Books of Daily Thoughts and Prayers by Swami Paramanda. Swami Paramananda

Books of Daily Thoughts and Prayers by Swami Paramanda - Swami Paramananda

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the midst of the crowd we can have quietude. There is a sense of aloneness in the spiritual life—not loneliness; because we never feel lonely when we have spiritual consciousness within us. We feel the Presence and that Presence seems to give us a sense of aloofness from the turbulence of the world. Loneliness is an interior condition. It does not come from being alone; one can be very lonely when surrounded by many people. That man is never lonely who lives close to God.


      O Thou Unbounded Spirit of the Universe,

      Make me to feel Thy nearness, that my mind may be freed from all doubt and fear.

      May I find Thy Presence everywhere.

      May I perceive Thy beauty and sublimity in all things.

      Give unto me true devotion.

      May I always feel that Thou art my Resting-place,

      My Source of inspiration and joy.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      Never fail to be watchful that you may be ready for the call.

      Lines to Memorize.

      I heard a voice call me at early dawn . . . .

      I stopped and listened;

      I strained my hearing;

      My mind stretched its wings but with no avail.

      Now I have surrendered.

      Come then, O mysterious One!

      Tell me, why didst Thou call me?

      I must know Thy will.


      If we learn to do what is given us with an exalted spirit of consecration, then our actions will bear fruit in abundance. Our life becomes fruitful only when we do things with noble motive. The work itself is neither good nor bad, but the motive which actuates us determines the merit or demerit of every action. The highest motive in all action is when it is inspired by some spiritual Ideal.


      O Supreme Spirit, who abides within all!

      Awaken in my heart a living consciousness of Thee

      That in the midst of all fleeting conditions I may ever remain watchful.

      May I never fail to serve Thee with my whole heart and soul.

      Grant unto me strength, steadfastness and firm faith.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      Be faithful above everything.

      Lines to Memorize.

      My heart is Thy throne, . . . .

      Humility is its pedestal;

      Faith its cornerstone;

      Prayers are its sweet frankincense.

      The lamp of my life will burn day and night

      If Thou wilt come and sit upon this lowly throne.


      Our Ideal may seem very far, very unobtainable. That is the time for us to show courage and strength. Those who show courage and steadfast devotion to their Ideal are bound to succeed. We gain the highest by fulfilling our ordinary tasks and duties. Every duty is a privilege. Every task that comes our way is a blessing. Every time we have a chance to do something for God or His children it should be a great joy.


      O Thou Eternal One! Infill my mind with the light of understanding.

      Grant unto me firm resolution

      That I may follow Thy path with courage that never fails.

      Help me to draw Thee close in my heart.

      Teach me to lean upon Thee wholly and never to seek my own will.

      May Thy peace and blessing rest upon me and upon all living beings.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      Stand like a sentinel guarding a Shrine.

      Lines to Memorize.

      Be brave; be true, and wait!

      How long?

      Who cares how long or how short!

      Time is not our end;

      Time is not our aim;

      Nor waiting, our goal.

      Yet wait and watch;

      For time will bring ripening to thy soul.


      To abide by one’s Ideal necessitates undaunted courage, unfailing vigor, unwavering faith and selfless aspiration. One must be fearless in opposition; in failure one must be undepressed; and in moments of darkness one must have faith. Love of our task must make us forget ourselves and all sense of personal gain and loss.


      O Thou All-compassionate One!

      Grant unto me such a sense of Thy living Presence

      That I shall never fail to consecrate all my thoughts, words and actions unto Thee.

      Make my heart free from all blemish and unloveliness.

      Make me ever loyal and true to Thy service.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      When we reach the threshold of God, of Truth, then alone do we know true joy.

      Lines to Memorize.

      Love of the physical will pass

      As all passing things must follow their course;

      But love of the spiritual will never wane nor die.


      Man is not satisfied; not even when he builds an empire. He is always longing for something deeper, more complete. This we do not find in the outer world. It is deep down in us. We never find any real happiness or the real source of strength until we are able to go down within our own soul. That is where we find God and Divinity. Our possessions, our friends, fail us often; but God who abides within us and who knows our heart, He never fails us. True joy cannot rest on material conditions; it is found only in Infinitude.


      O Lord, Thou art the Goal of my existence,

      Thou art the Refuge for all souls.

      Arouse in me true yearning,

      That through its force I may gain such power of penetration

      That I may perceive Thee in the midst of all things.

      Make my heart sincere, and my prayer simple and fervent.

      Thou art the embodiment of all blessedness.

      Grant unto me Thy loving protection.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      Our real awakening in the spiritual sense takes place when we dedicate our life

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