Books of Daily Thoughts and Prayers by Swami Paramanda. Swami Paramananda

Books of Daily Thoughts and Prayers by Swami Paramanda - Swami Paramananda

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me from petty thoughts and fears.

      Give me understanding that I may come to Thee

      And serve Thee with steadfast devotion and selfless consecration.

      Grant me Thy peace.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      Spirit always conquers. Never be frightened over anything, but hold fast in faith. Nothing can harm us when God is watching.

      Lines to Memorize.

      With Thy strength

      Will I break these fetters

      That bind my ever-free soul.

      If Thou dost grant me strength,

      Thy strength I want, not mine.

      Nay, never my strength I want

      But only Thine—only Thine.


      If you will keep your heart open and steadfast, the great Spirit will not fail you. Life brings discipline to make you nobler and stronger. Nothing is too much for the devotee who looks to God for his strength and protection. Be brave and enduring. The brave heart is invincible.


      Supreme Spirit of the Universe,

      Help me never to forget my Divine nature.

      May I meet all dangers and difficulties with undaunted heart,

      Looking to Thee for guidance and safety.

      Without Thee no victory is possible

      With Thee there can be no failure or defeat.


      Behold the sweet blossom of life, revealing beauty uncreate by mortal hand,

      Not seen by these, our eyes,

      Unsensed by senses;

      Yet seen and felt by the sense of sanctity.

      Holy sanctity, Light of heaven,

      Fill my life with Thy divine radiance.

      Transform my body, my senses and all that is senseless in me.

      Make me Thine own!

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