Books of Daily Thoughts and Prayers by Swami Paramanda. Swami Paramananda

Books of Daily Thoughts and Prayers by Swami Paramanda - Swami Paramananda

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this offering of love to Thy Feet.

      I will cherish my mind

      For it hath brought me thoughts of Thee;

      I will cherish my heart

      For it hath given me vision of Thee;

      And I will crown this life with a crown of bliss

      For it hath brought me to Thy gate.




      He who is ever content and meditative, self-subjugated and possessed with firm conviction, with mind and heart dedicated to Me, he who is thus consecrated to Me is dear to Me.



      Salient Thought for the Day.

      When we choose the spiritual life, we must make it real and vibrant.

      Lines to Memorize.

      We bring Thee our humble hearts.

      No merit have we save our faith in Thine infinite compassion.

      Do Thou make of us Thy tools that at all hours, in work and play,

      We may revolve in Thy safe-keeping.


      When we are imbued with the true spirit of consecration, all our activities are turned into worship. All tasks before us, small and big, become of deep significance. When our heart is thus filled with the consciousness of the ever-living and all-blissful Deity, we no longer feel the weary weight of life.


      O Lord, help me to consecrate my whole life to Thee.

      May I find all my joy in Thy blessed Presence.

      Help me to fasten my heart to eternal Truth.

      Fix my thought on Thee alone.

      May I never fail to look up to Thee and seek Thy holy guidance.

      Fill me and surround me with Thy Divine peace.

      May Thy holy peace reign in my heart and life.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      Represent the Ideal in your life. Let this always be your prayer.

      Lines to Memorize.

      Children of Light, walk in the light;

      Let all darkness vanish from your path!

      Children of Light, let your face shine with love and joy! . . .

      Children of Light, dwell in the light!

      Think of the light and live in the light!


      The world is conquered by that one whose mind rests in his spiritual being. If a man keeps his thought fixed on his lower self, in spite of all his planning and calculating, he will give way to anger, hatred and jealousy, and his face will bear the mark of anger or hatred. If a man has love in his heart, his whole countenance will be shining. If we carry a sense of consecration with us in all we do or say, we become a channel for the Highest, and as a channel our power is unlimited.


      O Thou All-effulgent Spirit,

      I bring Thee my love and humble worship.

      Awaken in me such wisdom that I may seek all my strength and safety in Thee.

      Cleanse my mind from all alien thoughts And make my heart so pure and shining That it will ever reflect Thy Divine radiance and glory.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      Hold fast to the Light, then all will come out right.

      Lines to Memorize.

      Let your life be a perpetual light;

      Your words will scatter sparks of wisdom;

      Your glance of love will penetrate desolate hearts;

      Your song of bliss will rouse all downcast spirits . . . .

      Children of Light, walk in the Light!

      Let all darkness vanish from your path.


      If we keep our mind free, clear and open, then there is no crisis in our life. We must never leave our inner house in darkness; we must ever keep the light of consecration burning there. Where there is light, God comes and no sense-robbers can enter. If we keep our life in harmony, evil will stay far from us. Some people pray only when in trouble. If we pray continually, then when trouble comes, our prayer will go on of itself.


      O Thou Infinite Spirit,

      Kindle my little lamp by Thy great Light

      That I may never walk in darkness.

      In my life may I ever have Thy holy Guidance.

      May Thy Light ever shine upon my path.

      Grant me Thy loving protection.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      We must order our whole life so that we may live close to God.

      Lines to Memorize.

      I walk before thee, and I watch over thee;

      I dwell within thee

      And I surround without thee;

      In darkness I reveal thy path,

      In sadness I lighten thy heart.

      Fear not, nor be distressed;

      I infill all space.

      I am with thee always.


      We must rest our life on the fundamental facts of being. If our life is empty, we must fill it; and more easily we are overthrown. But when we live in the material world, more we become bound and more easily we are overthrown. But when we live in Spirit, nothing can overthrow us. We should never fasten ourselves to the outer world.


      O Lord, I lift my thought and prayer to Thee.

      Reveal unto me Thy protecting and all-absorbing Presence.

      Thou art the embodiment of all blessing.

      Fill my life with holiness and peace.

      Make it fruitful and wholly dedicated to Thy service,

      And may I never forget Thee or turn my face away from Thee.


      Salient Thought for the Day.

      We must always carry with us high and lofty ideals.

      Lines to Memorize.

      My life’s lamp was dim and

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