Books of Daily Thoughts and Prayers by Swami Paramanda. Swami Paramananda

Books of Daily Thoughts and Prayers by Swami Paramanda - Swami Paramananda

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changeable. People who are moody and unsteady afflict themselves and afflict others. If the light goes out, it is not through accident; it is through lack of care. We must never be neglectful. We must be steady; we must be vigilant. We need steadfastness and it comes when our thought is fixed on something which is abiding.


      O Thou Effulgent Spirit!

      May my heart and mind be filled with the light which is divine.

      Remove from me all darkness and unwisdom

      And give me unshakable faith in eternal things.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      Never mind failures. Rise with fresh vigor. Everything is conquered by the giant force of will.

      Lines to Memorize.

      When man casts me down

      God holds me up.

      Seek thou not human aid

      If thou wouldst be sustained by thy Lord.


      It is a great blessing to meet with struggle and opposition; whatever fire there is in us is kindled by these. Life does not mean merely following the softest road, the path of least resistance; it is doing something vital. Hardships and difficulties bring out the best in us and make us strong. He who is the same in pleasure and pain, who is unshaken and steady, he alone lives a fruitful life. It is this which gives us balance and without balance we are always wavering and fitful.


      O Thou Unbounded Spirit of the Universe,

      Make Thy Presence felt in my soul

      That I may realize Thy love and sustaining power.

      Thou art the Giver of all blessing.

      Grant unto me Thy blessing

      That I may be ever conscious of Thy nearness

      And transcend failure, grief and despair.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      Failure is not external. It means something is disordered within.

      Lines to Memorize.

      When Thou art near I am undaunted by fear;

      Life nor death can crush my spirit.

      But in Thine absence when my heart sinks in sadness

      I know not even how to pray,

      I lift my eyes to find Thee;

      My soul suffers nightmares of anguish.


      We are primarily of Spirit. Our real essence is in the Divine. To forget that becomes our greatest failure. Even mistakes are not evil. We learn through mistakes as much as through good deeds. It is not a misfortune to blunder, but it becomes a misfortune when a person broods over his blunder. When we live the life, we get rid of all brooding and despondency. It is when our heart is filled with ambition that we feel defeat and failure. We remain unmoved and undisturbed when it is wholly filled with the Ideal.


      O Thou Mother Divine, make this heart glad.

      Make it hopeful and strong.

      May I go through difficulties and dangers with undaunted courage,

      And may I never lose the sense of

      Thy tender care and loving protection.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      To maintain our equilibrium is the greatest practical wisdom.

      Lines to Memorize.

      Covet not pleasure.

      Shrink not from pain.

      Stand firm on the balancing rod of life.

      He who seeketh pleasure can ne’er escape pain:

      For they are coupled,—the inseparable twins.

      Let thy soul live in tranquil harmony

      Amid pleasure and amid pain.


      When we dwell in the body we are easily agitated. The balance is easily destroyed. But when we dwell in Spirit we maintain our poise. The small-minded man is easily disturbed, but the big man keeps his balance under all circumstances. When we are willing to live or die for our Ideal, we remain calm and poised in all the varying conditions of life.


      O Thou Who art changeless and abiding,

      Grant to me such trust in Thee that I may cross over all difficulties and trials,

      And find absolute peace and quietude.

      Help me to shake off all fear and anxiety

      And rest in the consciousness of Thy protecting Presence.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      It is a great blessing when we are struck. If there is anything in us, the blow will bring it out.

      Lines to Memorize.

      These dark shadow that fall upon the path of my life,

      Causing me sadness, distress and pain:

      I have learned to welcome these through Thy holy grace.

      They show me how I lack wisdom;

      How failing and faltering is my strength.


      Be brave and hold fast. Patience conquers everything in the end. Our moods and feelings are only momentary—they come and go, being fleeting in nature; therefore we must try to endure them and look upon them as a witness. Never tear down your peace and happiness unnecessarily. Never lose faith in yourself. Pray that Mother may make your faith ever stronger and stronger and give you joy, selflessness and true devotion.


      Do Thou, O Eternal One, awaken in me such wisdom

      That I may find safety in Thee alone.

      Grant unto me true fortitude and spiritual strength.

      May I be enduring and unaffrighted by pain and trouble.

      If I fail or stumble, may I always turn to Thee for help,

      And find renewed courage and life in Thy Blessed Presence.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      Stand as a tower of strength.

      Lines to Memorize.

      When I stand alone with Thee on this rock of refuge

      I stand firm and unshakable.

      Without fear or doubt of self

      I gaze upon the valley of life.

      My vision is clear;

      Far and near, present and past

      And all future in the bosom of time

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