Scattered Thoughts. Rance A. Robeson Sr.

Scattered Thoughts - Rance A. Robeson Sr.

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lagging, joy grabbing, backstabbing, spreading false lies, because joy in their own lives has been denied; two-faced, living a sad life that is ugly and wasted. They feel anger and sorrow for themselves; so in return, they choose to judge someone else. They only possess jealousy, neglect, no self-respect, so they hate feeling like their own life was a total mistake. They fail to do what it takes to be humble, yet great jealousy equals a bad attitude, self-condemnation, aggravation, frustration, the lack of motivation, low self-esteem inside (due to their false pride); lacking social or educational skill to help them climb life’s valleys and hills.

      Their life potential can never be fulfilled; always excuses, self-abuse, because they refuse to turn their dreams and desires loose. Their personal life is a living hell; it’s tasteless and smells. They fail to put in the work to take away the pain and hurt to rise above the mud and dirt, walking around with their pockets bare and broke, without a dime or a cigarette to smoke. They have lost all hope, just living a sad, miserable life that is a joke. Jealousy is a product of self-doubt and shortcomings, a life filled with slumming, bumming, while their world is crumbling; feeling stuck, always depending on chance or luck, but failing to do the footwork to pick themselves up out of life’s quicksand and muck.

      A hater’s mind is corrupt. All we can do is pray that they find and choose a better way, find peace someday or continue to have hell to pay due to their own selfish ways. Jealousy is the crown of negativity, misery, insecurity. Their minds are small, they refuse to stand tall, their self-determination and confidence has taken a fall. Jealousy should not be a part of anyone’s recipe, pedigree, or legacy. It is a bad disease worse than leprosy, a brain meltdown and vasectomy for those who need psychotherapy.

      Due to their heart and mind overstocked with cancerous jealousy (that is as common as a leaf on a tree or the air that we breathe), haters dish out or give away jealousy for free. Jealous people feel like the world owes them something; that’s why they turn out to be nothing. With know-how and life’s tools, their lives could have been greater; but through dumbness, they turned out to be just another hater. There is no debate that some people…the best thing they do is hate; they are phony, fake, lazy, procrastinate. Their dreams never get out the gate. Their uncomfortable, miserable lives have been put on hold or wait; resentment and envy are their chosen soul mates.

      Their small little brains have been sterilized, neutered, fixed. “Castrate” is their attitude, behavior, and mental state. Jealous haters are cowards and traitors to themselves; no way they can blame anyone else about their sick mental health; always feeling sorry for themselves. They fail to get their lives in tip-top shape or straight, make a way, build or create, only feelings of jealousy and hate for those who are smart, intelligent, humble, good, or great!

      The winners who have learned to put food on their plate with success, they celebrate and refuse to lose or be jealous haters or a lifeless, empty crater. Haters are the phony and fake that focus on everyone else’s shortcomings and mistakes, but there is no debate that haters are subhuman snakes.

      The Clock on the Wall

      Time is the most precious element of human existence. Time should never be wasted but filled with love and persistence. Time is not remorseful but can be resourceful and joyful. It is a known fact that time never goes back. Time is useful, not something worthless we can put on the shelf or rack. Time has many stories about failure and glory. Time lives in the now. We must find a way to create a positive system to take advantage of time somehow. Time waits for no woman or man to make their stand in order to be the best she or he can. Time is always in demand. Time is precious, more valuable than gold; time can give a smart man riches untold.

      Time sends a message: “It’s now or never.” To be successful, we must be smart and clever. Let time be our eternal friend. Success, with time, will take us to places we have never been. We should treat time like family, next of kin. Time is based on space. Time is not in a footrace.

      Time is the alpha-omega. Time has no beginning or end. Time is infinite, unstoppable; in time, everything is possible; time can bring sadness or pleasure, death traps or treasure. As sure as fire is hot, as long as there is dirt, dust, stones, and rocks, time will never stop. Time will never die, decay, or rot. Time marches on into the dawn, singing its fight song called “tick-tock.” In every unpaved country road, street, avenues, or city blocks, or in the country, time tells farmers when it’s time to harvest his crop, tells businessmen when to open their office or shops.

      Time determines on New Year’s Eve in Time Square (New York) when the ball drops. Time’s motto is “In and on with the new and out with the past.” Faith is the only thing in time that will last. Time can go by like a hundred-yard dash. Managing time is our mission and task; if not, life will not develop but crash. Do the math; if you don’t properly use time, you will come in last. Time has no color, shape, but is full of pizzazz. Time sometimes is showcased in an hourglass shaped like a woman’s body. Time is never conceited or snotty. Time is not just about good times and parties; but preparation, dedication, appreciation for time and what time can do for the few who respect time progress or decline.

      Every day is a new day in time as sure as the sun sets and rises. Life is all about what we choose to do with time. Life is short, we have little time to seek and sought. Our dream time should not be wasted in court, because we misbehave and acte out on evil and criminal thoughts. Time is a jewel, a tool not recognized by fools. Time tells us when to rest, slumber, or sleep, when to compete, when to stand up and get on our feet. Time can be sour or sweet, a downfall or unique. Time reveals the strong or the weak.

      The clock on the wall is an indicator of time that tells us when the sun shines or when the moon and stars are bright. When the temperature is cool, warm, cozy (day or night), the clock on the wall predicts the four seasons—winter, spring, summer or fall. Time dictates when bears hibernate or when the birds come out to sing and are on call. The clock on the wall can move fast or slow, tell us when to stand still, come, or go.

      Time also lets us know how much more time do some individuals have left on death row. Time tells us when the morning tide is high or low, when our bank’s interest rates are expected to grow. When do we reap what we sow? The clock or watch is one of mankind’s essential inventions, with good intentions, with Godly intervention that gives positive direction and wards off transgressions.

      Father Time teaches us life’s lessons; the clock on the wall can be a blessing. The clock on the wall is always in its prime; a gift from Holy Divine tells us to remain still in the background or when to swag and shine. Everything has a time, season or reason; a time to live or die; a time to run around; a time to fly; a time to say hello or goodbye. The clock on the wall determines when the rooster crows, when Mother Nature is all aglow, a time to mature and grow with wisdom and knowledge, when it’s time to lead and shine, when it’s time to leave ignorant, childish thoughts and bad behavior far behind.

      All things in time should develop, mature, advance, progress, and positively evolve or die of thirst and starve. The clock on the wall, no matter short, tall, big, or small, affects us all, determines will we walk or crawl? Time should be caressed like an eagle protects its nest. Time should be savored, kept abreast; we must do our very best to invest in time. If time is properly handled, time can bring joy, good times, happiness, peace with understanding with a soft landing.

      Time can clean up any mess if the problem is positively accessed. Time should be a winning process. No intelligent, smart-thinking person should settle for less. The clock on the wall is ticking right now. Time cannot be held hostage or corralled. Let us put our talents, gifts, and blessings on showcase with finesse and style. Do what we need to do in order to progress with positive success. Let us strive to be the best. With hard work, determination, will power, intellectual know-how, laziness, procrastination will not be allowed. Let us be on the prowl, go that extra mile so the clock on the wall will not treat us mean or foul but look at us and smile. We are winners, conquerors, thoroughbreds, and not a weak sheep or cow.

      Let’s play winning ball with the clock on the wall. Time will never stop or fall, never crawl. Time never takes a day off. Time is always on duty and call. Time should be a good thing; no matter if we speak English, French, or Spanish, time is a necessity. Time is essential to our life and

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