when we have learned, we must be careful not to repeat them.


      All-pervading Spirit of the Universe!

      Help me to find my union with Thy Infinitude.

      From Thee alone do I draw strength and life.

      By Thy light alone can I kindle my little light.

      Contact with Thy Being alone can cleanse my impurities,

      And bring me peace and bliss.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      Never raise voice or hand when adverse things come. Try to endure all for the sake of God. This will bring true strength.

      Lines to Memorize.

      When Thou dost stand behind me, my whoie being is vibrant with strength;

      Life’s upheavals vanish and world’s onslaughts touch me not.

      Teach me how I may keep Thee with me always.

      I am ever with thee, but thou knowest it not;

      Thou dost not look toward Me with Thy inner eye.


      From the lack of fortitude and self-control we bring misfortune on ourselves. When people thwart us, what a consolation to know that we still have our place in God’s arms. No matter what may befall us, it is wonderful to know that we have our union with God. We are partakers of a divine heritage.


      Supreme Lord, I pray to Thee with yearning heart,

      Do Thou fasten my life to the Path of Truth.

      Thou only canst make me firm and enduring.

      Make Thy way known

      And grant that I may walk in it, looking always to Thee for guidance.

      May I never turn my gaze away from Thee.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      We should never indulge in thoughts that disturb our mind, distort our vision or shake our resolution.

      Lines to Memorize.

      No hurt nor strife there can be when thine heart is free.

      Sadness and gloom, envy and fear,

      Depression and pride jealousy and life’s countless cares:

      These will never enter thy home

      When thine heart is free and filled with love.


      We overcome the lower by the higher. Evil does exist, but we do not have to accept it as an inevitable fact of life. We can always counteract it. We all have a common heritage. God’s blessings are showered upon us, but we deprive ourselves of them. We do not know how to retain them. We cannot think petty thoughts and receive the highest

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